We always encourage debating on how overpowered some decks or cards are; if and how they should get nerfed. Yet, we also have a thread HERE to share personal outbursts based on a single game or two. Therefore;
I feel like they will print more cards to create a new Jade Druid out of this. Northshire Farmer, Living Seed (Rank 1) and Menagerie Warden (if it stays) are not enough to make this card hype worthy.
!/5 of the deathrattle minion pool is legendary minions. I wonder how often it will allow Priest players to "Discover" a legendary minion like Rattlegore or Envoy Rustwix or even a lower ranked minion like Plagued Protodrake or Lightshower Elemental to steal the game. Mind they will be able to play this card more than two times through the course of the game. I'm sure it will be fun to play against.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays, everyone! I wish you all jolly times and countless cookies! 🌟🌲
Oh, you're getting me blushed! <3 (or that might be just too much eggnog as well 🤔)
Done, enjoy!
Now, I`m envious... :(
Done. :}
Unfortunately, it's already taken.
Done, enjoy your time. :}
We always encourage debating on how overpowered some decks or cards are; if and how they should get nerfed. Yet, we also have a thread HERE to share personal outbursts based on a single game or two. Therefore;
I feel like they will print more cards to create a new Jade Druid out of this. Northshire Farmer, Living Seed (Rank 1) and Menagerie Warden (if it stays) are not enough to make this card hype worthy.
Explosive Sheep on steroids. It should work great with Lifesteal or Poisonous minions, right Blizzard? RIGHT!?
You also can't taint people's hard work with false claims. Therefore; WARNED.
It seems like this topic has been discussed thoroughly enough and no one has something new to add other than speculations. Therefore;
50% chance, I will disenchant this right away.
Like Thorngrowth Sentries, this should be a Nature spell
Sorry, my bad. You both are right. I totally forgot about that. Apparently I should've had my morning coffee before commenting.
Argh, my bad. You're right, sorry.
!/5 of the deathrattle minion pool is legendary minions. I wonder how often it will allow Priest players to "Discover" a legendary minion like Rattlegore or Envoy Rustwix or even a lower ranked minion like Plagued Protodrake or Lightshower Elemental to steal the game. Mind they will be able to play this card more than two times through the course of the game. I'm sure it will be fun to play against.