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    posted a message on [S28 Top 5 EU Legend] Midrange Shaman

    Should be good against aggro. Doomhammer is fine as long as there aren't many Harrisons around. With 2x Argent Squire consider adding Bloodlust, unless you meet tons of Zoolocks. Bloodlust is super bad against Zoolock.

    Posted in: [S28 Top 5 EU Legend] Midrange Shaman
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    posted a message on [S28 Top 5 EU Legend] Midrange Shaman

    Glad to hear it! At first I had some trouble adjusting it to the meta this season, but now I think it works very well, so I'm happy with the current version.

    Congratulations on becoming Legend!

    Posted in: [S28 Top 5 EU Legend] Midrange Shaman
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    posted a message on [S25 Legend] Midrange Shaman

    Wow, that's awesome. Congratulations!

    Posted in: [S25 Legend] Midrange Shaman
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    posted a message on [S25 Legend] Midrange Shaman

    Zoo is a tricky matchup. You basically have to use two different strategies depending on the situation.

    When you're ahead, try to remove everything they put on the board to keep it that way. Play fast and do whatever it takes to build the most threatening board you can. F.e. if it means using Hex on a minion that is maybe not Hex target Nr. 1, just because you have no better way to deal with it and it fits the curve, then do so. Once you have a big board the zoolock has no chance of a comeback anyway.

    When you're behind, just try to remove the most threatening minions and hope for a comeback with Lightning Storm while keeping the Zoolock busy trading. Use Lightning Storm in a moment when it can change the game (unless you have to use it for mere survival). It can change the game when it removes (practically) everything from their board and when you can put some of your own minions on the board that can deal with their next wave of minions, or when they can't refill their board because their hand is empty.

    Posted in: [S25 Legend] Midrange Shaman
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    posted a message on Totem Shaman! (S24)

    The combination of Troggs and Chows is quite common, because Midrange Shamans profit a lot from early board-advantages. Cheap minions allow them to make good trades with Flametongue, Rockbiter and Bloodlust. I suggest checking out some Midrange Shaman lists of pros like Thijs, Amnesiac or Pinpingho before claiming what is and what is not "generally accepted".

    Posted in: Totem Shaman! (S24)
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    posted a message on Goodbye Testing

    No, forget Al'Akir. Take Sea Giant to replace Sneed. Sea Giant with Windfury... :D


    You can see the deck I used at the end of the video.

    Posted in: Goodbye Testing
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    posted a message on Goodbye Testing

    Healing your opponent doesn't matter at the start of the game. As a midrange shaman you want to establish a board first of all. Once you have the board you can snowball to victory with Bloodlust etc. Zombie Chow gives a very strong start on the board, and with so many cards that buff minions it's good to have a minion on the board that you can buff as early as possible. But then it depends what you want: If you want a good deck, use Zombie Chows. If you want a deck that you like and you don't like Zombie Chows, then don't use them. You could also remove one of the Stormforged Axes if you want to keep both Shattered Sun Clerics.

    Against Freeze Mage you need to be aggressive. Bloodlust is a key card in this matchup. Using Loatheb after Alexstrasza can win the game. Against priest and Renolock don't over-extend the board. Being empty-handed after they destroy your board is very uncomfortable, so make sure you keep some minions in your hand. But I agree that Freeze mage, priest and Renolock are not the best matchups for midrange shaman.

    I'm not a fan of heals in midrange shaman decks, but if you meet an insane amount of Face hunters, consider adding some card that heals (Vitality Totem / Healing Wave / Antique Healbot). At my rank (currently rank 3) there are by far not enough face hunters to justify a heal in my deck, but maybe it's different at your rank.

    Another card to consider (apart from Azure Drakes as said) would be Al'Akir. But I think Zombie Chow is the card that would empower this deck the most.

    Posted in: Goodbye Testing
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    posted a message on Goodbye Testing

    Hi Klekle. I'm also a passionate midrange shaman player and have reached legend as such. Having both Kel'Thuzad and Sneed seems too slow to me. I suggest replacing one of them plus one of the Shattered Sun Clerics with 2 x Zombie Chow to have a minion that you can play on turn 1. I think in a deck with Nerubians and Windfury you should have two Rockbiters and not just one, so I suggest replacing the Lightning Bolt with a 2nd Rockbiter. Azure Drakes are good to draw cards and improve the Lightning Storm, so if you find a place for Azure Drake, I can highly recommend it.

    Posted in: Goodbye Testing
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