Quote from latinvampire >>Like crap because I wasn't expecting such shit tier cards to be played by a real human being.
I don't get this community. People whine when they lose to meta decks and they whine when people use off-meta cards to beat them.
This is the most impactful set of nerfs we've seen in a while... Maybe ever! I can't even imagine how the meta is going to change. Rise of even shaman maybe?
Definetly Zilliax, anyone who says ysera plays too much big priest.
If you are correct, this is one of the most intricate expansion teaser pictures yet.
Mechanically, this change is completely unnecessary, as it is tailored for an interaction with only one specific card; but as for flavor, it makes no sense why a flare would reveal hidden minions, but not hidden heroes, so I think a change would be nice.
2017: I hate that I have to tryhard to get a good rank at the end of the season.
2018: I hate that I don't have to tryhard to get a good rank at the end of the season.
Like seriously, what do you want?
All decks have counters and there is nothing you can do about that. Just stick to one deck and with enough practice you'll make it.
Wow these solutions are a lifesaver, I was having so much trouble with Puzzle #1.
For no.1 the solution I had was playing Taldaram on your dinomancer, the kidnapping your own dinomancer, and playing soulfire to discard your dinomancer and then when taldaram dies he gets you a dinomancer, and you can keep trading your dinomancer into the sea giants until the last one where you silence your dinomancer and finish the last giant.
I believe this is the intended solution, because it is the only one I have seen where you need your silence.
got millhouse in my pack...
1. Un'Goro, 2. WotOG, 3. Witchwood, 4.Naxx 5.KFT, 6. Blackrock Mountain, 7. LOE, 8. GVG, 9. K&C, 10. Kharazan, 11. TGT, 12.MSoG
As much as I would love to put KFT at number 1, I will never forget how incredibly popular, powerful and oppressive jade druid was during that time. The top spot goes to Un'Goro for successfully creating a new, fresh and very diverse meta.