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    posted a message on [LEGEND] Gunnolf's Wild Kalecgos OTK Giants Mage (ft. Vargoth)

    That's a good question about Doomsayer. It's hard for me to answer without bias, especially since I pretty much got my Golden Mage almost excluisvely playing Freeze Mage, which the playstyle of the deck is somewhat modelled after. Personally, I run it because it stalls development and combos great with freeze effects but even when I got it silence, it was always ignored and thus a great target for the Bananas.

    Additional freezes could work for sure. Probably Ray of Frost since it counts towards the quest but I'm still in favor of Doomsayer. Feel free to experiment however. ^^

    In terms of dealing with taunts, I've found that small/medium taunts are not really an issue especially if you wait until the Archmange Vargoth Turn. Similarly, one voidlord isn't a problem with the same combo and especially if you're able to play Kalecgos on your free turn for a double aoe clear with Vargoth. The main problem is when there are multiple taunts.

    Obsidian statue is a pain on its own and not really eaily dealt with unless you discover a Polymorph of any kind.

    Big Priest is one of those annoying match-ups but when it comes to warlock in particular I find that milling them helps a lot.

    Posted in: [LEGEND] Gunnolf's Wild Kalecgos OTK Giants Mage (ft. Vargoth)
  • 3

    posted a message on The community's standard attitude towards Wild is unhelpful and needs to be changed.
    Quote from GentilleMouche >>

    I'm on the verge of dusting my entire 5 years old Wild collection. I've read all the wild enthusiasts in this thread and honestly, I see bullshit and lies everywhere.

    Wild = highroll early or draw Reno to highroll later or lose the game. The entire wild meta is built his way and there is no room for the hundreds of fair cards and decks that we are supposed to enjoy in this format.

    T1 wild decks are so powerful that I genuinely feel DIRTY when I play them. Playing jade druid you feel like a heroic PVE boss but it's alright hearthpwn said it's only T2 and you can tech against it. Because it's very well known, tech against one deck does not make your deck worse against everything, riiiiight. Feel so good playing Skulking Geist on curve, when the already have played 10+ jades. 

     I'm sorry to say that this is a clear exageration.

    The wild meta hasn't had any legitimate reno decks for a while. It's not to say that they aren't viable but Renlock gets outclassed by Cubelock, Reno Combo Priest is harder to play without the zero cost hero power so most just play Big Priest and RenoMage is not a thing unless you're a die hardfan. It's mostly burnmage now.

    Furthermore, Jade druid cannot summon 10+ jades by turn 6 unless by some miracle he gets fandral staghelm and it sticks. The majority of Jade Druids nowadays only run Mamoth, Aya and 2 idols as far as jade generators go. So their early spam is limited especially without brann bronzebeard.

    The reno and jade reference just leads me to believe that your knowledge on the mode is severely outdated or you're just trying to stir up drama.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The community's standard attitude towards Wild is unhelpful and needs to be changed.

    Hey guys, here are two cents from someone who spends more than 90% of his time playing Wild, pretty much since the inception of the format. I hope I am able to address some key issues.

    Ever since its creation there have been players that shunned the format by using the rhetoric of "why would I want to play a format where Dr. Boom and Mysterious Challenger constantly appear". Since then, the notion of a broken and repetitive format has constantly been pushed, willingly or unwillingly by players and developers alike.

    While in Wild there are plenty of obscene combos, most of them require a highroll element making them inconsistent but one has always remained a cut above the rest, Big-Priest. However, even this deck has natural predators. In large part, they were combo decks of the druid variety which are now only played by combo purists since the devs butchered both Wild Growth and Nourish. You can can still deal with these combo decks thanks to aggro and variants of mage like Burn.

    Further to the misconception about the format being broken, there is also that of the format being expensive. It truly isn't if you're looking for a decent competitive deck with which to climb. Cost of cards are only a factor when you want to start experimenting with a multitude of different decks to check their viability on ladder. Essentially, playing and winning is not what costs a bunch but doing so with a myriad of different decks.

    Bleeding out from the experimentation point above, we make a reference to achieving Legend. Every month we have reports of people getting to the golden ranks by using Tier 4 decks like renomage. They are able to achieve this thanks to repeated dedication to the archetype and teching to the meta. It's not impossible to do so, it just requires a time investment which falls inline with grinding to Legend anyway.

    Now, Wild as a dumping ground. While it may be funny to some to memeon Blizzard in this way, there is always a cernel of truth within such statements. However, it is only natural for Devs to make mistakes when a) they know close to nothing about the format and b) their new company policy is to save costs. As a result, they'll do the bare minimum to keep the format running. While few people want to see all cards unnerfed, the majority don't because even though wild is a place for crazy combos, it's nice when they are kept in relative check thus allowing for a diverse competitive meta to exist.

    In terms of people complaining about highroll decks, the primary reason they do so is because it ruins the game dynamic and allows for excessive mana-cheating. Imagine back when cubelock was standard, consider how annoying that was and multiply it 100-fold. Furthermore, imagine how much more annoyed you would be when Blizzard stealth nerfs or buffs cards without letting you know like Naga Sea Witch. It was never asked for and complained about since day 1, resulting in a huge 1 year campaign to have the card nerfed.

    tl;dr At the end of the day, the two formats are now completely different. It doesn't matter what the devs do or some random streamer believes. The community functions well overall and even in an oppressive metagame like AK47 Druid and GiantsLock we found ways to continue to have fun with new decks. Wild is for everyone and while it may not be widely regarded as a positive experience mostly due to propaganda, everyone is welcome to try and see how they feel about it through their own experience.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Wild is now broken GG
    Quote from WhatAChamp >>
    Quote from Kaladin >>

    Bloodbloom + Rafaam's Scheme + Darkest Hour on turn 3 in a class that doesn't have ramp? 

     EZPZ. Coin + two Bloodbloom before each spell. I've seen a friend do it twice already.

    To those saying that wild is supposed to be broken... Blizz clearly cares about the balance in it due to Dreadsteed nerf, Naga Sea Witch nerf and Aviana nerf. So constantly defaulting to that non-sensible comment when you don't care at all about the mode is just frustrating and ridiculous. Let the wild players have a voice. I've seen a huge influx of wild players since this most recent rotation and can bet that they will continue to come in future expansions.

     Well both yes and no.

    If you look at the video they made in collaboration with Gamersensei, there was zero quality control and it had so many errors in it, it did more damage than good for the wild format.

    The Naga Sea Witch change happened only after a full year of the wild community complaining which included someone taking out a paid add on the subreddit. The Aviana nerf is largely considered to be bad since she wasn't the main problem in the combo deck but she was the target because Juicy Psychmelon was a standard card.

    The truth of the matter is that Blizzard cares for Wild enough for it to barely function. With Activision taking over and their sights set almost exclusively on monetising everything and cutting costs where possible, they aren't going to offer any support to a format that doesn't operate nearly as much as a cash cow as standard.

    People may stretch the argument that Blizzard doesn't care about Wild but even when stretched unebliavbly thin, there is a lot of truth in that assertion.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on Wild is now broken GG

    We're abit more than 50, even if dwarfed by the Standards playerbase. Besides for all the broken interactions, Wild has by far a more diverse meta and is in general cheaper than standard. :)

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Wild is now broken GG

    It's a highroll deck, no different than Big Priest.

    We're used to it in Wild but it's still going to take some time to see if this deck will truly stand the test of time.

    If it doesn't thanit's going to be another long year of campaigning to get it changed like Naga Sea Witch.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [LEGEND] Gunnolf's Wild Kalecgos OTK Giants Mage (ft. Vargoth)

    Thank you for playing it. It always makes my day to hear someone is having fun. You should also check out the reno variant if you like technical decks! :)

    Posted in: [LEGEND] Gunnolf's Wild Kalecgos OTK Giants Mage (ft. Vargoth)
  • 1

    posted a message on The end of Hearthstone.
    Quote from Urungulu >>

    Solid thread, solid points. Some people in the Hearthpwn Community are real gems...

    Tbh I expected "META IS STALE" threads in the first week, but this one is okay too. Not disappointed. 

    Btw, judging from those kind of threads, HS has been dying for years.

     The game can't be dying if it was already a zombie to begine with ... ok I may have come to the forums after watching BlackSummer! :p

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gunnolf's Wild OTK Reno Quest Mage (ft. Giants & Burn)

    Echo of Medivh can definitely work. I personally don't run the card but I know others that do in Giant lists and it seems to work fairly well. Just in general not my style :p

    Posted in: Gunnolf's Wild OTK Reno Quest Mage (ft. Giants & Burn)
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    posted a message on [LEGEND] Gunnolf's Wild Bellringer Secret Paladin [NO MC]

    That's fantastic to hear and I am happy it's working as intended.

    Back when I built this deck Even Shaman, Odd Paladin and Big Priest (still) were all the rage so I kind of built my deck around counter flooding (Knife Juggler + tokens) and board protection/breakthrough for the highrolly stuff (i.e Loatheb and Spellbreaker for Big Priest and Cubelock).

    I think the new secrets are a great addition. I really wanted to include some of the new cards in the core decklist but to me it seemed that it would just get worse if I hacked at it.

    Thank you so much for playing with the list though. Still an all-time favourite for me since I was able to prove that Bellringer Sentry is actually a great card in Wild. Seems crazy now but back when it was printed, most people were like Mysterious Challenger or bust. :)

    Posted in: [LEGEND] Gunnolf's Wild Bellringer Secret Paladin [NO MC]
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