• 1

    posted a message on BG Cho'Gall Sticker Bugged when Doubled

    Maybe. But other trinkets that are worded the same, blood golem sticker, booty bay brew, etc, all double their effects when there's two of them. Seems bugged.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on This Week's Nerfs Postponed Till Patch 20.0 Later This Month
    Quote from TuesdayTaco >>

    If I were a betting man, I would say that Patches is going to be getting Rush instead of Charge. The Hearthstone devs have been very pointed about not creating a new Charge minion (last Charge minion to be introduced to the game is Chillblade Champion in Frozen Throne). Since Patches is used most often in Pirate Warrior, and Warrior has been getting the bulk of the support for the new Rush keyword, making Patches a Rush minion makes more sense.

    As for the "reverting" changes, I would expect it on stuff like Bonemare, Ancient of Lore, Keeper of the Grove and Emerald Spellstone. Those cards were nerfed mostly because they were automatic includes in any deck that could use them, rather than being overall problems. 

     What about Kayn Sunfury? And they're also adding Kor'vas Bloodthorn lol 

    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on Darkmoon Rabbit

    Vilebrood Skitterer

    Posted in: Darkmoon Rabbit
  • 3

    posted a message on New Legendary Warlock Card Reveal - Dr. Morrigan
    Quote from Zerafina959 >>
    Quote from Beatsz >>

    You're missing the point of his question, you DON'T draw the second copy, your turn is literally infinite.

    Let's look at the situation:

    1. You have one Dr. Morrigan on the board and one in the deck (being the only minion in the deck).
    2. You have a Spiritsinger Umbra on the board
    3. You kill off your Dr. Morrigan, which summons the second copy, and shuffles the first Dr. Morrigan into your deck. But because you still have your Spiritsinger Umbra, the deathrattle on the second copy also triggers, which shuffles it into the deck and summons back the first Dr. Morrigan, and triggers it's deathrattle, and the process goes on forever.

     Sorry. But this card  say "swap this card", so it go straight back to your deck just like Malone.

     That's what hes saying it will keep swapping if u get a second copy in ur deck. Through baleful banker or something like that. Sorry.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on New Druid Minion - Dreampetal Florist

    Read it as reduce the cost on a minion by one when I first saw it. After reading comments I checked it again cause it wasnt adding up and literally laughed so hard I started coughing. I already play quest/malt druid rn and this card is amazing. Sm people r gonna get tilted by this bad boy.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Legendary Minion - Mecha'thun
    Quote from asteroidm >>
    Quote from PapaSmurf666 >>

    Super Fatigue Warlock + Cataclysm = EZ CLAP

     Remember though you want to play Cata the same turn you play Mecha C'thun.  You REALLY don't want to play out C'thun and hope he lasts a turn, that is asking to just lose outright.  

    So here is the combo I was thinking of.  

    Turn 6 (or anytime there after), Play Hoarding Dragon.  Then Bloodbloom > Treachery, Siphon Soul (the Hoarding Dragon). 

    Now you have two coins.  Proceed to draw out your deck.  Anytime after turn 10 now you will Play out Mecha'thun, double coin, Bloodbloom, Cataclysm.

    The huge and glaring issue.  That is essentially at minimum 7 cards and ostensibly 10 health (due to Bloodbloom) less you have to start with.  And you have to a build a deck with remaining cards that can survive till then AND draw a crap ton of cards on top of that. Then you have two pre-requisite combo phases to go through that are extremely low tempo.

    It's possible sure, but likely to auto loose to aggressive decks, more balanced combo decks like Maly Druid who can put pressure on you while building to their combo, and of course shudderwok who can do the same.

    Hm. U know bloodbloom only works on the next spell cast that turn, not all spells that turn. Itd be better to use hoarding dragon, treachery, and them dragonslayer on ur/ur opponents new hoarding. That's 10 mana. Urs is 12 how it is rn.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 12

    posted a message on The Boomsday Project Card Reveal Bingo

    "Did you know Paladins have the least amount of Secrets in both Standard and Wild?"

    They have less than the 3 rogue has?

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on The screenshots thread! Share your funny/awesome moments!

    Hi sorry i might just be dumb lol but what is the like crazy thing in this one? It looks like a normal board to me what am i missing? Ty ahead of time im dumb

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Ragnaros, Lightlord

    Yes, mi-light-lord?

    Posted in: Ragnaros, Lightlord
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