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    posted a message on [POLL] Should Naga Giants be Nerfed?

    I think we should have a poll on the question will polls on a fan site will ever be looked at by Blizzard.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on me, the idiot that I am, crafted the hunter dk

    A DK is icing on the cake. They can enhance a good deck, and maybe make a half way decent deck playable. So unless you have a stellar deck you want to craft a DK for save your cards and dont dust.

    The Rexxar DK is strong, but it needs a good deck to go with it, most midrange hunter decks will do. I would also caution against massive zombeasts. High mana count ones really limit you on what cards you can play with them. I try to shoot for about 6 mana. They are usually quite good and you can still play other cards with them in the later stages of the game.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Ticking Abomination: Why do people automatically write it off as a joke card or troll?

     I have a feeling that the Abomination card would also fit into a warrior fatigue deck. Its a taunt, so they have to hit it, but its deathrattle of 2 damage to everything would be useful to help wipe out the opponents minions in agro decks.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Need help improving deck

    Alright, here we go:

    Since midrange Hunter is a deck that has a lot of viable cards that can be switched depending on the situation I'm going to list all useful cards according to their importance

    Absolutely necessary cards:

    These cards should probably be in every Midrange Hunter deck. this doesn't mean that you NEED to craft them, but they pretty much fit into every variation of the deck you can think of

    Savannah Highmane, Houndmaster, Kill Command, Crackling Razormaw, Kindly Grandmother, Eaglehorn Bow, Deathstalker Rexxar

    Secondary Cards:

    These card are usually good or even great cards, but aren't always necessary or useful. They can be switched out in order to put in tech cards against specific matchups. When switching cards, try to replace them with ones that have similar effects or mana costs:

    Alley Cat, Jeweled Macaw, Fiery Bat, Scavenging Hyena, Rat Pack, Freezing Trap, Trogg Beastrager, Deadly Shot, Hunter's Mark, Dispatch Kodo, Corpse Widow, Tundra Rhino, Infested Wolf, Swamp King Dred, Nesting Roc, Dire Wolf Alpha, Ravasaur Runt, Vicious Fledgling, Bittertide Hydra, Bonemare

    Optional Cards:

    These cards are optional, in the sense that they can be really good agaisnt some decks but are practically useless against others

    Hungry Crab, Golakka Crawler, Call of the Wild, Bearshark, Stitched Tracker, Unleash the Hounds, Explosive Trap, Cat Trick, Flare

    Basically, with this list you should be able to get an idea of which Hunter cards are useful.

    As a general rule, avoid neutral cards that aren't beasts /except for Bonemare, which is too good not to use) and try to keep your 1- and 2-drops at a moderate amount. Too many low-cost minions will cause you to lose game that go beyond turn 7, while having too few of them could mean that you earlygame is too weak and you just lose against any aggressive deck. You should also avoid minions that don't have decent base stats or are too reliant on synergy to be good (for example,Stubborn Gastropod, is pretty good in combination with Rhino and can help in a few other situations but as a 2-drop it'S relatively weak.

     I like the separation into 3 segments. I would change a couple of things.
    1. Alley Cat and Jeweled Macaw. I would place them into must haves for the deck, if not them than at least 2 other 1 drops. Hunter does poorly coming back on the board. It is almost essential to have a 1 drop to keep tempo. Ally cat is good because it gives you 2 minions, and jeweled Macaw because of its card generation. I might also put Hyena into group 1 depending on the deck.
    2. I would likely place Bearshark and Unleash the hounds in group 2. Bearshark is hard to kill because it cant be targeted by spells or hero powers. Unleash the hounds can help ramp up a hyena and win you games or add that one damage that may clear a dangerous enemy minion.
    3. I would likely put Trogg into the bottom tier. While it buffs, its not that great.
    As for the DK, its a ton of fun. Not the strongest DK, but it is useful if you can get charge, poison, or taunt on a zombeast. I would be careful about building, as one of the drawbacks is the mana cost. It can limit you doing other things if you keep making 8 and 9 drop beasts.
    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Craft 1 Legendary or 4 Epics

    DK's are the icing on the cake. If you have a good deck that wins, a DK can increase the number of games you win. If you have a less than stellar deck, the DK wont help much. If the epics will make your main deck stronger, I would make them. With the upcoming druid nerf, you may not need Skulking Geist to stop jade druid.

    If you like weird decks, the hunter dk would be the one I would make if I was going to create a DK. I have one and I dont win a ton with it, but its a blast to play creating weird combo beasts.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on pls fix broken fcking priest - for the love of god

    I see a problem with Highlander, a little less with Big Priest, and none at all with nzoth quest priest.

    1. Highlander priest is very non interactive and if they get Raza on curve, or heck at any time its hard to win. All they need is Raza and the DK. The only way to win is pray that Raza is at the bottom of the deck and hit them in the face a ton.
    2. Big Priest can be beaten if you have some silence and The black Knight. Hit them in the face as much as possible. But if they get Barnes on curve and he brings up obsidian statue its going to be a hard to win game.
    3. Nzoth quest priest can be beaten if you have some silence and The black Knight. Hit them in the face as much as possible. Its the easiest of the three to win against.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Free Arena
    Quote from Nowayouthere >>

    Create an alias account, play on the same server, do all the starting quests, gives you plenty of money.

    Repeat if daily quests+rewards still aren't enough for you:)

     Ill second this, if you have the extra time. It allows you to experiment without hurting your main account. I started out playing and made ton of mistakes in the first month. So I made another account and the first one because a f2p test bed. I have lots of spare time and it also lets me look at where I would be if I didnt spend money on the preorder for expansions. Needless to say, not very far.
    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Will the community ever stop complaining?
    Quote from Hooghout >>
    Is this all you can come up with. Really? Being multiple legend. What a waiste.
     Waste? What a great word, waste.
    1. Your wasting your time complaining on a fan site Blizzard likely rarely sees and will also likely never read a word you type out.
    2. I understand when I am wasting my time. Trying to make someone see they are wasting their time when they are stuck in a time wasting mode is a waste of time.
    3. I have better things to do than play who makes the last post. Continue to waste your time doing it with others if you want.
    4. You have gained nothing, won nothing, and will likely continue to waste your time by posting here in this thread.
    5. Get a life, and get a spellcheck addon.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Will the community ever stop complaining?
    Quote from Hooghout >>
    Quote from AxletheBeast >>
    Quote from Wrathian >>
    Quote from Hooghout >>
    Quote from IDBY >>
    Quote from Wrathian >>

    You do understand that when people complain it's because they care about the game and wants to make it better right?


    That is a overreaching opinion. Perhaps some want to make the game better. Some on the other hand just want to remove cards/decks they cant seem to win against. There will always be a best deck, always be cards that are hard to win against. Thats the nature of a card game. The challenge is to build a better deck and win more.
     Well that is a self defeating argument. You accept bad card design just by arguing to build a better deck and win more. So you close your eyes to poor design quality because you get your winfix anyway. Good for you, but bad for the game. Its like the rich don't give a damn about social justice, because they are the winners anyways. The nature of card game-rhetoric is what Brode wants you to believe in order that they don't have to step up to do a better job. 
     He didn't say to accept anything; he said tons of people complain just because they don't like things, NOT because the things are actually a problem. Balancing is needed, but just because some players hate certain cards doesn't mean they're bad for the game.
    His point about the natural fluctuation of the meta based on decks beating other decks is very real, and even in a healthy meta certain decks come out on top (to be beaten by teching or deckbuilding against them... and those decks are then beat by teching/deckbuilding against them). There is no way to balance a game so everything is viable; that does not exist or at least is nigh-impossible to reach and certainly impossible to maintain while still adding new cards.
    Besides a set came out recently and nothing's settled yet; why is everyone sitting around complaining about "the state of the game" when there ISN'T a static state to this game at the moment? We're still learning how to use the new cards.
    Quote from IDBY>>
    4. You take what the game gives you and use it as best as you can to win.
    This is the most important point, and I made it earlier in one of these threads. Basically, even an overpowered strategy can be beaten. We're in a fluctuating meta in the wake of TFT, and even in the most static meta there are undiscovered or underused strategies. Problem-solving increases your winrate; blaming external factors aside from your own play only lowers it. What do people want to do, increase their winrate or lower it?
    I keep positive and take responsibility for my losses and I win more than I lose, even against supposedly toxic Druid. I do not have a big card collection, and I've never spent money on the game. Waaaaaah! =P
     That there will be always a best deck is a matter of choice related to rock paper scissor, but not a law of nature of GGCs. That people hate certain cards is not the point here as if they make god Tier, they should be changed. No problem with certain decks comming on top, but not because of imbalanced cards (which is the case, which is the real issue here), but because they make skill gaming the most possible. So for instance pirate warrior came on top for 2 expansions as is the case for murloc paladin. Why? not because they are prime examples of archetypes with a high skill floor, but they have imbalanced cards (which are being nerfed now). That is injustifiable and prime examples of bad card design.
    9/9/ viability is possible if you just want it. Tech solutions imbalances the game even more towards a meta which has been overly aggressive. You can't accept that as a given as it is a designers choice for revenues reasons (which make them repulsive from a skill game approach).
    The not settled meta, so why do you complain (already) - argument doesn't stick. Looking at previous expansions early complain stick even after the meta settled. It has never been otherwise.
    'You take what the game gives you and use it as best as you can to win' - I have called the self defeating just because it is morally problematic. You basically say lets accept what Brode throws in your face and make the best of it. Lets work with it, its all we have. That is an invitation for more low quality card design because you don't defy and he will never think he is doing a bad job, because by your inertia justifying it. Well lets accept Kim Young Uns ballistic missiles and nukes (as putin and chinese president seem to want). lets work with what we have. Its a dictator and we can do nothing about it. lets stop complaining about Kim. That's your attitude. You might think this is far-fetched, but we can't accept Kims Nukes as much we can't accept brode's OP card design. Even if it is just a game. It is an mentality and I have a problem with that. This attitude caters into Brode's dictatorship while you aknowledge his leadership at all cost. This attitude keeps the game imbalanced. Progess starts with protest. But some only wants to ride the bandwagon. In every corner of public live these people were found afterwards morally repulsive.
     Thanks for proving that, no, the community will not stop complaining. Why? Because there are people who will find excuses why they cant win. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Will the community ever stop complaining?
    Quote from Hooghout >>
    Quote from IDBY >>
    Quote from Wrathian >>

    You do understand that when people complain it's because they care about the game and wants to make it better right?


    That is a overreaching opinion. Perhaps some want to make the game better. Some on the other hand just want to remove cards/decks they cant seem to win against. There will always be a best deck, always be cards that are hard to win against. Thats the nature of a card game. The challenge is to build a better deck and win more.
     Well that is a self defeating argument. You accept bad card design just by arguing to build a better deck and win more. So you close your eyes to poor design quality because you get your winfix anyway. Good for you, but bad for the game. Its like the rich don't give a damn about social justice, because they are the winners anyways. The nature of card game-rhetoric is what Brode wants you to believe in order that they don't have to step up to do a better job. 
    My post was about the overreaching opinion that those who complain want to improve the game. It is an impossibility to group all those who complain into one category. Some might complain to improve the game. But I am 100% sure that there are multiple reasons people are complaining. Some are complaining just because they like to complain. There could be literally thousands of different reasons. I cant place a number on it, but I am 100% sure its more than 1.
    I dont accept anything. I am far from rich in Hearthstone. I just understand that in any game perfect balance is an almost impossibility. I have been playing games a long, long, time and have yet to see a perfectly balanced game. I also understand that no one on any forum that isnt a Blizzard employee has perfect statistics, and even if they do statistics can be bent to prove whatever point you want to make.
    But here are a few opinions of mine that form my logic.
    1. No game is perfect, because nothing on this earth is perfect.
    2. There will always be imbalance. Someone will have a better deck.
    3. The purpose of a game is to win the game.
    4. You take what the game gives you and use it as best as you can to win.
    5. Complaining you cant win is self defeating because you are expending energy best used to find a way to win.
    6. If your goal is to improve the game make suggestions in the right way. Complaining on a fan site where it will get buried and likely never reach the developers is useless and a complete waste of time.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Will the community ever stop complaining?
    Quote from Wrathian >>

    You do understand that when people complain it's because they care about the game and wants to make it better right?


    That is a overreaching opinion. Perhaps some want to make the game better. Some on the other hand just want to remove cards/decks they cant seem to win against. There will always be a best deck, always be cards that are hard to win against. Thats the nature of a card game. The challenge is to build a better deck and win more.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Let's explain why THE NEW CHANGES SUCK!
    Quote from MvonTzeskagrad >>
    Quote from IDBY >>
    Quote from Tyrano12 >>

    Doesn't work.  And here's why:

    The problem: Wild Growth --> Mire Keeper --> Nourish + Jade Blossom into  Ultimate Infestation

    Current solution: Play aggro pirate or murloc and hope to get the win before they can ramp.

    Post "nerf":  There isn't one.  The marginal contenders to Jade's power have been nerfed.  Game. Set. Match.

    And a word of caution to those espousing how we're just being salty... Jade isn't even an expensive deck to make. You want nothing but Malfurion vs. Malfurion?  With the exact same deck give or take a card or two??  Sounds boring as Hell. 

      I agree, I actually think the nerf to innervate makes Jade Druid stronger. Innervate was a great card, but it ate up 2 card slots in the deck for no board presence. Jade Druid will still have ramp, loads of ramp. But now those slots will allow minions and tech cards. Blizzard pointed to the coin as a viable use for it, but fewer and fewer Jade Druids were using auctioneer after UI was released. 5 card draw was better than auctioneer and they didnt have to have mil cards, plus it gave a minion, did damage, and gave armor.
    With those two card slots the decks will be varied and harder to plan against. If there are extra bodies, slower decks will have issues because of more damage. Fast decks got nerfed and an extra mana on spreading pluage will do nothing with the ramp druids have. Agro druid is in trouble because no more viscous fledgling on turn one or extra mana to buff minions. Pirate warrior is really in bad shape because the fiery win axe curve is messed up. 
     If losing Innervate made jade druid stronger, why put Innervate in jade druid in the first place?
    Some pro would have realised jade druid was better without Innervates and would have take it out in favor of more bodies or tech cards. But playing turn 4/3/2 Aya Blackpaw was too good a play for being ignored, and so playing UI even sooner, or double Jade Behemoth, or combining Jade Spirit with Swipe in mid game, Innervate gave them all the flexibility to play their cards as they pleased, either to deal huge tempo swings, making board clears out of playing multiple cards in no time, things that a tech card does'nt do nearly as good.
    Are the nerfs (as a whole) benefit jade druid rather than make it weaker? Don't know, they probably will, probably will not, I hope jade druid becomes weaker, but I don't know. Is Innervate nerf gonna make jade druid stronger? Definitively not.
    I think we are coming at it from 2 different angles. Im looking at it from a more standard play and your looking at it from an not so common opportunity play. Those plays happened, but it wasnt the reason Jade Druid won a ton of games vs Agro Druid which counted on innervate and opportunity plays. I will say that perhaps stronger will not happen, but I dont think it will harm the deck.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New state of meta after these changes , personal opinion
    Quote from Aegis24 >>

    I agree this will weaken Jade a bit with them not being able to innervate out stuff as easily and having to wait 1 or 2 more turns to block aggro.  However I disagree with the notion priest will remain the same.  Priest was being held back by jade because priest by nature is a slow class.  I predict priest will be top of tier 1 (either Razakus or big priest) followed by evolve shaman and control mage.  Murloc paladin will still be the damn bane of my existence either bottom of tier 1 or top of tier 2.  Jade druid will still be tier 1 most likely.

     I dont think big priest will be tier 1 because its so situational, dont get Barnes until late in game and its beatable. Druids will still have time to ramp. Razakus on the other hand is the clear winner in this imho. They seriously needed to nerf it as its hard to beat. We will be seeing more 4 attack minions to counter it, but the 0 cost attack that that refreshes whenever a card is played is going to be hard to beat, I think agro has the best chance.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Posible 3ª expansion 2017?

     I think its just Blizzard thinking out loud about all the money the expansion will make.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 1

    posted a message on Let's explain why THE NEW CHANGES SUCK!
    Quote from Tyrano12 >>

    Doesn't work.  And here's why:

    The problem: Wild Growth --> Mire Keeper --> Nourish + Jade Blossom into  Ultimate Infestation

    Current solution: Play aggro pirate or murloc and hope to get the win before they can ramp.

    Post "nerf":  There isn't one.  The marginal contenders to Jade's power have been nerfed.  Game. Set. Match.

    And a word of caution to those espousing how we're just being salty... Jade isn't even an expensive deck to make. You want nothing but Malfurion vs. Malfurion?  With the exact same deck give or take a card or two??  Sounds boring as Hell. 

      I agree, I actually think the nerf to innervate makes Jade Druid stronger. Innervate was a great card, but it ate up 2 card slots in the deck for no board presence. Jade Druid will still have ramp, loads of ramp. But now those slots will allow minions and tech cards. Blizzard pointed to the coin as a viable use for it, but fewer and fewer Jade Druids were using auctioneer after UI was released. 5 card draw was better than auctioneer and they didnt have to have mil cards, plus it gave a minion, did damage, and gave armor.
    With those two card slots the decks will be varied and harder to plan against. If there are extra bodies, slower decks will have issues because of more damage. Fast decks got nerfed and an extra mana on spreading pluage will do nothing with the ramp druids have. Agro druid is in trouble because no more viscous fledgling on turn one or extra mana to buff minions. Pirate warrior is really in bad shape because the fiery win axe curve is messed up. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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