How's this idea? Based off Cyber Dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh!
Any better way to put this keyword? I don't think Alone will cut it, as if there are enemy minions while you are the only friendly minion, you are not alone: there are hostile forces.
Hmm maybe Tenacious? Determined? Steadfast?
Decided to go with Braveheart:
Basically, for Braveheart, your opponent needs a minion and, if it is in a spell or weapon, you need to control NO minions, or if it is in a minion, it has to be the only minion there.
How's this idea? Based off Cyber Dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh!
Any better way to put this keyword? I don't think Alone will cut it, as if there are enemy minions while you are the only friendly minion, you are not alone: there are hostile forces.
Violet Illusionist is her pen pal since she was a Valkyrion Aspirant. She still writes to her to this day. How sweet.
Artist: Skyla Rundell
Anti-aggro card for Paladin. While it offers a 3/4 body for 2 mana, it makes your opponent Immune. At least this somehow nerfs Piloted Shredder (only really applies in Wild and Arena) and Evolve, but, unfortunately, also somehow nerfs Silvermoon Portal.
Artist: Fred Studard
A mini-Grommash Hellscream. It is a filler card, but it can see play in some Warrior deck as a hare-brained scheme's combo piece of sorts involving Inner Rage and/or Cruel Taskmaster, Rampage and some other combo piece.
If Pepe wins, is it because it's a meme? If so, I swear...
How's this idea? Based off Cyber Dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh!
Any better way to put this keyword? I don't think Alone will cut it, as if there are enemy minions while you are the only friendly minion, you are not alone: there are hostile forces.
As with gambling, not worth it.
No Pally Weapon?
Good job, Famitsu!
Seriously, this weapon is kind of underwhelming, but people who made such predictions could be wrong.
Should this be a Legendary instead?
Should this cost (3) Mana instead and have its Health increased?
Under the #MakePaladinGreatAgain tag (yes, I main Paladin, but I prefer Midrange Pally):
Shielded Minibot
Muster for Battle
Zombie Chow (also outside the #MakePaladinGreatAgain tag)
Old Murk-Eye
Outside the #MakePaladinGreatAgain tag:
Unstable Portal (because eSports)
Mal'Ganis (I Am Turtle)
Annoy-o-Tron (#MakeShadeOfAranDrumpfAgain)
Piloted Shredder
Nerubian Egg
Sludge Belcher
Loatheb (#MakeYoggDrumpfAgain)
Sneed's Old Shredder (especially if it summons Kel'Thuzad)
Cards that can stay in wild for all I care:
Dr. Boom
The closest was Flame Leviathan.
That said, I got one, I instantly dusted it. I got another, also turned it to dust.
From Yu-Gi-Oh!
No, she's not a CPU. If she were a CPU, you'd see power signs on her transformed version's eyes.
Violet Illusionist is her pen pal since she was a Valkyrion Aspirant. She still writes to her to this day. How sweet.
Artist: Skyla Rundell
Anti-aggro card for Paladin. While it offers a 3/4 body for 2 mana, it makes your opponent Immune. At least this somehow nerfs Piloted Shredder (only really applies in Wild and Arena) and Evolve, but, unfortunately, also somehow nerfs Silvermoon Portal.
Artist: Fred Studard
A mini-Grommash Hellscream. It is a filler card, but it can see play in some Warrior deck as a hare-brained scheme's combo piece of sorts involving Inner Rage and/or Cruel Taskmaster, Rampage and some other combo piece.
How's this?
Did you know that in some Alpha Patch, execute costed TWO mana rather than ONE mana.
Proof: at 4:22
Only one more health would have made it a subject of cancerous memes.