It was never a particularly good deck, it was just very irritating to play against because the match took 40 minutes. You might be able to get a positive winrate, if you are lucky enough to match against a lot of slow decks, but to actually "climb" will take way to long.
If it kills a minion with 3 attack, it is gonna act like a 5 mana 6/3, Battlecry deal 4 damage, which is comparable to a Blackwing Corruptor in power level.
It is situational, but if the situation hits it is a good card.
But the only thing that matters, is if there is going to be a deck that supports this card.
First off, I am pretty sure the "There are too many druids"-thread already exist.
The timespand of two weeks are just not gonna happen, as you after just three week, should not make drastic changes (and the expansion is only a week old right now, maybe something else will come up).
If you wanna look back at the history of the game, you should expect a nerf up to 6 months after the expansion. Like we saw with Warsong Commander and Undertaker.
But since they did not nerf secret paladin, when that were just as big a part of ladder, I do not think they will nerf druid, no matter if they are overpowered or not. They are probably gonna try to make another class dominant in the next expansion.
The good news is that there have been many of these "Hearthstone is gonna DIE!"-threads after every expansion, but it is still alive.
If the deck is slow enough to play tirion, then yes; stonehill defender is good (class cards has a 4-times higher chance to show up in the discover). If you play a token deck, then knife juggler should be an auto-include and that makes haunted creeper good too.
I have not heard of that, and I do not think that they would lower the crafting cost.
They might release some wild packs at some point. The wild packs would be having two expansions + three adventures now, where in the last rotation they would just have had GVG and NAXX, so wild packs in the year of the Kraken would not have made that much sence.
Do not craft it all at once, build it slowly. If you cannot have fun with the deck in a semi-optimised state, then you probably should not draft the rest. Sludge Belcher can be used anywhere so that will be a fairly sure craft to start with.
Buff cards are strongest when used for tempo plays! So you should make a Tempo focused deck, if you ever want Buffs to work and not a control deck (unless you are going for a specific otk combo of course).
You should probably redo the deck in a zoo style. Especially since Buffs are the worst cards in the game, if you do not have a minion from the turn before. Look at the old Face-Fapadins (I think it were called Shockadin?) for inspiration. I think most of them already used Blessing of Might and Blessing of Kings.
The "Freeze mage:-Completely destroyed" is just based on some nonsence.
Yes it will be weaker in standard, than in wild, as it already is, but it has exicted since before both Emperor Thaurissan and Forgotten Torch, and the last one wasn't even a stabel. I will agree that Ice Lance will hurt, no doubt! But there has been added a lot more spelldamage minions, so there are still ways to increase the damage range.
Do not forget that the removal of Reno Jackson is also a huge plus for Freeze mage, and you get Arcanologist, a tutor card for your secrets.
And sorry for sounding lame, but Mill rogue is just not a real deck. In a world where aggro is the meta, Mill rogue is (I sadly agree) as much a deck as Divine Spirit/Inner Fire Priest is.
So to make this work, you need a deck with an ridicoules amount of one-drops (like 10-12 maybe), which means you will alway be mana efficient. Then as early as turn 5, you play a card that is OP in itself, but it also makes your deck OP? That's like Mysterious Challenger 2.0? o,0
It is interesting how few cards you need to strengthen aggro decks. Just like how Argent Horserider got in every aggro deck after TGT.
But you might need to calm down, as control and midrange deck takes much longer to get optimized, so this aggro thing might just be temporary. Warlock Zoo-deck also looked like they ruined WOG, but they dissapered after a week or two.
No, Pit Lord would not fit in that deck, for the same reason that it did not fit in the decks that used Voidcaller. If you are going to cheat out demons, there are some much better options than Pit Lord. :)
It was never a particularly good deck, it was just very irritating to play against because the match took 40 minutes. You might be able to get a positive winrate, if you are lucky enough to match against a lot of slow decks, but to actually "climb" will take way to long.
If it kills a minion with 3 attack, it is gonna act like a 5 mana 6/3, Battlecry deal 4 damage, which is comparable to a Blackwing Corruptor in power level.
It is situational, but if the situation hits it is a good card.
But the only thing that matters, is if there is going to be a deck that supports this card.
Nothing will ever beat the old Undertaker.
He fits well in the old secret hunter. Does secret hunter fit in this meta? Not really...
First off, I am pretty sure the "There are too many druids"-thread already exist.
The timespand of two weeks are just not gonna happen, as you after just three week, should not make drastic changes (and the expansion is only a week old right now, maybe something else will come up).
If you wanna look back at the history of the game, you should expect a nerf up to 6 months after the expansion. Like we saw with Warsong Commander and Undertaker.
But since they did not nerf secret paladin, when that were just as big a part of ladder, I do not think they will nerf druid, no matter if they are overpowered or not. They are probably gonna try to make another class dominant in the next expansion.
The good news is that there have been many of these "Hearthstone is gonna DIE!"-threads after every expansion, but it is still alive.
If the deck is slow enough to play tirion, then yes; stonehill defender is good (class cards has a 4-times higher chance to show up in the discover). If you play a token deck, then knife juggler should be an auto-include and that makes haunted creeper good too.
Find that specific post first!
I have not heard of that, and I do not think that they would lower the crafting cost.
They might release some wild packs at some point. The wild packs would be having two expansions + three adventures now, where in the last rotation they would just have had GVG and NAXX, so wild packs in the year of the Kraken would not have made that much sence.
Do not craft it all at once, build it slowly. If you cannot have fun with the deck in a semi-optimised state, then you probably should not draft the rest. Sludge Belcher can be used anywhere so that will be a fairly sure craft to start with.
Buff cards are strongest when used for tempo plays! So you should make a Tempo focused deck, if you ever want Buffs to work and not a control deck (unless you are going for a specific otk combo of course).
You should probably redo the deck in a zoo style. Especially since Buffs are the worst cards in the game, if you do not have a minion from the turn before. Look at the old Face-Fapadins (I think it were called Shockadin?) for inspiration. I think most of them already used Blessing of Might and Blessing of Kings.
Good luck finding a solution ;)
The "Freeze mage:-Completely destroyed" is just based on some nonsence.
Yes it will be weaker in standard, than in wild, as it already is, but it has exicted since before both Emperor Thaurissan and Forgotten Torch, and the last one wasn't even a stabel. I will agree that Ice Lance will hurt, no doubt! But there has been added a lot more spelldamage minions, so there are still ways to increase the damage range.
Do not forget that the removal of Reno Jackson is also a huge plus for Freeze mage, and you get Arcanologist, a tutor card for your secrets.
And sorry for sounding lame, but Mill rogue is just not a real deck. In a world where aggro is the meta, Mill rogue is (I sadly agree) as much a deck as Divine Spirit/Inner Fire Priest is.
The horror!
So to make this work, you need a deck with an ridicoules amount of one-drops (like 10-12 maybe), which means you will alway be mana efficient. Then as early as turn 5, you play a card that is OP in itself, but it also makes your deck OP?
That's like Mysterious Challenger 2.0? o,0
Nice to see some positivity for once, and I will agree every archetype can be fun to play :)
Though I will say a monotome meta is always irretating :/....... and your title is missleading ;P
If you think a card is fun, then you should craft it in my oppinion :) It is just a game after all.
If you find out it just never works the way you want it to; then so what? You will gain the dust again later.
I see the potential/fun in a greedy deck, but just remember that greed is rarely viable on the ladder :P
It is interesting how few cards you need to strengthen aggro decks. Just like how Argent Horserider got in every aggro deck after TGT.
But you might need to calm down, as control and midrange deck takes much longer to get optimized, so this aggro thing might just be temporary. Warlock Zoo-deck also looked like they ruined WOG, but they dissapered after a week or two.
No, Pit Lord would not fit in that deck, for the same reason that it did not fit in the decks that used Voidcaller. If you are going to cheat out demons, there are some much better options than Pit Lord. :)