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    posted a message on Revival of classic Shadowform Priest?

    I also used to play shadowform and it was one of my favorite decks. It functions best as an attrition / fatigue deck since you use the hero power to get a lot of extra value per turn.

    Three big problems, though. Priest fatigue won't work that well since our best board clear is currently psychic scream, which works against that goal. Secondly, minion powercreep has gotten to the point that a three damage hero power isn't what it used to be. Spiteful decks and cube / control locks both cheat out huge minions very early in the game. Third, most of the cards that synergized with it were Naxx cards. 




    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on I don't think the issue with cubelock is the minion cheating/cubes


    Quote from Sykomyke >>


    Quote from Ixoziel >>


    Quote from kwikill >>

    The solution I often see and really like is put Doomguard's charge on its battlecry.

     What's the point of nerfing the classic set, especially when that card hasn't really been a problem until now? Furthermore, Control Lock often doesn't even use doomguards yet it's still a t1 deck. The problem is NOT doomguard. It's the mechanics that not only allow you to cheat out doomguards, but voidlords as wel. 
     Because many people don't really care if a lock player cheats out Voidlords.  The only stategy that gets screwed over by cloning voidlords is SMorc decks, and maybe a few fringe midrange decks that just don't have enough threats to punch threw.  Everything else has the tools/skill necessary to kill multiple voidlords.
    The problem as mentioned multiple times now in this thread is that Charge is a BAD mechanic.  It's consistently been nerfed time and time again because the community constantly proves that it looks for the most OP charge cards at the time and uses it to circumvent counterplay.
    Right now the two biggest offenders of this charge non-interactive gameplay are Quest Rogue and Cubelock.  Cubelock's deck allows it a huge flexibility in what it wants to try and dupe/cheat out.
    Up against aggro?  Clone voidlords.  Up against control?  Clone doomguards.  They don't really have a bad matchup which is why they are so popular right now, except for maybe against the #2 deck...that's right....QUEST ROGUE!   Hope you like getting OTK'd from 30 health behind taunts!  Maybe you'll survive if your entire deck is taunts, but even then it's unlikely.  Seriously I've seen rogues do 35 damage from hand yesterday in a match.  (I had 2 taunts up).  
    The problem IS doomguard.  Cheating out demons was BY DESIGN (See Lackey or Skull).  The problem is that some of those demons are overly powerful when combined with things like Zola, Cube, Dark Pact, Umbra, etc.  
    The best way to counter this as mentioned was if the Charge mechanic was tied to the battlecry.  Cheating out a 5/7 isn't bad,  and it would probably still be used considering it's one of the better demons out there, but if they want Charge, they gotta discard.  It's that simple.  
    I know you want to fight back and say "nuh uh, if that's the case then they wouldn't have made the cheat out cards!".  And again, wrong.  Doomguard is classic.  It was designed originally with the classic card pool in mind.  Back then there were no "duplicate" or cheating cards.  So it was perfectly balanced.  Now it's not.  Sorry but Blizzard isn't infallible, they make mistakes and make poor balance decisions sometimes.  
     I'm going to focus on this part:
    "The problem IS doomguard.  Cheating out demons was BY DESIGN (See Lackey or Skull).  The problem is that some of those demons are overly powerful when combined with things like Zola, Cube, Dark Pact, Umbra, etc.  "
    Being by design doesn't exempt it from being a problem. The design IS the problem. Doomguard's drawback is that you have to discard two cards just to use it. This makes it extremely unreliable if you can't cheat it out. If you're going for burst it's STILL more reliable to do it with Leeroy, because it not only does more damage but it opens up other options like Leeroy / Soulfire that you can't do due to Doomguard's discard.  
    Being able to cheat out these minions also lets you totally ignore this discard.
    Regardless of how much you "care" the non-Doomguard deck is just as good because it abuses the same mechanics. I certainly care about it. I also care about being able to cheat out huge minions with spiteful. Doomguard doesn't bother me any more OR less than these methods. Are they just never going to make powerful demons for the next two years because of Skull / Lackey / Cube? Because if you want to just nerf Doomguard that's the path they will have to take or otherwise it will be the same song with a few different notes. 
    "The only stategy that gets screwed over by cloning voidlords is SMorc decks, and maybe a few fringe midrange decks that just don't have enough threats to punch threw.  Everything else has the tools/skill necessary to kill multiple voidlords."
    Clearly you haven't played against control Warlock so you don't know what they do. Obviously they're not a threat to control decks. They're not the threat, they're the method that control warlocks use buy time. They use Rin to destroy your deck instead while cheating out vast numbers of walls so you can't win in time. 
    This type of deck used to be kept in check by OTK / spell combo decks like Freeze mage or Razakus priest but the only thing that comes close to that is mindblast priest these days. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on I don't think the issue with cubelock is the minion cheating/cubes


    Quote from kwikill >>

    The solution I often see and really like is put Doomguard's charge on its battlecry.

     What's the point of nerfing the classic set, especially when that card hasn't really been a problem until now? Furthermore, Control Lock often doesn't even use doomguards yet it's still a t1 deck. The problem is NOT doomguard. It's the mechanics that not only allow you to cheat out doomguards, but voidlords as wel. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard needs to free us from our shackles

     I like it. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Does Hearthstone need more Board Clears?

    Other than Warlock, yes. I would like to see Priests get lightbomb or dragonfire potion in their standard set. Their baseline AOE is completely awful. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Which Hunter Do You Enjoy Most?

    Toki / tess. Other two felt bland and generic. Crowley is only fun when you get good cannon treasures, otherwise it's totally useless. Houndmaster felt out of place because it was such a generic hunter. 

    Posted in: Monster Hunt
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    posted a message on I don't think the issue with cubelock is the minion cheating/cubes

    I would disagree. Dark Pact is problematic and probably overtuned but the mana cheating is still a problem. You can't be expected to run multiple silences just to have a prayer against one deck. 

    Cubelock isn't the only deck that's mana cheating. Another deck does it too. Spiteful decks are as powerful as they are for a reason.

    The current meta comes from witchwood being underpowered and from more recent expansions having these ridiculous mana cheats and / or overpowered cards. KOTFT, as much as I loved it, had a ton of broken stuff. 




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    posted a message on When you spectate your friend and find them playing Cubelock...

    The problem isn't Doomguard. The problem comes from cheating out Doomguard / Voidlord without paying their manacosts / penalties. Same deal with spiteful summoner. It's not the minions it summons that are problematic, it's how it's summoning those minions. I didn't include skull because it's already a delayed effect that does nothing if you have ooze. 


    Blizz just needs to admit their mistakes and nerf lackey / cube / spiteful. It really is that simple. These cards don't need to be DESTROYED, just nerfed. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Less than 2 weeks into Witchwood and I'm bored.

    Problem is that the last two expansions before Witchwood (especially KOTFT) had huge powercreep to the point that those two expansions were the most popular cards in most decks. Witchwood was very, very weak though. The end result is that the meta continues to be dominated by KOTFT / Catacombs decks. Priest for example lost a ton of its really good spells (along with Raza . . .) so the best option remains spiteful. Druid has now become the same. Warlock lost basically nothing and aggro paladin got new options.

    I think the biggest problem is that the cards with powerful win conditions (Shudderwock, Tess, Lady in White[if it didn't suck]) are bound by class for the most part. With Old Gods, all the old gods were neutral but they all offered strong win conditions.  With Mean Streets, there were tri-class cards. These expansions gave a ton of flexibility when building decks. Baku and Greymane are "ok" but they're mostly there just to slap into tweaked versions of existing archetypes. They don't really bring anything new to the table, you just get free starting Justicar for restricting your deck. 

    Unfortunately I don't think the problem is easily solvable without sweeping changes so I probably won't be playing much until the next expansion. Hopefully it's better. How Blizzard didn't see this coming is beyond me. Pretty much everyone predicted that Witchwood was weak and that cubelock / aggro paladin would remain dominant. 


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard and Hearthstone: Is the Future going to be good?

    Judging by the last two expansions, no. If they can go back to the quality of Ungoro and KOTFT then maybe it will look better. 

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Asus ROG, MSi, or Alienware for a versatile gaming/work laptop

    I would highly recommend a Sager. Sager is a company that basically mods CLEVO laptops for gaming.  I've purchased three from them over the years and have never been disappointed. You can get the same specs that an alienware has for far less money and the build quality is also better (I have two friends that have purchased Alienwares in the past so I have a comparison point). 

    They're not too well known but they're sold by xoticpc and other gaming websites. 

    Posted in: General Chat
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