Just made a control shaman deck that included 2x echo murloc 2x Mr. infinity murloc and 2x slurp. Great for early game control and mid game WTF moments, many of the games are straight up no contest... especially when they realize it's not a murloc deck.
- Hawara
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WhatACard posted a message on Opinions on a "mini" murloc package in control shaman?Posted in: Shaman -
Boyarsky1 posted a message on Pogo-hopper RoguePosted in: Pogo-hopper RogueHow does this deck suppose to survive in the early game? I don't see any decent minions or removals for early game
RavenSunHP posted a message on New Jade! Huge BuffPosted in: New Jade! Huge BuffWith the new Tempo cards, I'm pretty sure you won't need double Mistress of Mixtures to survive Aggro.
Otherwise pretty smart. I'm definitely gonna try something similar, either with N'Zoth, the Corruptor, or with a different package.
G000z posted a message on New Priest Card - Mass ResurrectionPosted in: NewsFinally! more support for the 'fun and interactive' gameplay, hopefully the next priest legendary is a Barnes powercreep :D
RagingAlphaWalrus posted a message on New Priest Card - Mass ResurrectionPosted in: NewsThanks, I hate it. Did blizzard not read the room? Priest Rez effects are probably the most hated in the game (I could be wrong and be letting my bias blind me). This card really kills my excitement for rotation, I pray that priest doesn't get enough support to make this card good.
ElecMan24 posted a message on New Priest Card - Mass ResurrectionPosted in: NewsWhy Blizzard? Why? I thought we were finally done with Malygos Mind Blast combo Decks.
Professor_Shaun posted a message on New Priest Card - Mass ResurrectionPosted in: NewsMe: Thank god all the rez spells are rotating.
Blizzard: Yeah... about that...
Valek posted a message on New Priest Card - Mass ResurrectionPosted in: NewsHey Blizzard ( °͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
TamuraKafka posted a message on New Priest Card - Mass ResurrectionPosted in: NewsRotation opens up so much design space, yet they keep printing the same cards over and over... just why?
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Sunreaver Warmage seems like it should be in this deck too. Nice early board control swing
Edit: and i dont think gift of the wild is ever possibly good enough in this deck. I would take it out for warmage
How about nomi? After you tipped the scales and double crystology youre probably at an empty deck already?
Im hyped to try something like this when the expansion hits.
Only card i dont like is dark posession, it has no synergy at all in the deck at all. How about a dalaran librarian to silence our big guys and make them active, or something like jarraxus for OP hero power, or elekk for fatigue cheating?
I dont think archivist belongs into this deck, shes for fatigue/attrition and not for midrange. A 2nd crowd roaster could be better maybe?
I would def include vargoth... Hes free so still budget, and he can win games if you get him from massrezz
Hes good in warrior. Shield block, weapon project for burst armor, dragon roar and omega project! double brawl clears even deathrattle boards, execute can be set up, and probably even more that i missed
Yeah that has to be determined, my thought was that atleast some healing should be in there to have a chance against mages. Maybe rotten applebaum for taunt + more nzoth value and still keeping the heal is the way to go? Will find out when expansion hits :)
I dont like fericous howl... It doesent help with what the deck wants, would take them out
And what about cenarius and mulchmuncher or treespeaker? You have i think every treant generating card, make use of them a bit more or?
They work with tess and give cutlass a charge. So itll work according to experience from other cards.
My guess is that they coded them to be druid, shaman AND rogue cards at the same time.
Edit: and swashburglar is already in the deck, i dont know if patches is worth it with just 2 pirates?
Sooo what went a bit unnoticed with all the discussions, is that Tri-class-cards from Gadgetzan count as "other class"!
So just having Aya Blackpaw, Jade Spirit or Lotus Agents in hand will activate Vendetta and Underbelly Fence! Jade Rogue used to struggle against aggro, where a 2 mana 3/4 rush on curve or a 0 mana eviscerate for board control without any further preparations could help a lot.
Here's my take on the deck: