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    posted a message on Weird interaction with Dew Process?

    Seems to be only for the opponent, I played guff with dew process and I still drew the right amount of cards a turn.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The Power of Magic - Tavern Brawl #378

    Such a lazy cashgrab brawl, even for a single player one. Based on discovering spells but set in wild with its huge spell pool. Enemy starts 4 mana ahead and your mana cheat minion doesn't  start in hand. Garbage base decks mostly.

    All they wanted was to showcase the skins with as little work as possible, and it seems so obvious. Put an hour more of thought in this and it would've been passable at least. Ridiculous. 

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
  • 1

    posted a message on Vile library is the strongest card in both Standard and Wild formats

    Just cut the base 1-1 buff from library and bump catastrophe by 1 mana, reassess after a while. This kind of one-dimensional deck is really easy to overnerf and wipe out.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Zeddy

    I still watch Zeddy everynow and then, let's not spin around the bush, he's whiny. Either rng, nerf-worthy stuff, even the deck choice of opponents. But that's who he is and that's how he's carved his own slice of the viewership pie, if you don't want to watch him, don't. The fact that he plays every mode for example made me watch him stream duels, which is less popular. 

    My only issue with him is the drama sh*t that tends to follow him on Twitter, he's got 'beefs' regularly with people, gets tiring quite quickly. I assume he learned a bit too much from wrestling.

    Posted in: Streams and Videos
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    posted a message on Fire festival is SO BAD NOW

    Then don't do the quest chain, it's a free cosmetic that not owning doesn't put you behind, what's the issue. How is this crappy thread still going on?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Anima Extracor is OP
    Quote from irhmgg >>
    Quote from JJSawry >>

    Not enough whirlwind effects in standard, is my guess, to support this. Wild has Skipper which is perfect for Extractor turns because you actually empty your hand of minions as you make use of the skipper, board goes wider so most of the buffs land on stuff you don't use to trigger skipper aka the actual buff target.

     you play the new 2 mana spell;Roit i guess, Pyro and dmg minons with cheap spells. this is the combo version 

     Riot triggers once per minion, seems more like an ETC combo card than an extractor combo. Extractor probably needs whirlwind effects to create big buffs. 

    Posted in: Warrior
  • 0

    posted a message on Anima Extracor is OP

    Not enough whirlwind effects in standard, is my guess, to support this. Wild has Skipper which is perfect for Extractor turns because you actually empty your hand of minions as you make use of the skipper, board goes wider so most of the buffs land on stuff you don't use to trigger skipper aka the actual buff target.

    Posted in: Warrior
  • 1

    posted a message on Would a 40 card deck limit be better for Hearthstone?

    The size of expansions is linked to that base 30 card deck. If you want 40 cards all the time they'd have to make larger expansions to provide enough cards. Just look at Renathal decks having to run crappy cards quite a bit to hit the 40 right now.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Stag Charge

    Qhunter is already strong in standard, and this will help even more, the dormants will end up as targets for your own minion-targeted spells when enemies don't develop.

    Posted in: Stag Charge
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    posted a message on Widowbloom Seedsman

    So ramp, nature tutor and a 3-2 for 4 mana?  This is ridiculous.

    Posted in: Widowbloom Seedsman
  • 1

    posted a message on Recycling Nethrandamus to milk an expansion.

    Is this your first HS year? This happens all the time, and this is even a happy circumstance, because they built a theme around it, with extended support, literally turned it into a keyword. Not sure why you're arguing that is a bad thing.

    There will be always be some overlap, but infuse doesn't sell the expansion by itself. You just sound like another doomsayer that this game has seen for so long, asking for a revolution because they reprinted a card.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Kel'thuzad-Frost-Naga Mage

    Archetype seems like another 'control' deck with a ramping damage win condition, not excited about this again, it's so reliant on a good draw/curve to have the strong plays lined up.

    Deck seems fine, Holmes is probably a whiff tho, seems sweet at first but having to nail all 3 clues to get anything probably makes it insanely unreliable.

    Also running double wildfire might be worthwhile, considering the spell schools you got, the fact you play nagas and Varden?

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on My Disappointment Is Immeasurable And My Day Is Ruined

    I mean there's the neutral 8drop colossus that would kill 6 minions when triggered on turn played etc, plus whatever DRs they add, there is potential, not sure if it will be enough with the expected overall powerspike.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Sinstone Graveyard
    Quote from Jazzfan1971 >>

    Seems like if you go second with this you will just win.  So aggro, so early.

    Edit:. Nevermind, I was thinking this could be used 3 times.  Not as scary as I thought.

     It wouldn't matter, by the time you get to use it a third time you already pushed for two miracle turns, you're out of stuff and it's late in the game, remember locations have a cool down too, durability here is probably not relevant. It definitely will be annoying, at least old Eddy could be targeted. Time to die to a 16-16 with stealth on turn 3-4. There will be even more Starfish in the meta.

    Posted in: Sinstone Graveyard
  • 0

    posted a message on My Disappointment Is Immeasurable And My Day Is Ruined

    If you've played standard a bunch lately you've surely died to bomb rogue a couple of times, it doesn't need more triggers while the Graveyard objective is in standard, DR rogue with any more support would probably be oppressive right now, even with 40hp, the thing that tones it down in the first place.

    I'm guessing the DR druid support is them trying to help ramp druid early game without giving them removal and specifically big removal. Trying to encourage location+kodo, and later location+colaque, to get you to develop board with taunt while also gaining armor, is my guess.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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