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    posted a message on Everyone's debating which new deck is the strongest, but I'm more bothered by Quest/Freeze Mage
    Quote from Aegis24 >>

    The decks are kinda made to be obnoxious.  I agree the suck to play against.  Still not as annoying as fatigue warrior or murloc paladin in my opinion though

     I feel that it represents a major design flaw if "obnoxious" and "boredom" are the two key thoughts triggered by an element of a game.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on Everyone's debating which new deck is the strongest, but I'm more bothered by Quest/Freeze Mage


    They're just so god damn boring to play against.

    If you play midrange or ramp decks, you're going to be sitting on lethal for about 7 turns while you wait for them to either A: Exhaust their freeze spells, or B: Draw out their combo.

    It makes me feel more like a spectator than a player. Hell, when I win, it feels more like I've watched a really boring Twitch streamer lose a game. my opponent literally bores me out of satisfaction.

    Surely I'm not the only one who feels these sentiments? A deck shouldn't make me choose between either making a cup of coffee so they can play with themselves, or just conceding out of value for time.

    EDIT: Apparently some people here have the reading comprehension of a god damn spatula. So I'm going to put the VERY FIRST SENTENCE at the bottom of this post as well, and embolden them both.


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on EZ Big EZ Jade

    I find it fun to run a copy of Barnabus in this deck.

    Yeah, it sacrifices a turn 1, along with an early game card. But it's really nice to have a 5 mana 8 drop, along with a load of follow up to Ultimate Infestion.

    Posted in: EZ Big EZ Jade
  • 3

    posted a message on Uther DK, value without Exodia?

    I keep seeing Theorycrafted decks about Exodia Uther. But I'm wondering if it's viable to slot him into a deck that isn't kitted specifically for him as a win condition.

    The 5/3 lifesteal weapon and 5 armor effectively gives you 20 health over 3 turns, and it makes the silverhand recruits into soft taunts.

    Yes, Tyrion is better as a taunt minion. But versus spell orientated classes. Do you think it's worth running him as a more heal orientated drop? Compared to say, Lay on Hands or Ragnaros?

    Posted in: Paladin
  • 0

    posted a message on OLD Play a Friend! 4.0

    Battletag: Hannya#21461

    Region: EU

    Trade Only: Yes, go first, please.



    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warlock Card Revealed - Gnomeferatu
    Quote from BloodySundae77 >>
    Quote from Hannya >>
    Quote from BloodySundae77 >>
    Quote from tictactucroc >>
    Quote from SgtInvincibl >>
    Quote from Barozzo >>

    Incredible good card that punishes combo decks

     Hey Barozzo,

     Can you explain how this punishes combo decks, that weren't going to go to fatigue?
    This card doesn't punish combo decks, because it can't consistently discard the combo pieces, that's it.
     Of course it can punish combo decks. All cards used there are crucial, and almost all are necessary for the combo. Even when you run duplicates for consistency, you usually spend one just to survive (for example a Fireball or an Ice Block). Not to mention that your opponent will use 2 of these babies for maximum deck disruption. Add 2 Dirty Rats & prepare for a salt storm.
     If all cards in a combo deck are crucial, then that dictates that a combo deck must draw all 30 cards in order to combo, which isn't true.
    Combo decks use about 5-6 key cards which are held in the hand for the majority of the game. Dirty Rat is good because it forces them out of the hand. This card is not, because it so likely to burn one of the other 25 cards.
    As it stands, there's no point teching this card when you can tech Dirty Rat.
     They are crucial because they are part of an optimised - and very possibly netdecked - strategy, which as I explained is not limited to ONLY the combo, but surviving until the moment you find it, and ensuring your card draw and extra card generation is such that puts your odds at winning where they should be.
     Burning one of those cards doesn't make it harder for them to survive till drawing the combo. It just brings them one card closer to drawing out the combo.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Warlock Card Revealed - Gnomeferatu
    Quote from BloodySundae77 >>
    Quote from tictactucroc >>
    Quote from SgtInvincibl >>
    Quote from Barozzo >>

    Incredible good card that punishes combo decks

     Hey Barozzo,

     Can you explain how this punishes combo decks, that weren't going to go to fatigue?
    This card doesn't punish combo decks, because it can't consistently discard the combo pieces, that's it.
     Of course it can punish combo decks. All cards used there are crucial, and almost all are necessary for the combo. Even when you run duplicates for consistency, you usually spend one just to survive (for example a Fireball or an Ice Block). Not to mention that your opponent will use 2 of these babies for maximum deck disruption. Add 2 Dirty Rats & prepare for a salt storm.
     If all cards in a combo deck are crucial, then that dictates that a combo deck must draw all 30 cards in order to combo, which isn't true.
    Combo decks use about 5-6 key cards which are held in the hand for the majority of the game. Dirty Rat is good because it forces them out of the hand. This card is not, because it so likely to burn one of the other 25 cards.
    As it stands, there's no point teching this card when you can tech Dirty Rat.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Warlock Card Revealed - Gnomeferatu
    Quote from KilogramHours >>

    Wow. This really screws over combo decks. 

     No, it doesn't. This card is a River Crocolisk.
    The battlecry only does ANYTHING if the opponent's entire deck is milled. Otherwise, it's the equivalent of removing a card from the bottom of the opponent's deck.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Which Standard Legendaries do you miss the most?
    Quote from Boethion >>

    Arch-Thief Rafaam would have been really good as a standalone wincondition with Ragnaros the Firelord now being a Warrior card (Fire Plume's Heart). I miss having powerful threats in the lategame that don't do or generate random bullshit.

    In terms on non-Legendaries you can really feel the loss of Azure Drake and how important it was for many decks. Now we are starving for some solid neutral draw and noone runs Spell Damage minions exept the rare Bloodmage Thalnos every once in awhile.

     I agree with Rafaam. I'd like a reprint of some of the huge legendaries in an era that isn't dominated by auto inclusions like Ragnaros and Dr Boom. Some of these card designs were fantastic, but never had a chance to shine.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Which Standard Legendaries do you miss the most?
    Quote from 5hifti >>

    Brann,slyvanna,rag, Thauirran,Reno, are some of the cards that should always be in the classic set. But I might be wrong it's just an opinion. 

    Well, Rag was the best 8 drop in the game, and Sylvanas was the best 6 drop. In order for any new cards to be viable in those tiers, they would have had to be designed stronger than both Rag and Sylv, which would have resulted in a power creep in the card designs. And I mean a genuine power creep. Not the "new magma rager" nonsense.
    Thaurissan was a card which allowed combos that the designers arguably didn't intend. And it's the biggest ballache to try and test the interactions with every new card vs one particular old card. He stunted possibilities for the designers, purely because of how his effect interfered with mana cost balancing.
    The only card which I think would have a possibility of being included into standard is Reno Jackson. His effect birthed a lot of new deck types, without damaging others. And his design inspired great future cards like Inkmaster and Kazakus.
    And as a side note: Ragnaros was already reprinted into standard, in the form of the Warrior quest.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Which Standard Legendaries do you miss the most?

    It doesn't need to be the strongest card, or the most meta. But which of the legendary folk do you miss the most? As someone who avoids Wild because I hate having my ass kicked by the top cheese decks. I'm interested to know who people'd want back into the standard rotation.

    For me personally, I miss the two Shaman legendaries. I'd love to run a Shaman deck with Neptulon and Elise. Or a Murloc quest deck with Neptulon for the dream scenario of having all my murlocs wiped out, only to be refilled, wiped out and refilled again.

    I also miss the Mistcaller. He wasn't very strong, or ever meta in the least, but if you managed to maintain tempo at turn 6 to play him. It felt great to have 1/4 totems, 5/5 Azure Drakes, and 7/6 Fire Elementals.

    Again, I know these decks are possible in Wild. But considering that Standard is balanced by moving cards out into Wild, I never feel like I can have as much fun as I would be able to if they were reprinted in today's Standard format.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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