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    posted a message on New Neutral Epic Card Revealed - Slithering Deathscale

    Think the concept here is you would run 1-2 different naga in deck with a reasonable amount of spells talking 12-14+ spells to get the perks off the play or maybe 3 if there triggers are playing 1 spell. Chances are you would see it as a 2 of 3 spells 2-4 of 1 spell minion pending on your spell count. Priest may run more as well depending how you look at as it has so many cards that are a spell that generates a spell currently.

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    posted a message on How to fix the United in Stormwind Quests

    Hunter Quest - This is disruptive in wild but not so much in standard and personally i think the better way to resolve this quest would be to make the final reward +2 hero power damage being able to use it once a turn for 4 damage can be used as a control tool. Its still solid face damage. But no one is going to get insanely OTKed by it you also remove the need to play spells with it. Additionally you make the reward a replayable stackable benefit with cards like bran bronzebeard // youthful brewmaster and you can even use it with a card like rexxar to trigger over the stage 2 before the stage 2 hero power and get 0 mana rexxar hero power. 

    Mage Quest - Change the reward to at the start of the turn discover a spell that was in your starting deck and add that card to your hand. This removed or reduce the spell damage to +1 personally i think the first option is far more balanced as this generates value for a mage deck and the option works for both control decks and aggressive decks.

    Warlock quest - Reduce the health cost but make it require your hero power to activate this would make it slower. The end value reward still creates the same result. But it becomes weaker against Aggro as your forcing hero powers rather than insane plays like crystilizer allowing completion in wild by turn 3. You could even reduce the damage to 6 4 4 and it would still be playable but you would force players to wait till turn 8 to complete the quest making it gradual and slowing it down enough in wild to be manageable.

    Personally I think all 3 of these specific changes would not only create new archtypes but work for multiple deck styles giving some more options to control and in case of the first 2 give them more ways they could have fun with the rewards themselves. Youthful brew master now your generating 2 spells every turn for the rest of the game from cards that started in your deck that has some major value or bran for same results it means the mage deck is going to have alot less issues throwing burn damage at minions while not having as much burst to face potential. However you could still go that route I personally feel this route as an idea however just makes more raw value.

    edit: Another option for the warlock quest could be reducing the damage taken by the quest to complete he quest and instead making the trigger summon random demons whenever you take damage. Instead of dealing to to face which is another way you could kind of rebalance it while keeping it interactable. Gives more highroll/low roll potential. Was something I thought of later keeping in flavor with the Demon Seed being the name of the card getting demons from damage does allow it to present constant big boards of threats. But those threats can be interacted with you could still get some pretty insane turns off dark glare however at same time.

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    posted a message on How to fix the United in Stormwind Quests

    also side note it would be nice to see them add the +1 damage to shadow form back from the shadowform spells. To bring more emph to the arch type.

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    posted a message on Alliestrasza and Lt. Eddy Cancel Card Reveals over Blizzard Allegations and Law Suit - Trump Too

    I thought about about posting this specifically as its a bit more stand out than a lot more stand out than most of the information shown. But this highly supports a large part of the documention regardless of it being older content and set person no longer being at blizzard be warned this is pretty disgusting to watch regarding alex afrasiabi.

    The commentary response is extremely crude overall and really kinda pushes what a large number of people have been saying. Be warned this is pretty diffcult IMO to stomach listening to his response toe the person speaking to the team in the 2010 blizzcon video. Personally myself I think this at least validates a large part of the issues presented regarding him to any regards within the company as this is exactly the kinda response you would expect from someone with the mentality discribed in documents i posted earlier from the case.


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    posted a message on Alliestrasza and Lt. Eddy Cancel Card Reveals over Blizzard Allegations and Law Suit - Trump Too


    Additional statements recorded from prior employees. So there is more information available out there.

    So more information is shared with the community to know the situation to the fullest extent. While still think that people should wait to make an decision on the situation till there is full information available and it really looks pretty disgusting.  Having the information available to the community is something I personally feel is important so I will continue to add any additional information as more details are posted on it.

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    posted a message on Alliestrasza and Lt. Eddy Cancel Card Reveals over Blizzard Allegations and Law Suit - Trump Too

    You clearly need to learn to read better and I would try to be vivid in my statement but there isnt much point your just looking for a way to try and push your opinion out there. Because a girls twitter page is not the officual document. There is zero reference in the actual doucment I linked it. 2 law is innocent till proven guilty regardless if they look guilty not guilty until proven innocent.

    Last time ill be replying to anything from you learn to read an entire conversation piece instead of picking and chosing lines of text to read. If you even read the first thing I said in full it says make your own opinion off the document but that I think we shouldnt presume when you have a single document to go off. Because twitter posts after the information is already out there is that hype train going and talking to the police after the fact or the lawyers and saying nothing on social media is more actual action instead of trying to chime into something and make yourself stand out more. As details to them actually being found guilty or not gives more weight to the argument than posting it on twitter. Not to say those people were not affected but people will in SOME NOT ALL cases do it just to attention grab. Court documentation would carry a lot more weight. Its not to discredit any actions from those people but its kind of one them to present themselves to the case and let the courts resolve it.

    Perfect example being the guy who did the voice lines being Kel'thuzad who was fired then found innocent and then still suffers the consequences after the fact. Or anyone who says I was part of it and then doesn't go and put there part into the case because those people are saying hey it affected me but I don't want anything done about it. If it affected you then you participate you don't post on twitter about it. As that also gives the case a lot more traction.


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    posted a message on Alliestrasza and Lt. Eddy Cancel Card Reveals over Blizzard Allegations and Law Suit - Trump Too

    Its a matter of context, perspective ect on the entire situation which none of us have at this time. And reacting purely based on the information we do have is objective if you want to take a stance take a stance on it but remember you do not have all the information. I could express an opinion 1 way or the other but fact is it would be only based on existing information which we dont have enough of 85% of it is probably accurate based on what we have now and 15% of it is probably just inflated over exaggerating the situation. But then thats just contextual as we dont actually have all the info just a small part of it even if we dig around.

    Following it becoming more known as well a lot more of the follow up info not directly out is probably going to be more fake than real as well because of people just wanting to get popularity off it. While not all of it will people are going to exploit it for whatever they can.

    Riot / Ubisoft and EA all had similar things reciently looking into just less publically known and far less stand out than the accusations with activision/blizzard.

    There are people that overreact to things and take things to far and then there are situations that the perspective is valid. Dealing with 1000's of people daily you hear the complete garbage of the world and the realism. Things like he got promoted because hes friends with the boss. That is probably not sexism that is called they get along well if he works 85% as hard as you and your a girl or a guy fact is culturally they get along better and the person is getting promoted purely for that reason. Other situations that person might be 50% as good and its just not worth the risk vs reward for your higher up to promote that same person. Having worked in a dozen different positions in the same role 9/10 times before the interviews even take place there is a person in mind for the position and if that person applies they are going to get it. Its just favortism culturally you get along better you'll work together better. However every person does have people there friends with who completely would be a waste of time to promote. 99/100 times there its nothing to do with sexism while there are situations that would be the case. Its universal not the video game industry in that case. The biggest difference there are the number of people of one gender in that industry makes it stand out more. Again there are situations where that does exist but its an example of how things are contextual. You could be thinking it is purely cause you worked hard where it was purely they just got along better in general and that 15% better you were was just not enough to tip the scales. I've lost promotions for the exact same reason and been like hey it happens.

    Again its contextual same time there is a tone of you can find online of Alex Afrasiabi acting like a complete sexist *BLANK* that exist out there which would lead a person to believe at least some of it is true and not just in a I said something stupid way. In an I am a creepy human being way. Same time from a neutral perspective not saying its accurate in anyway in a lot of those videos you have blizzard CEO Alan Brack. Who while is actions are still unacceptable comes off more as a bullied high school kid just wanting to fit in which doesn't come off the same way just more like a I am weak and can't stand up for things I don't agree with. But again this is said with a lack of information which honestly thats why court systems exist. To sort that out as its a matter of perspective. We dont have the necessary information to make a call as to what the extent of the situation is. If guy or girl you feel like your voice isnt heard by management they may be afraid to come forward till after the fact because they feel like there higher ups are not capable of dealing with the situation for one reason or another.

    If as streamers they don't wanna do there card reveals because they feel strongly about the situation that is there choice to do so. If they still wanna stream the content because they enjoy the game or its there way of making a living its also there choice. Its not your lively hood on the line taking either stance its is there income. In a fair number of cases a large number of us do not live in the same country as some of those streamers our income is not in the same situations ect. However at the same time if blizzard decides to give the reveal to someone else and they deal with the repercussions of that its also on them or they get shut down for reveals in the future invites ect in the future. The information just isnt there personally in my opinion at this time for anyone to take a side 1 way or another on the situation without context.

    I think it would have been smarter to bring it into the lime light and still do there reveals to get attention on the subject. As its a more neutral perspective given the situation and to present the information to let people make there own decisions. Because everyones going to have there own opinion on the situation 1 way or another.

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    posted a message on Alliestrasza and Lt. Eddy Cancel Card Reveals over Blizzard Allegations and Law Suit - Trump Too

    I did find some references to support what your saying after you brought it up. Those same references though do say like most of the legal document it is not the entire team. I can understand boycotting much more in that perspective. There are some other things brought up in same perspective including a very disgusting video that was found from blizz con 2010. I would post a link but its pretty deplorable but that was the wow team specifically there.

    I would personally still hold off on making judgement calls to things like that until there are more official details. As it doesnt just affect the people involved directly but those who may have had no part in the situation what so ever. Especially since you will see a hype train of people just using it as a publicity stunt. While some of those people will be legidimately speaking up. As was best said let the legal system take its action properly instead of putting it on everyone. Think about it from perspective if you were one of the people not involved. Should you be affected just because you were at the same company. As its not only blizzard that has had that issue happen lately basically its just the more known issue there have also been reports with EA/Riot/Ubisoft. But again blizzards documentation is much more serious in the nature of some of the specific accusations. 


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    posted a message on Alliestrasza and Lt. Eddy Cancel Card Reveals over Blizzard Allegations and Law Suit - Trump Too

    The whole point is the accusations based on the document are centered around the past 2 years // the wow team and its not even the entire team. The document is much more serious than the accusations that Riot had in a similar regard. You should not punish every person tied to a group for 1 persons actions. Its like saying that if you have 20 people and 3 people of those 20 are responsible for something horrific the other 17 should be held accountable which is not the case. If you were in those 17 other people you may not have even known what that specific action is and should not be held accountable for it. Some of those people are even standing up for the people who were harmed because they have a perspective on it. Not to mention its innocent until proven guilty not guilty until proven innocent. Not to stand up for anyone who may have been involved in the inncident in question. The point is that people can make there own choice how they feel about it and have the information available. Equality should be present if the information present supports that there is inequality then actions taken should be taken. Vanilla-wotlk are more than 2 years old additionally the documentation specifically states that the people involved were/are part of those 2 specific teams with Blizzard and unless more information comes out saying otherwise this is my opinion but you shouldn't loop everyone into the same group. Or punish / Point the fingers at them without anything to support it. Only 2 specific names are mentioned in the entire document and 1 of them was actually while not taking the correct response to the situation in the light presented not supporting the action. Again the information is present in the document for people to make up there own decisions while standing on that. But guilty by association specifically assumes the responsible party was aware of the situation.

    Jimmy who sells potatoes at a grocery store owned by the mafia may not even know the store is owned by the mafia and there for could not be found guilty by association just because Jimmy works at the store. That is the point to be said as you cant pin everyone as part of the problem just because they work for blizzard. Unless those people are grouped into the specific situation or light presents itself to there involvement making that call just is not fair to them as individuals.

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    posted a message on Alliestrasza and Lt. Eddy Cancel Card Reveals over Blizzard Allegations and Law Suit - Trump Too

    If anyone actually read the entire document they would have taken notice all the accusations in the document were directly related to the Wow development team and the Battle.net team throughout the document there are no mentions of the overwatch/hearthstone/diablo team themselves. Majority of which is oriented around the wow team. While I personally agree that those involved should be held accountable. I don't think refusing to reveal cards affecting the team not involved in the inncident is the best way of dealing with it. This is also coming from someone who said that it was wrong to not include more women in the events from blizzard in a prior post. Having read the entire document completely when this news came out. I do think that people are reacting much more poorly because of that. Simply shedding light that there were some serious things occured and giving people the ability to read the information via a link below there reveal videos would have been sufficient so people themselves could choose how to react to the information. I had to go and look up the information myself and find the court document for it. I personally think negatively putting this on people not involved is also not a good idea. The only people held accountable should be those involved in the inncident if found guilty. Not people who may not have even known this was going on.


    The document itself can be found at




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