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    posted a message on Playing against legend players on ladder and letting non-legend win

    I reached legend for the first time (last month lol) by having someone auto-concede to me in my last match. I dont know why (s)he did it, but i was very dissappointed. It was the first time i pushed beyond rank 5 and it took me alot of time and nerves to get that far. When i was missing only one more star, i paused for a minute, focused and was ready for the final boss. When (s)he just instantly exploded and i reached legend, i was still happy of course, but it didnt feel as good. As mentioned above, i was dissappointed because i wanted to earn it and didnt want any gifts on my way there.

    I absolutely cannot understand why you would want legend players to give you free wins, yet why you call them dicks for giving you reasons why they dont want to do it. You, good sir, seem to be the only one here who is behaving like a dick and should really think about why you are playing this game and why others play it.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2


    Quote from Perfect_Specimen >>


    I'm sick of people raging about both types side by side as though they're both legitimate complaints. 



     Yeah maybe then the salt thread isnt the right place for you fam.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2


    Quote from ababyduck >>


    Quote from Hairy_Potter >>


    Quote from ababyduck >>

    I've been killing secret mages with my yip warrior (albeit at low rank).  As long as they don't draw aluneth (or you have an ooze) you can just hide behind your 20+ armor until you draw yip and start flooding the board with stuff they can't kill because they used all their removal on your face.

    there's a lot of "if"s in there but I can't deny it was very satisfying.


     Hmm i can see that working but how do you do against other classes? Below rank 5 there a literally no warriors and i think that might be for a reason :(
     I think you know the answer lol:  awful.  It can win against dudeadin if you can bloodrazor their dudes away before they can buff them.  I only play it on EU when I get too frustrated at mage and paladin on NA and want to get some revenge/blow off some salt steam.  Against most other decks you need the perfect everything (perfect draw, perfect rolls from yip, a perfect oakheart...) to win consistently.  In other words, don't play it on ranked.
     Haha yeah i figured ^^
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2


    Quote from ababyduck >>

    I've been killing secret mages with my yip warrior (albeit at low rank).  As long as they don't draw aluneth (or you have an ooze) you can just hide behind your 20+ armor until you draw yip and start flooding the board with stuff they can't kill because they used all their removal on your face.

    there's a lot of "if"s in there but I can't deny it was very satisfying.


     Hmm i can see that working but how do you do against other classes? Below rank 5 there a literally no warriors and i think that might be for a reason :(
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [WILD] Headed for Legend! - S47 February 2018

    Ok i need help here, i am stuck right between rank 4 and 5. I almost exclusivley play against burn mage and big priest with the occasional giant- or demonlock sprinkled in. I used to play Demonlock myself til rank 5 and then switched to Maly otk-druid because it has more heal (aka armor) to survive the mages.

    Against the big priests is usually 50/50, depending on the draws. When he gets his shit early and i cant answer, well fuck. If my combo isnt burried in the bottom in the deck i can kill em before he kills me, so thats fine. Against burn mage on the other hand i seem to lose like 3 out of 4 games, even the 30+ armor i can put up usually isnt enough to survive long enough to kill em and the secrets are just annoying as hell, even though it is possible to outplay them with moonfire and such, but it shrinks my total burn potential, thus making it harder to kill them. 

    Anyone has a good idea how to win against those fuckers? Cant really tech in eater because a, it would get pulled by oaken súmmons and b, its a stupid card anyway, and besides that i dont really have an idea on what to do... More heal/armor? Or play a different deck after all? I am not interested in playing some paladin or other tempo-/aggrodeck which seems to be the only counter to them... So any other Control-/Combodeck players here that hav experienced a similair problem and found a solution? 

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Goddammit wild Secret-Mage has got to be the stupidest fucking deck ever! Is there no way to counter that shit except playing an (almost) equally stupid paladin-aggro-fuck-deck? No matter how much armor and or taunt i put up, in 4 out of 5 cases they just melt my face without even slightly caring about what i do. Fuck em all to death! 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Cubelock is weak

    This is gold! "I crafted [insert most popular deck of the month] because everybody is playing it and i am loosing with it, so it must be bad!"

    These type of posts make me happy :) Some advice:

    - play more than 10 games with a deck before you complain

    - Dont expect miracles


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Patches the Pirate Loses Charge - Four Card Nerfs Coming in February

    Yeah or maybe it wasnt about spitting in your face but about keeping the wild format playable? Who knows...


    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Stancifka's HANDLOCK is back!

    I switched Bloodmage Thalnos and 1 Mortal Coil for N'Zoth the Corruptor and Zola the Gorgon. The last i added because i recently opened her and i have to say she fits surprisingly well. You can either get another Giant or Voidlord or even a Rat if you really need more against Raza. One TIme i even managed to copy good old Zotti (which was obviously overkill at that point). I don't know if this version is more competetive, but it's definitely more fun!

    Posted in: Stancifka's HANDLOCK is back!
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    posted a message on Packs with Amazon Coins via BlueStacks not working-Help Please?

    It worked, thx dude!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Packs with Amazon Coins via BlueStacks not working-Help Please?

    I got the following problem: Yesterday i decided to pre-purchase using amazon coins to safe me some real coins. I couldnt download HS over the amazon-appstore on my phone, so i decided to do it on my Pc using BlueStacks. I did the same roughly a year ago and it worked fine, but i deinstalled bluestacks afterwards so i had to reinstall it this time. I downloaded the newest version of it(which looks a lot different than a year ago) and followed the instructions of the many how-to-guides out there, meaning i installed the amazon appstore first, then HS. 

    During this process i could already tell that BlueStacks was not running properly, everything was really slow, even typing took forever. Installing and logging into Hearthstone took forever, too. Once i was logged in, i couldnt get into the ingame shop at first, as it was labelled as closed. After some clicking around and waiting it was finally open and working, so i tried to buy the 50 preorder packs. Therefore i tried to buy Amazon Coins in the Hearthstone-App first, which didnt work, so i bought them the usual way on the amazon Homepage and logged back into to Hearthstoe on BlueStacks. 

    Since then i was not able to get into the shop. It is either labelled as closed, or if it is open it looks like this: 

    The game itself is running, although very slow and very lacky. I think the problem is that BlueStacks is not running correctly, but i dont know why or how to fix it. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this? I am kidna desperate right now, only two days left to pre-order and i already spent real money on the coins which are otherwise useless to me :( Thanks in advance! 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Kolento Fatigue Warrior [Adrià]

    I played Dog's Version of this deck(wich is very similair) and the ticking abomination variant of it and it is one of my favorite decks! It took me forever (50+) games til i got sort of ok at piloting the deck, but the learning process was just so much fun! I didnt really play it on ladder recently since the meta shifted into super aggro-mode, but i still love this deck and can only recommend it to anyone who wants a challenging and refreshing hearthstone experience! If you wanna ladder fast and without much thinking though, stay the hell away from it! Otherwise Armor Up and have fun! (i recommend adding Rotface or Marin the Fox for the lolz) 

    Posted in: Kolento Fatigue Warrior [Adrià]
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    posted a message on What is the use of Prince Taldaram?

    In shaman he can also become a good target for evolving, copy some expensive shit (either yours or opponents), evolve that 3/3 sucker and you get a big as minion out of it since he has the mana-cost of whatever you copy. So yeah quite fun in shaman actually. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Mill Druid 2: The Revenge

    Wow what a deck! I opened Hadronox yesterday so i searched for decks to include it in, so i stumbled upon this beauty. Since i love mill and fatigue decks in general i crafted me a Tree of Life and tried out the deck and i have to say it is amazing! Eats up any combo- or controldeck and has a decent winrate against aggro, too. The best part is, that the games are actually very diverse and fun! Nothing better than milling the shit out of a greedy priest or warlock :D 
    Only change i made was -1 Tree of Life +1Moonglade Portal since i only had dust for one tree, works out pretty well so far. I am at a 67% winrate with this and and havig a blast, too. With a druid, who would have thought? Thanks oh mighty Lord Pikachu for this great deck! 


    PS: loving the big fat spider and am really glad to have found a deck in which it actually shines

    Posted in: Mill Druid 2: The Revenge
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    posted a message on Shadowstep-Keleseth-Math

    Thanks alot guys! So turns out my day was pretty shitty but not as shitty as i thought, yaye. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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