Holy fucking shit there is no meta more cancerous than the pirate warrior, it's like when the moment I realise I'm playing against one it's like i've tee'd up a golfball. I have so much agro i could unleash and at the moment of beating one of them it is pure release.
What a weak playing stance though, they are dead obvious in the meta as the standout cancer and I wonder what character flaw it takes for someone to want to play as one?
i was so threatened by this player, now this is the best i got, but i guarantee you that both of my opponent's minions were 12/12, of le duplicating sufer hero, so, the pally buffing 1 to 12/12? that I can handle
There is auto squelch option in HDT, problem is whenever a friend gives me the challenge 1500xp quest, i seem like the worlds biggest asshole for auto squelching them :D
i'm just joking they're alright
Holy fucking shit there is no meta more cancerous than the pirate warrior, it's like when the moment I realise I'm playing against one it's like i've tee'd up a golfball. I have so much agro i could unleash and at the moment of beating one of them it is pure release.
What a weak playing stance though, they are dead obvious in the meta as the standout cancer and I wonder what character flaw it takes for someone to want to play as one?
still got bug where u cant Brann on 5/5 Naga
how is armour and attack both decent? attack far outweighs armor, you die but you are never armoured forever
this is a -2 screen journey to me getting my ass whooped by this frisky Paladin.
Don't you think Paladins get more *&@#$ing tricks than rogues do...
i was so threatened by this player, now this is the best i got, but i guarantee you that both of my opponent's minions were 12/12, of le duplicating sufer hero, so, the pally buffing 1 to 12/12? that I can handle
but not how it duplicates, probably a design flaw
it's okay if you don't wanna admit you're a scardey cat
you're a scaredy cat if you concede at guaranteed lethal without letting them kill you
got butterflies?
maybe you are mate
caught with his pants down
something is sick here in the tone, it's the machine breaking
take it on the chin like a curse then
you're tighter than starch m7