Well, there is Puppetmaster Dorian , but my honest opinion is that there are some cards that people don't even try, and then somebody creative enough makes a competitive deck (I could be wrong, but I think it was DaneHS), and because 90% of de players use competitive meta-decks, they start to play the card.
But there is honestly a lot of cards that people don't even give a chance just for prejudices, and they are actually better than how they look. I know it for experience, cause I play with a lot of offmeta cards for fun, and I found cards like Relentless Worg that is amazing for hand buff decks, but people don't even bother in try it until they see somebody else ranking with it.
Maybe. But other trinkets that are worded the same, blood golem sticker, booty bay brew, etc, all double their effects when there's two of them. Seems bugged.
Big Ol' Whelp
What about Kayn Sunfury? And they're also adding Kor'vas Bloodthorn lol
Vilebrood Skitterer
That's what hes saying it will keep swapping if u get a second copy in ur deck. Through baleful banker or something like that. Sorry.
Read it as reduce the cost on a minion by one when I first saw it. After reading comments I checked it again cause it wasnt adding up and literally laughed so hard I started coughing. I already play quest/malt druid rn and this card is amazing. Sm people r gonna get tilted by this bad boy.
Hm. U know bloodbloom only works on the next spell cast that turn, not all spells that turn. Itd be better to use hoarding dragon, treachery, and them dragonslayer on ur/ur opponents new hoarding. That's 10 mana. Urs is 12 how it is rn.
"Did you know Paladins have the least amount of Secrets in both Standard and Wild?"
They have less than the 3 rogue has?
Hi sorry i might just be dumb lol but what is the like crazy thing in this one? It looks like a normal board to me what am i missing? Ty ahead of time im dumb
Yes, mi-light-lord?