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    posted a message on Ignite

    Another braindead OTK card for wild. Draw your combo, win the game.

    Posted in: Ignite
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    posted a message on Am I taking crazy pills?

    Blizzard just can't figure out what to do with Priest in Standard. They say the class fantasy revolves around healing and single minion buffs, then nerf the two most popular cards that engage in this "fantasy" (their words). Is it annoying to play against a priest who can chain discover Renew->Raise Dead->Wand Maker->Renew? Yeah, sure, but what do they expect when they give a class no natural win conditions beyond extending the game and generating resources to heal itself? Every other class is given efficient ways to try to kill the opponent, but all Priest has is stall/control tools. 

    And it's been said before, but the chief problem isn't that Priest has card generation, it's that discover is a broken mechanic. Always has been and never more so than right after rotation. They should have left it with Un'Goro and not made it a perpetual design crutch.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Paladin too strong?
    Quote from formulas666 >>

    Paladin is OK, there are many counters, leave him alone.

    There are like two reliable counters to paladin and it beats everything else. Paladin has had the best cards in the game since Scholomance, enough already.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Disciplined Rally Priest

    Gandling seems a little wonky in this list. The card got much worse once lackies rotated.

    Posted in: Disciplined Rally Priest
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Playing Corrupt Priest against Libram Paladin. Have a pretty heavy hand, with Yogg and two clowns, work my way through spells to get to 10 and corrupt my clowns. Feeling like I've got a good chance.

    He plays a secret with a Taelan (no DS) and two Northwatch Commandos on board. I've hit one OMY already, so decide to risk a Soul Mirror, figuring I've got a chance for Flamestrike, Expendable Performers, Mask of Cthun, hell even a commencement or Cycle of Hatred wouldn't be awful. But no, I get Celestial Alignment, totally destroying my plan.

    Next turn, I draw Xanesh. Back on the plan!

    Two turns later, I play Yogg into Puzzle Box into... Celestial Alignment.

    Just F.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Just lost to a spell mage who got Alura off Apexis Blast, spellburst into Refreshing Spring Water for another 4 mana and another 4-cost Apexis Blast for lethal. Just utter bullshit.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    T1 Coin, Crabrider

    T2 Hand of Adal

    T3 Conviction, Argent Protector

    T4 Blessing of Kings


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on So we are already back to an aggro meta?

    Tickatus sucks and is bad design, but he's not the reason the meta is dominated by aggro. The issue is that Blizzard keeps developing aggro/tempo tools and doesn't create enough board clear / AoE for reactive strategies to keep up. And one of the reactive classes (Priest) doesn't have access to ANY class-based win conditions outside of healing/fatigue (which is why Tickatus/Jaraxxus just destroy Priests, even if control priest is good against the aggro meta). 

    The devs want hearthstone to be a tempo-based game and that's fine, but if that's the case, then they need to give all of the classes the tools to compete in a game that's perpetually balanced around tempo. Right now, "control" just doesn't fit the paradigm, outside of OTK decks needing to control the game for long enough to draw their combo, and most classes don't have realistic combo finishers either.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Control is so bad in Hs atm
    Quote from sPacEtiMe19 >>

    More terrible tickatus logic. Man it’s just daily isn’t it lol. 

     The stats on tickatus look bad because most of the meta is aggressive and tickatus warlock loses to those decks. But it beats anyone trying something else. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Nozdormu the Eternal

    Should have been 5 or 6 mana. 4 mana and it would have been in every deck, 5 or 6 gives some incentive to try it. It does have a dragon tag, which is useful for Priest/Warrior right now.

    Posted in: Nozdormu the Eternal
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