I'll be honest. I have piloted this deck from rank 12 to 6 in a couple of days. When it's on it is really tough in this meta. Bloodclaw does work when things all fall in to place early, but it definitely becomes a dead draw late, especially in close games when you can't afford to give up that 5 health.
I like your Dread Corsair idea and I'm going to test it out and I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for an awesome deck!
The Echo change should be implemented next year after the rotation of all Echo cards. All Echo cards in standard are performing perfectly fine and now they are getting nerfed for no reason.
Also, will they revert the change of Reckless Experimenter?
So it's confirmed that the Darkglare nerf is for wild actually. Seems like their design philosophy about standard and wild really changed a lot nowadays then...
Having overload 1 isn't really a downside for it since you can follow Cumulo-Maximus next turn with 5 mana or combo with Vessina played last turn.
This card is more similar to Goblin Blastmage than Flamewaker.
Seems like most odd decks will be willing to put this into their deck.
Even decks auto include.
Note that if you have no removal in your hand, you can play Giants with this card the same turn and your opponent will have nothing to deal with them. This shenanigans have potential to actually bring new competitive decks to wild in my opinion.
Wild Pyromancer which triggers after the spell also won't be triggered after summoned by Oaken Summons, so both whenever and after won't trigger when summoned during the process.