I feel the same - although I also saw those decks before Legend. I'm still generally able to reach Legend with one or two highlander decks (that aren't your typical highlander shaman) so I'm happy with that, even if it takes a ton of tech of the OTK and decks that want to climb as fast as possible that don't feel fun.
But every now and then I face a deck I haven't seen before that's new and not seeming like it's trying to cheat (Zergs with Death Growl or Velen + Saronite). Those games make it all worth it.
Librams though I agree are obnoxious. Very hard to counter, other than always keeping their side of the board clear.
That's why I have Kobold Stickyfinger, but if you're facing another control deck, you can choose NOT to play 8 Hands until you have the necessary counters like ETC (which has Kobold). Ultimately it's up to you to play Hakkar, I've lost to my own Bloods too.
You're welcome! Hmm, I seem to get 2/3s and 3/3s. A few times Siltfin Spiritwalker for card draw lol. A pure mana replacement could be Tidal Wave, or as I usually use Grunty to handle 1 or 2 big minions, maybe Siege Tank (which I tried a few times, but ultimately removed as it doesn't damage enemy hero with Shudderblock).
Haha thanks, I'll never abandon it - it is one of the few decks that can reliably beat (almost) every other deck. Just made the final edits with the Dark Beyond - try it now.
I feel the same - although I also saw those decks before Legend. I'm still generally able to reach Legend with one or two highlander decks (that aren't your typical highlander shaman) so I'm happy with that, even if it takes a ton of tech of the OTK and decks that want to climb as fast as possible that don't feel fun.
But every now and then I face a deck I haven't seen before that's new and not seeming like it's trying to cheat (Zergs with Death Growl or Velen + Saronite). Those games make it all worth it.
Librams though I agree are obnoxious. Very hard to counter, other than always keeping their side of the board clear.
Nice deck. I'm thinking of building an Exarch Othaar wizard's deck...
That's why I have Kobold Stickyfinger, but if you're facing another control deck, you can choose NOT to play 8 Hands until you have the necessary counters like ETC (which has Kobold). Ultimately it's up to you to play Hakkar, I've lost to my own Bloods too.
You're welcome! Hmm, I seem to get 2/3s and 3/3s. A few times Siltfin Spiritwalker for card draw lol. A pure mana replacement could be Tidal Wave, or as I usually use Grunty to handle 1 or 2 big minions, maybe Siege Tank (which I tried a few times, but ultimately removed as it doesn't damage enemy hero with Shudderblock).
I think we're already friends on Battle.net but I forget your tag :( DM me here and I'll share it with you in-game
EDIT: Kerrigan with Death Growl is insane.
Artanis is weak.
Jim's still my favorite.
I've tried using Recursive + Virus and Virus + Perfect but ultimately discarded Zilliax as I gotta go all in on the Starship.
Very solid deck and writeup, I've been working ceaselessly for a Wild version and am definitely putting Ethereal Oracle back in.
Yep, I've played with Quasar a few times and it's good but slow. I actually don't like the Shack as these kind of decks need mana to play.
Haha thanks, I'll never abandon it - it is one of the few decks that can reliably beat (almost) every other deck. Just made the final edits with the Dark Beyond - try it now.
Looks like still only you and I have created Wild Starship rogue decks here. I don't use Concoctions in mine but you've found Quasar to be useful?
Finally, was hoping someone would make this. Would suggest Carnivorous Cubicle.
Very interesting conception! Sad to see only 3 decks in Wild using Gravitational Displacer.
Nice deck. I'm also going to make a Starship Rogue deck, but for Wild. N'Zoth can resummon the Starship.
Yay! Glad to hear it :)