Hello Amylsnorts! Wow Awesome, man! Good Job getting legend! Are you was nervous on the final boss match? haha It always happen to me even in the 6th time like was in the last month.
As you, I'm playing hearthstone since 2014, hope we still enjoy the game and hit legend many times. Thanks for your words.
Hearthpwn was my ultimate database for hearthstone since the beginning! It's a very sad day (sorry guys my English its not my primary language).
My dream since the beginning it was getting the legend rank and for 3 years I thought it would be impossible. So one day I made a odd rogue modification (with some unique tech cards) and I complete the task and more impressive, my list hits the front page! What a proud day!!!
I need to thank you all the staff of hearthpwn for these amazing years! You were in my shortcut (chrome) in all my platforms. Gosh, actually I really don't know what to say but thank you for all! Have a good success in your future plans. HF GL
Hi kiwi, I faced you sometimes on the ranked and I'm a big fan of your showcasing. Great job with this deck. Please, keep going with these out of and super fun decks. HS is much more than 70-80% winrate fu@¨% decks.
I think can be a thing. Wait for the launch of the new expansion. Vilespine Slayer is sooooo strong man, keep in your radar to craft them in a near future ;)
Hello Amylsnorts!
Wow Awesome, man! Good Job getting legend!
Are you was nervous on the final boss match? haha It always happen to me even in the 6th time like was in the last month.
As you, I'm playing hearthstone since 2014, hope we still enjoy the game and hit legend many times. Thanks for your words.
There it is ;)
Thanks man. Hope you are enjoying ;)
Hello bro.
What replacements you are looking for?
Soon I'll write a guide ;)
My sincerely congratulation for druid players!
You are the best cancer players, even worst than agro hunters.
How many time we need to wait to these FU%$&# developers adjust the game?
(yes Im pissed with the current meta)
So I was luck afterall too?
After my 3500+ wins with shaman?
Cmon man, now I know that I need to write a guide for player like you :/
Thanks for you reply man! =D And how it was?
Oh nooo!!! This update hit me soo hard!!
Hearthpwn was my ultimate database for hearthstone since the beginning! It's a very sad day (sorry guys my English its not my primary language).
My dream since the beginning it was getting the legend rank and for 3 years I thought it would be impossible. So one day I made a odd rogue modification (with some unique tech cards) and I complete the task and more impressive, my list hits the front page! What a proud day!!!
I need to thank you all the staff of hearthpwn for these amazing years! You were in my shortcut (chrome) in all my platforms.
Gosh, actually I really don't know what to say but thank you for all! Have a good success in your future plans.
Hi kiwi, I faced you sometimes on the ranked and I'm a big fan of your showcasing.
Great job with this deck. Please, keep going with these out of and super fun decks. HS is much more than 70-80% winrate fu@¨% decks.
See ya ;)
Trust my friend kalymos isnt "replaceble"
Let's see what will come with the boomsday project ;)
But I think he won't loses his slot =D
Thanx man. That the spirit =D
Did you already get legend? Share your efforts ;)
I would like to know who gives a downvote for this deck... =D
I think can be a thing. Wait for the launch of the new expansion. Vilespine Slayer is sooooo strong man, keep in your radar to craft them in a near future ;)
Guys, I will respond everyone soon as I can.
Thank you so much for your support.
Especialmente aos meus colegas brasileiros. Vocês são foda :D