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    posted a message on Felfire Ragnaros Debuts in Hearthstone China - New Skins & Event Details Inside!
    Quote from slayercrohs >>

    It would be so cool if we could modify Hearthstone to our own liking.


     This is called paying Blizzard money. Ain't no way they'd do that for free.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Season 9 - New, Changed, Staying & Leaving Cards - Beasts

    Time will tell how good it actually is, but at least beetle beasts looks kinda fun!

    Goodbye self-damage beasts and good riddance.

    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on Patch 31.2 Balance Changes Teaser - Many Constructed Buffs and Nerfs!

    I'm really happy that the only change to elemental mage is lamplighter, which I'm REALLY hoping is removing it from going face The deck is strong, and blazing accretion probably could have been knocked down to draw 2, but the deck will play completely differently when it loses the absurd reach of lamplighter just nuking you from half your health.

    My hope for Reno is that it'll be a double-sided board wipe.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Season 9 - New, Changed, Staying & Leaving Cards - Neutrals
    Quote from Weedar >>

    I assume it will be like Octosari, so it slowly grows bigger, instead of beeing a big power spike if you get it early game.

     There's no way they'd make it permanent +7/+7 each time, this would be horribly broken given it's already a very strong pivot card and also works in endgame builds too.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on What is the definition of "mana cheat," and do players actually hate it?


    Quote from YourPersonalGuru >>

    The complains are paradoxal. Funny enough people don't complain much about power creeping draw effects, that IMO are the main reason why mana cheat becomes a problem.

     So much this. Aggro decks just don't run out of cards these days and control decks can't even hold all their card generating cards in their hand anymore. People are getting pissed off at quasar rogue and they don't realize the issue is that rogue can fill their deck with 20 cards that draw more cards all costing under 3. Arcane giant rogue in wild is broken for the same reason.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Discussing Quasar Rogue

    ..you literally bought up astral communion as a point of discussion? Which is a wild card?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Discussing Quasar Rogue
    Quote from SpaceTimeDream >>
    Quote from Hearthsam >>
    Quote from SpaceTimeDream >>

    I am against "but not less than (1)" because I want to see Quasar included in a non-otk oriented decks in the future. I don't think it is fair to fundamentally change the design of the card because of an inconsistent deck that wins on a coin flip. 

     Why do you want the card to be something it's not? It's an entirely combo setup based card, no control or value deck is going to run a card that says "discard your hand". It's really not an inspiring card for anything else and only lends itself to toxic, mass mana cheating gameplay.

     Guess this is an OTK setup card then Astral Communion.

    Why do YOU want me to use the card your way? I don’t understand. You see only OTK, I see building a control deck or anything else and having fun doing so.

     Astral Communion is a meme highroll card - you play it, pray to god your next 1-2 topdecks break the game or you lose. You have a laugh at how hillarious the game was, then you move onto the next. I'm confused why you're trying to imagine communion as something viable in any other context and comparing it to a total hand discard that actually DOES break the game. Communion isn't mana cheating your WHOLE DECK by 3 and warping the entire match, nor did it see any play outside of trolden shorts. The cards aren't comparable.

    Another card more comparable to quasar that DID get banned was Tome Tampering. The card was trash by itself, but the interaction with Malchezaar's Imp was broken because you got to draw a new hand of insanely mana cheated cards. Quasar is likely more busted than this because Quick Pick/Knicknack Shack allow draw on the same turn as it is played, while discounting the whole deck, not just what was shuffled.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Discussing Quasar Rogue
    Quote from SpaceTimeDream >>

    I am against "but not less than (1)" because I want to see Quasar included in a non-otk oriented decks in the future. I don't think it is fair to fundamentally change the design of the card because of an inconsistent deck that wins on a coin flip. 

     Why do you want the card to be something it's not? It's an entirely combo setup based card, no control or value deck is going to run a card that says "discard your hand". It's really not an inspiring card for anything else and only lends itself to toxic, mass mana cheating gameplay.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Why do players blame the devs when they print broken cards?

    Because it's fun to feel broken and overpowered? There's nothing else to it, no moral discussions to be had. Whenever you play a game, if the game has the capability to turn you into an unopposed gg-machine, people will pick those options. It is FUN to feel broken in games. Same reason why in MOBAs the best heroes are picked. Why the best guns are used in FPS. Why the best classes are used in MMOs, Why the best cards are used in any card game, etc.

    The game gave you the option to be broken, therefore, the people who created the game are at fault.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 10

    posted a message on The Ceaseless Expanse Banned In Wild

    Out of all the ways to emergency patch a broken wild deck, banning the new card was probably the worst way. Ban holy wrath? Make holy wrath only target minions?

    Posted in: News
  • 5

    posted a message on Discussing Quasar Rogue

    I don't think trying to change multiple cards in the deck rather than quasar itself is the solution. These cards were fine before, quasar is the singular card that turns Rogue's insane card draw redundancy into something broken.

    I don't understand why you are against the "less than (1)" change. Rogue can play their ENTIRE DECK for no mana after quasar is cast, and unless you want to nerf 10 different card draw cards, quasar is always going to be the problem. It doesn't matter if the deck kills you through asteroids or through spell damage face spells, the card is going to limit design space for the forseeable future with more and more OTK possibilities until quasar itself changes.

    I'd be fine with even buffing quasar to 4-5 mana if the less than (1) change went through.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on How do you like the new expansion so far?

    I love how everyone laughed at Quasar in its reveal and now the game is quasar -> next turn guaranteed dead. Like, no shit making your entire deck free with Rogue's 20 draw options is going to lead to some OTK nonsense.

    I don't think starships suck, they're just irrelevant in a meta where quasar rogue exists. Maybe launching the starship could cost 3 mana. I'd go as far as saying the Hunter one is extremely good just because of Biopod+Yodeller doing like 40 damage face OTKs.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on When is Zilliax leaving?
    Quote from kawhi1weefc >>


    What’s complicated about Zilliax? What synergies do Titans or Marin the Manager need? The reason Titans are in almost every deck is because they’re so broken, even without requiring any synergy.

     So much this. Sure, cards need to be good for players to consider using them, but the "neutral legendaries that are just so high above the power curve" have never been so rampant. There were some old neutrals that were outliers like OG Zilliax, and very notably Astalor, but when Astalor was around that was the ONLY broken everywhere-neutral. Now in any non-combo, non-aggro deck (and some are in aggro decks), you just have to assume that you're gonna have to play against:

    • Marin
    • Gorgonzormu (where's the drawback to not playing this card?)
    • Zilliax
    • Yogg
    • Griftah
    • Zephrys
    • Dorian (pre-nerf)

    And joining them in the next expansion:

    • The Ceaseless Expanse (card is usually single mana by turn 8-10, you'll get blown out by this all the time)
    • Kil'jaeden will almost certainly be in any control deck

    They aren't there because they have any synergies or interesting mechanics, they're just there because they're better than class cards and if you don't run them, you're gimping yourself. That sucks.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Multiple New Rogue Cards Revealed

    Someone giga brain is gonna come up with a Quasar deck that just breaks the game. It wouldn't be impossible to have your whole deck cost 0 and draw through it all in one turn, and you can use Knicknack Shack on board to refill after the Quasar has happened. The current meme deck of the handbuff charge deckhand rogue is all lower costed than 3, btw.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Multiple New Demon Hunter Cards Revealed

    What is "adjoining crewmate"? The ones placed next to the card in your hand or something? The video reveal tells us nothing.

    Posted in: News
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