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    posted a message on This odd and even deck idea is great and all, but...

    I have to disagree with folks who aren't excited about this type of play. It's still early, and I could end up being wrong, but it really feels like the Odd/Even thing opens up interesting ways to play different classes:

    Odd Priest: Glitter Moth along with the upgraded hero power opens up a new way to get value out of getting value out of Inner Fire in a tempo deck without relying on it as your sole, OTK win condition, and it opens up shenanigans with Void Ripper similar to Confuse during the brief spike in OTK Priest before last year's rotation.

    Odd Druid: Gloom Stag is massively overstated taunt. Along with the upgraded hero power and tools like Earthen Scales, Naturalize, and Lesser Jasper Spellstone, Druid is shaping up have a taunt archetype for an attrition style similar to the old Control Warrior style of play.

    Even Shaman: Murkspark Eel and the 1 cost hero power (along with Flametongue Totem and Primalfin Totem) give you a lot of board flood and early board control power, but prevent you from running Bloodlust, so Even Shaman can look a lot like an old Shaman deck, but with a new win condition.

    *Odd Mage has been teased a bit with Black Cat, but so far I haven't found that particular card super compelling. I think it could be a useful cycle tool in an Odd Big Spell Mage deck, but there hasn't been enough revealed for me to be confident that the upgraded hero power can get you through the early turns, or that the cycle on the cat is enough to make the deck move.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Minion - Murkspark Eel

    Murkspark Eel is obviously a really great tool akin to Medivh's Valet and could be great in a Totem focused tempo or aggro deck with Genn Greymane. I've seen a few people say that the loss of Bloodlust in "Even Shaman" would mean the board swarm would be pointless, but I like of a Shaman board flood deck that doesn't use the same old win condition.

    "Even Shaman" will still have access to strong cards like Flametongue Totem and board building cards like Kobold Hermit and Primalfin Totem, and could use Murmuring Elemental to turn Murkspark Eel into a strong mid-game tempo play. Maybe "Even Elemental Shaman" could work as the win condition in place of Bloodlust. It would have this and cards like Fire Elemental for tempo swings, and Kalimos, Primal Lord or some Grumble, Worldshaker combo to finish the game.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Druid Minion - Gloom Stag

    I love this card. For starters, 5 mana 4/8 taunt is so good that it actually makes you question (even if only for a second) whether or not it's worth not running Spreading Plague and Ultimate Infestation.

    Beyond the sheer power level of this card, it's great that a viable "Odd Druid" deck would mean not running a lot of the classic druid cards that have been staples in Druid for a long time - you'd really see something fresh for a change. You'd still have access to some ramp (and they may add more odd ramp), and while the powered up hero power from Baku the Mooneater may not be as good as the eventual Malfurion the Pestilent hero power, it's still a good way to control the early game and quickly upgrade Lesser Jasper Spellstone.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Priest Minion - Glitter Moth

    I really like Glitter Moth. When I started thinking about how Baku the Mooneater might fit into a Priest deck, I immediately thought about Inner Fire because the more powerful hero power makes it easier to keep high health minions healthy and turn that HP into attack. Historically it's been relevant only as an OTK with Divine Spirit, but with something like this, maybe it could be leveraged as more of a tempo play or finisher within a tempo based Inner Fire deck. I'm very excited to see the way the Odd/Even aspects can change the way we play/think about old archetypes.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on How to counter Controlock as Dude Pally?

    I've been playing a lot o Dude Paladin lately, and the sad truth is that the only way to win that match up is with good luck and Tarim. You can tech for the match with Spellbreaker, but at the end of the day there's only so much you can do because they have so much healing.

    It's much more important in that match up to get divine shield minions into play early and to have Rallying Blade available to buff them and make Defile harder for your opponent.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Why moving ice block to the hall of fame is a terrible idea.


    Quote from SlydE >>


    5: Introducing tech cards is a much better option
    We have Kezan Mystic and Eater of Secrets, but IMO, introducing more and better tech cards against secrets is a much better option than moving Ice Block to Hall of Fame. There are other more creative ways to play against Ice Block like Curse of Rafaam too, and there is much to be explored!

    I disagree with several of your points (and actually think points 1 and 4 are inconsistent with each other), but I think this is the idea that's most problematic. TL;DR - secrets aren't in enough classes, so any secret tech card will not activate often and end up being super weak. The only alternative is to print a tech card without significant drawbacks, which ruins all secrets just to make teching against Ice Block feasible.
    In general, tech cards need to have a downside. For example, Hungry Crab is a terrible card when your opponent doesn't run murlocs, and as a result has seen a lot more play in Hunter (where the downside can be mitigated) than other classes even when murlocs are prolific in the meta. Kezan Mystic and Eater of Secrets are both understated (Eater especially so), which is a big downside if you're playing against a deck that doesn't run secrets.
    The downsides when the tech isn't triggered are what prevent tech cards from being too oppressive. That's part of why Golakka Crawler was so good when pirates were everywhere - it's downside was just a vanilla stat line, making it a far more powerful tech card than the comparable Hungry Crab.
    Secrets are only a core element of three classes, Paladin only runs them through Hydrologist, and even though Rogues have some secrets now, they see very little play. So, odds are pretty good this tech card will only activate against Hunter and Mage, which means that in most games you're stuck with a bad card. Blizzard could print the Golakka Crawler of secret tech - a tech card so well stated that it could be run in any deck - but then you'd have a tech card that would be run in every deck (just like Crawler), and it would oppress much more reasonable secrets than Ice Block.
    That's why Ice Block is so dangerous. It unlocks unfairly powerful plays, and you're stuck either ruining a core element of three classes with OP tech, or printing secret tech too weak to see play against Ice Block unless other secret decks are massively prolific in the meta (over 50% of the meta). That just isn't going to happen, so tech is not a good answer to Ice Block.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Dudedin (awful name, amazing deck)
    Quote from Gunnolf >>

    With Level Up! printed, I am surprised it wasn't a thing sooner considering that the deck has really been prevalent in wild for a while and the main missing combo piece for standard was a Quartermaster like effect!

    I think it wasn't a thing sooner because a) it is very weak against Warlock AOE and Voidlord, b) it was often too slow against Tempo Rogue because the rogue hero power is so good for early trades on recruits, and c) it couldn't contend with Raza Priest AOE (especially Psychic Scream). There's an unusually small amount of AOE being played right now - Warlock has a lot, and Priest sometimes has AOE, but there are enough classes in the meta that don't run any that Dude Paladin's board flood strategy can be very effective.
    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Ranked Play new star system and not losing stars at a certain rank

    I'm having a hard time finding the source, but the ranked floors are unchanged.

    Edit - Here it is, a tweet from Ben Brode: https://twitter.com/bdbrode/status/956597453716795397

    Posted in: General Discussion
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