Next legendary of shaman this expansion :
A 4/4 treant (7cost) ; if you played a secret last turn, for the rest of the game your demons become pirates. (overload 2)
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Its just ridiculous at this point how a control card is used in every single aggro deck to deal 8dmg to your face. Like its not even funny anymore how every game aggro decks use a 9 mana card to finish you off. At this point the card needs desperately a nerf if this keeps going
Thats why Murloc shaman is not as good as expected. Not because the cards are bad but because 1 board clear is pretty much game over for Murloc shaman.
Its normal its an official achievement now to have all Murlocs so you get another one I just dusted it
Play this in warrior and let your opponent draw the bomb....
Gimme Gimme
Holy shit you have the Deathrattle synergy and you have the Elemental synergy. Amazing revive target for Nzoth or copy deathrattle effects. This is definetly a card better than khartut for sure.
Otk ? good one especially since old Malygos is gone. People really have no idea here about the game
Nope Shaman has important frost and fire spells that do not benefit from Nature Spell power cards. It makes things a lot worse
Specific type of spell power? That is such a massiv mistake. They literally copy the super duper trash spell type mechanic from wow classic what is already annoying af.
The most simple reason why Tickatus needs to go is it makes an entire old god useless and that should never be the case. Old gods are the main thing about the expansion and blizzard wanted them to all work. So even from blizzards stand point the card def needs to go cause Tickatus sabotages their own card desgine. Also every idiot can get rank 1 legend by milling someones deck instead of actually having to play against that deck. Thats why milling was always the same as charge. You completely ignore what your opponent does what leads to non interactive games where people ignore each others strategy instead of having to use their brain to beat it. The only way you even have a chance against Tickatus is to hard tech against it what would be foolish cause every matchup that is not warlock would make these cards useless. I played tickatus warlock for a while now and i pretty much never lost against control in like a 100 games. The only thing you lose to is aggro for obv reasons.