Not just pesky deathrattle summons, it destroys small divine shield and reborn minions and it can be just simple 7 mana board clear that scales good with spell damage that can survive first instance of damage. And i hope that it has amazing animation as other Shaman board clears.
Are you tried to play with Conjurer Mage? Note: Since it is considered as Warrior's counter, i can bet that you will not encounter them at all, just some fast decks that eats mage.
At a brink of dying breath, While awaiting inevitable death, Yellow gleam showed me a path, For me to incur the Holy Wrath, Enemy fell from blow of mine, To emote he doesn't had a time, In my heart she left a trace, And here am i in same place, Thus for to Shirvallah I prey, To again save my day.
For constructed this card may be best used for checking what card opponent has been generated, and it could have decent deck popularity. However i think this card would shine in arena. In constructed you would probably know against what deck do you face and anticipate certain cards which you may not use effectively, but in arena this will show its magic.
Original text: Hold The Old Hold
Not just pesky deathrattle summons, it destroys small divine shield and reborn minions and it can be just simple 7 mana board clear that scales good with spell damage that can survive first instance of damage. And i hope that it has amazing animation as other Shaman board clears.
Are you tried to play with Conjurer Mage?
Note: Since it is considered as Warrior's counter, i can bet that you will not encounter them at all, just some fast decks that eats mage.
At a brink of dying breath,
While awaiting inevitable death,
Yellow gleam showed me a path,
For me to incur the Holy Wrath,
Enemy fell from blow of mine,
To emote he doesn't had a time,
In my heart she left a trace,
And here am i in same place,
Thus for to Shirvallah I prey,
To again save my day.
For constructed this card may be best used for checking what card opponent has been generated, and it could have decent deck popularity. However i think this card would shine in arena. In constructed you would probably know against what deck do you face and anticipate certain cards which you may not use effectively, but in arena this will show its magic.