I have been playing Hearthstone since the game's inception in 2014, and with THIS deck, TODAY, the LAST day of March, I FINALLY HIT LEGEND!
(however, now I have nothing more to live for anymore...)
Click on the buttons to change the PopCard background.
Click on the button to hide or unhide popcard elements.
There it is ;)
Thanks man. Hope you are enjoying ;)
My sincerely congratulation for druid players!
You are the best cancer players, even worst than agro hunters.
How many time we need to wait to these FU%$&# developers adjust the game?
(yes Im pissed with the current meta)
So I was luck afterall too?
After my 3500+ wins with shaman?
Cmon man, now I know that I need to write a guide for player like you :/
Thanks for you reply man! =D And how it was?
the most nerfed class of HS. THanx team 5 =(((((((
Oh nooo!!! This update hit me soo hard!!
Hearthpwn was my ultimate database for hearthstone since the beginning! It's a very sad day (sorry guys my English its not my primary language).
My dream since the beginning it was getting the legend rank and for 3 years I thought it would be impossible. So one day I made a odd rogue modification (with some unique tech cards) and I complete the task and more impressive, my list hits the front page! What a proud day!!!
I need to thank you all the staff of hearthpwn for these amazing years! You were in my shortcut (chrome) in all my platforms.
Gosh, actually I really don't know what to say but thank you for all! Have a good success in your future plans.
I lived to see this day!
Keep going Blizz, THIS kind of update is what we are looking for many years ;)
Hi kiwi, I faced you sometimes on the ranked and I'm a big fan of your showcasing.
Great job with this deck. Please, keep going with these out of and super fun decks. HS is much more than 70-80% winrate fu@¨% decks.
See ya ;)
Trust my friend kalymos isnt "replaceble"