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    posted a message on So we can dust the adventure cards
    Quote from SnarkLord1980 >>
    Quote from HoraceWalpol >>
    Quote from ssaabbuu >>

    As the title says, we can dust the adventure cards. Unless I am mistaken, we could not dust past adventure cards until these rotated out of standard. It seems they changed their minds for this adventure.

    You've always been able to disenchant adventure cards before they rotated out. I remember dusting bad epics and legendaries from Blackrock Mountain and LoE back when I had just started playing. My boyfriend dusted his regular copies of Keeper of Uldaman and crafted them golden instead. 

     I don't know where you're from, but you could not dust cards until they rotated out if they were earned from the adventure.

    Why would were I'm from be relevant to this topic?

    All I know is that I dusted Rend Blackhand the moment I got him. Also, it makes no sense that you wouldn't be able to disenchant cards you've bought with your own money or gold. The only limitation I know of is that you couldn't craft adventure cards without owning the adventure until they rotated out. 

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    posted a message on So we can dust the adventure cards

    *Accidentally posted twice due to network error*

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    posted a message on So we can dust the adventure cards
    Quote from ssaabbuu >>

    As the title says, we can dust the adventure cards. Unless I am mistaken, we could not dust past adventure cards until these rotated out of standard. It seems they changed their minds for this adventure.

    You've always been able to disenchant adventure cards before they rotated out. I remember dusting bad epics and legendaries from Blackrock Mountain and LoE back when I had just started playing. My boyfriend dusted his regular copies of Keeper of Uldaman and crafted them golden instead. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Did you like the "old" style of choosing buckets of cards in an Adventure?

    Why not both?

    In terms of replayability, no doubt Dungeon Run-style content is my favorite. But in this specific instance, where the whole point of the adventure is to conclude a year long narrative, I think the linear storytelling of the original adventures is more fitting. There's another sense of narrative progression, of the story developing. Playing as different characters each battle, moving through Northend towards a goal... I think it's great storytelling. I probably won't play it again, but I don't mind that. There's plenty of solo content for me to enjoy already.

    My sole complaint is that Heroic is too easy. I would like a bit of a challenge.

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    posted a message on at what time adventure goes live?
    Quote from kitox_me >>
    Quote from GentilleMouche >>

    I don't understand Blizzard's move. 

    A lot of people including myself didn't preorder because they didn't reveal all the cards. 

    Well, I don't understand, but I thank blizzard for saving me 20 bucks for once. 


    why preorder something in the dark

    bad bad move by blizzard

    I don't know, I kinda like that they've kept most of the cards a secret, I like the element of surprise. Besides, unlike when you preorder packs, you're paying for more than just the cards: you're paying for the single-player content. I pre-ordered Tombs of Terror last time round just because I knew I would spend hours and hours playing the content, so I wanted to support it. The packs didn't really matter. 

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  • 8

    posted a message on Looking at the new and leaked cards...

    I think it makes perfect sense that they're reusing old keywords. This is supposed to be the finale of the narrative they've been building all year, of course they're going to make callbacks by bringing back the mechanics from this year's sets. It's the final battle, right? So both heroes and villains have to bring the best they've got!

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  • 1

    posted a message on Galakrond's Awakening - cash or gold?

    I'm going with gold this time. I honestly have more gold than I can spend (currently 8k+) since I don't need more packs from any of the current expansions, and I have plenty of dust to craft whatever I want. Plus, there's no cosmetics, which would have been the only incentive for me to buy it with cash. 

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    posted a message on Anyone miss login rewards?

    I like the legendary quest system better. That way, you're not punished for forgetting to log on one day.

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    posted a message on Galakrond Shaman and Mad Men S2

    I haven't really played much Galakrond Shaman at all, for some reason I just don't like playing tier 1 decks. But I might experiment a little with good ol' Big Shaman now Shaman is a little more balanced.

    I'm a huge fan of Mad Men, currently watching the entire series again. I would definitely carry on! You don't need to rewatch season 1 IMO, I'm pretty sure you can follow season 2 perfectly fine.

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  • 1

    posted a message on Disappear: Hearthstone's Exile mechanic!!!
    Quote from LilianVoss >>
    Quote from DittoLander >>

    The fact that it's not made into a keyword probably means it's exclusive to this Reno hero card. Most of the cases it's just another way to say "cast Plague of Death." Not too impressed.

    They can still make it a keyword later, if they introduce more cards with the same mechanic. Also, it's not same as Plague of Death, because PoD silences and destroys all minions so they can still be resurrected later, while The Amazing Reno should make minions disappear as if they were never played. I do agree it's nothing special, just another fancy board clear, especially for 10 mana it's not impressive at all, so I'm more interested in what will Reno hero power be.

    There's even precedence for a mechanic being introduced with a single card with no keyword and then coming back later with a keyword: Unstable Evolution from Kobolds came back as Echo the next expansion.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on [Poll] Which hero portrait do you use for each class?

    I use all of them. Different decks, different hero. It makes is easier to distinguish different decks at a glance. I choose the hero that feels the most thematically suited to the deck. 

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  • 4

    posted a message on Am i the only one enjoying the new Expansion?

    I've been having tons of fun as well! Best expansion in a loooong time. Yes, Shaman is too strong and Faceless Corrupter is annoying, but there is so many different, weird decks to explore that it doesn't really matter. I've been playing four different Warlock decks in the last couple of days: Galakrond Zoo, Handlock, Questlock, Highlander - I can't remember the last time I could choose between so many different archetypes for just one class!

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    posted a message on Warlock's Galakrond is very fun to play!

    I've had a lot of fun playing Galakrond Warlock too, and it is a decent deck for sure. But it is nowhere near as strong as Galakrond Shaman, which can easily keep the board under control with their invoke 2/1 rush minions, Mogu Fleshshaper, Faceless Corrupter and Sandstorm Elemental. In my experience, Warlock has a chance if the Shaman is playing the quest variant, which is a little slower and therefore easier to beat as a swarm deck.

    Your deck could be improved, though. Get rid of Expired Merchant, Fiendish Circle and Impferno, they are either too slow of too bad for the deck. Add some more 1 and 2 mana cards. I can post my list when I get to a computer.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Some thoughts from a former hs player

    I feel the complete opposite of you, to me Hearthstone has only become better since I started playing between Old Gods and Karazhan. More expansions make the game less stale and more fun! Yes, it makes the game more expensive too. But in the last couple of years, so many f2p friendly changes have been made: the no duplicate legendary rule, guaranteed legendary in the first 10 packs, no more 40g quests while 60g quests are the new standard, quests have become way easier to complete (play games rather than win games), and we're generally given more free stuff when a new expansion goes live. Ungoro gave everyone three packs and a legendary quest - Dcd gave everyone a free legendary (Sathrovarr), all five Galakronds and two invoke cards, three packs straight up and a legendary quest chain that rewards a total of nine packs and 100 gold. I also don't think packs have become more expensive. The Ungoro preorder was 50$ for 50 packs, DcD was 50$ for 60 packs and a golden legendary, and we see favourable bundles far more often (the Winter Veil boundle with 30 packs and a new Druid hero for 25$ will be live December 19).

    Perhaps best of all is the singleplayer content. I've spent hours and hours playing Dungeon Run, Monster Hunt, Rumble Run, Dalaran Heist and Tombs of Terror. HOURS. The Boomsday puzzles were a lot of fun, if less replayable, and a great way for new players to practice some of the core elements of Hearthstone. I also love the characters and meta stories they have created, the story of Karl and George for example. And the idea of telling a story across three expansions have proved to be a great concept. 

    My perspective might be different that yours for several reasons: I didn't play from the beginning, so I've never experienced Hearthstone as it was back then, before Wild and with way fewer cards in the meta. I've also played neither another CCG or another Blizzard game, which maybe limits my perspective, or at least make it different from some other players. I also watched all these changes happening, while you just jumped back into the game at perhaps the worst possible time, when there are the greatest amount of cards in standard (returning after rotation is usually better). 

    Your experience is totally valid, and I respect it. I can see how the Hearthstone of today is not the Hearthstone you miss or want. But from my perspective, Hearthstone is the best and most fun it's ever been, and this expansion has been great so far!

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    posted a message on What decks are you having the most fun with?

    I'm having so much fun with Dragon Handlock, and it's performing really well to far. Won 9 games in a row yesterday, from rank 7 three stars to rank 5 five stars :)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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