Sure, at the very start of the expansion, everyone and their mother were playing quest spell mage. But why are people still complaining about it? Many other decks perform far better than it such as elemental shaman, face hunter, and handbuff pally but everywhere I go people are always complaining about mage. Not once have I seen threads of people complaining that there's still people playing ele shaman or that everyone now plays handbuff paladin. While I do not see a problem with any deck right now, I do wonder why people are still crying about mage.
This expansion really isn't as ridiculous as most people are making it out to be.
You're right that more people should be complaining about handbuff paladin, the actual best deck in the game by some margin and absolutely braindead easy to pilot. People assume that Quest Mage is unfair because if a game gets to turn 7-8, the mage probably just wins, but the same is true of handbuff paladin. They just don't burst you down from 20+ health from playing/drawing 6 cards in one turn, so it doesn't "feel" as bad. But paladin's draw (historically a weakness, lol) and linear game plan are just as inevitable against most decks and the matchup spread speaks to that.
I am so sick of dealing with Handbuff Paladins. Their kit is just better than what the other classes have available to them. Build a wide board? Here comes a handbuffed Samuro! Get him to within single digit health? Lol here's a 10 attack Catacomb Guard! Big minion threatening lethal? Time for first blade of wrynn! Too much divine shield and no way for most classes to deal with it. The deck is totally overtuned.
Paladin has been tier 1 since scholomance and its matchup spreads have been absurd all year. Enough.
At my in-law’s house for vacation this week, stuck with their shitty internet service. Update has been downloading on my iPad for 13 HOURS at this point. JFC.
Blizzard just can't figure out what to do with Priest in Standard. They say the class fantasy revolves around healing and single minion buffs, then nerf the two most popular cards that engage in this "fantasy" (their words). Is it annoying to play against a priest who can chain discover Renew->Raise Dead->Wand Maker->Renew? Yeah, sure, but what do they expect when they give a class no natural win conditions beyond extending the game and generating resources to heal itself? Every other class is given efficient ways to try to kill the opponent, but all Priest has is stall/control tools.
And it's been said before, but the chief problem isn't that Priest has card generation, it's that discover is a broken mechanic. Always has been and never more so than right after rotation. They should have left it with Un'Goro and not made it a perpetual design crutch.
Seven minions on board with a dude paladin deck, I have lethal against hunter next turn. Imprisoned Felmaw hits my face (1/8 chance), setting up hunter's own lethal. Just absolute bullshit!
I play mostly wild and have been trying to get into standard. Have been hating it so far. Doesn't feel the same at all. Anyone else have this issue? Seems more rock/paper/scissors than wild does and the outcome is heavily determined vs. what class or deck you queue against. I feel it is less so in wild. Seems like the goal of this mode is to keep everyone at 50ish% win rate?
There are substantially fewer cards in standard than in wild, and so certain cards/strategies stand out as being head and shoulders above everything else. The meta revolves largely around 1) these cards/strategies and 2) the cards/strategies that most effectively counter #1. This has always been more or less the case in standard, at least compared to wild, but it's been exacerbated by the core set rotation and the relatively low power level of the Barrens expansion.
Paladin is OK, there are many counters, leave him alone.
There are like two reliable counters to paladin and it beats everything else. Paladin has had the best cards in the game since Scholomance, enough already.
When was the last time you played a mage that didn't have Primordial Studies or Font of Power in their opening hand?
How about a priest that didn't have Palm Reading on turn 3?
Here's a fun exercise. Take a deck of 30 cards. Take one card out and add two jokers. Shuffle them well and deal yourself the top 2 cards. See how many times the jokers are the top 2 cards. Now ask me how many times when I play control warlock and open with Spirit Jailer I draw the 2 soul fragments that I just shuffled in the deck on round 2.
You gotta love manipulated RNG.
If you mulligan aggressively for one card, the probability you have it in your hand T1 (including the first card you draw) is 41% on the play, 51% on the coin. If you mulligan aggressively for one of TWO cards (like the mage example you cite), the probability you have ANY ONE of them after drawing your first card is 77% on the coin and 67% on the play.
Blizzard isn't screwing you, that's just probability.
I mean, netdecking has been a thing in Hearthstone since pretty much the beginning. Maybe there's more data now and more people just hang on every word Vicious Syndicate says, but netdecking is hardly a new phenomenon.
And you can still experiment with different cards to try to beat the meta! Everybody, including Vicious Syndicate, slept on Ogremancer before somebody just realized that it would be useful in an aggressive meta dominated by cheap spells. The dominance of Evolve Shaman created the opportunity for face-freezing Control Shaman decks, which no meta report was talking about. And now all sorts of N'Zoth builds are being toyed with since the buff to 9 mana. Are they going to be good enough to beat Paladin (who is also in the middle of experimentation) and Face Hunter (who is not)? Who knows! But that's the whole point of the experimentation and deckbuilding, which OP claims he misses and which tons of players, including in the Hearthpwn community, are constantly doing.
If there is a problem right now, it's that Barrens was pretty much a flop as far as expansions go, at least for every class besides Paladin or Warrior. So we have rotation, which means the smallest card pool of the year, and an expansion that did pretty much nothing for most of the classes in the game. That's why everyone is playing the same few decks and why there seems to be such limited variety in the meta.
Playing Corrupt Priest against Libram Paladin. Have a pretty heavy hand, with Yogg and two clowns, work my way through spells to get to 10 and corrupt my clowns. Feeling like I've got a good chance.
He plays a secret with a Taelan (no DS) and two Northwatch Commandos on board. I've hit one OMY already, so decide to risk a Soul Mirror, figuring I've got a chance for Flamestrike, Expendable Performers, Mask of Cthun, hell even a commencement or Cycle of Hatred wouldn't be awful. But no, I get Celestial Alignment, totally destroying my plan.
Next turn, I draw Xanesh. Back on the plan!
Two turns later, I play Yogg into Puzzle Box into... Celestial Alignment.
Just lost to a spell mage who got Alura off Apexis Blast, spellburst into Refreshing Spring Water for another 4 mana and another 4-cost Apexis Blast for lethal. Just utter bullshit.
In any case, finally hit 200 matches Silas Warrior vs The Tick and was able to maintain approx 59.6% win rate. Skipping a hell of a lot of stat coursework, the margin of error (arguable term for this type of stat work, but it'll serve) is slightly higher than 5% with a sample size of 200, But given that I was well over 50% win rate, I don't think that's going to be an issue.
In other words, there's at least one combo deck with heavy control influences that is doing just fine against this alleged scourge. I don't see anything special about Silas Warrior that shouldn't translate to other similar win conditions. So . . . yeah, this whole post is crap.
Could you post decklist and proof of winrate? It blows my mind that Silas OTK Warrior is so viable post-rotation, let alone that the less optimized list can maintain a positive WR against Tickatus when all the reports had control warrior unfavored vs warlock throughout most of DMF.
You're right that more people should be complaining about handbuff paladin, the actual best deck in the game by some margin and absolutely braindead easy to pilot. People assume that Quest Mage is unfair because if a game gets to turn 7-8, the mage probably just wins, but the same is true of handbuff paladin. They just don't burst you down from 20+ health from playing/drawing 6 cards in one turn, so it doesn't "feel" as bad. But paladin's draw (historically a weakness, lol) and linear game plan are just as inevitable against most decks and the matchup spread speaks to that.
I am so sick of dealing with Handbuff Paladins. Their kit is just better than what the other classes have available to them. Build a wide board? Here comes a handbuffed Samuro! Get him to within single digit health? Lol here's a 10 attack Catacomb Guard! Big minion threatening lethal? Time for first blade of wrynn! Too much divine shield and no way for most classes to deal with it. The deck is totally overtuned.
Paladin has been tier 1 since scholomance and its matchup spreads have been absurd all year. Enough.
At my in-law’s house for vacation this week, stuck with their shitty internet service. Update has been downloading on my iPad for 13 HOURS at this point. JFC.
Blizzard just can't figure out what to do with Priest in Standard. They say the class fantasy revolves around healing and single minion buffs, then nerf the two most popular cards that engage in this "fantasy" (their words). Is it annoying to play against a priest who can chain discover Renew->Raise Dead->Wand Maker->Renew? Yeah, sure, but what do they expect when they give a class no natural win conditions beyond extending the game and generating resources to heal itself? Every other class is given efficient ways to try to kill the opponent, but all Priest has is stall/control tools.
And it's been said before, but the chief problem isn't that Priest has card generation, it's that discover is a broken mechanic. Always has been and never more so than right after rotation. They should have left it with Un'Goro and not made it a perpetual design crutch.
Seven minions on board with a dude paladin deck, I have lethal against hunter next turn. Imprisoned Felmaw hits my face (1/8 chance), setting up hunter's own lethal. Just absolute bullshit!
There are substantially fewer cards in standard than in wild, and so certain cards/strategies stand out as being head and shoulders above everything else. The meta revolves largely around 1) these cards/strategies and 2) the cards/strategies that most effectively counter #1. This has always been more or less the case in standard, at least compared to wild, but it's been exacerbated by the core set rotation and the relatively low power level of the Barrens expansion.
Stop spamming greetings when you luckily draw lethal, jesus fucking christ.
There are like two reliable counters to paladin and it beats everything else. Paladin has had the best cards in the game since Scholomance, enough already.
If you mulligan aggressively for one card, the probability you have it in your hand T1 (including the first card you draw) is 41% on the play, 51% on the coin. If you mulligan aggressively for one of TWO cards (like the mage example you cite), the probability you have ANY ONE of them after drawing your first card is 77% on the coin and 67% on the play.
Blizzard isn't screwing you, that's just probability.
I mean, netdecking has been a thing in Hearthstone since pretty much the beginning. Maybe there's more data now and more people just hang on every word Vicious Syndicate says, but netdecking is hardly a new phenomenon.
And you can still experiment with different cards to try to beat the meta! Everybody, including Vicious Syndicate, slept on Ogremancer before somebody just realized that it would be useful in an aggressive meta dominated by cheap spells. The dominance of Evolve Shaman created the opportunity for face-freezing Control Shaman decks, which no meta report was talking about. And now all sorts of N'Zoth builds are being toyed with since the buff to 9 mana. Are they going to be good enough to beat Paladin (who is also in the middle of experimentation) and Face Hunter (who is not)? Who knows! But that's the whole point of the experimentation and deckbuilding, which OP claims he misses and which tons of players, including in the Hearthpwn community, are constantly doing.
If there is a problem right now, it's that Barrens was pretty much a flop as far as expansions go, at least for every class besides Paladin or Warrior. So we have rotation, which means the smallest card pool of the year, and an expansion that did pretty much nothing for most of the classes in the game. That's why everyone is playing the same few decks and why there seems to be such limited variety in the meta.
Gandling seems a little wonky in this list. The card got much worse once lackies rotated.
Playing Corrupt Priest against Libram Paladin. Have a pretty heavy hand, with Yogg and two clowns, work my way through spells to get to 10 and corrupt my clowns. Feeling like I've got a good chance.
He plays a secret with a Taelan (no DS) and two Northwatch Commandos on board. I've hit one OMY already, so decide to risk a Soul Mirror, figuring I've got a chance for Flamestrike, Expendable Performers, Mask of Cthun, hell even a commencement or Cycle of Hatred wouldn't be awful. But no, I get Celestial Alignment, totally destroying my plan.
Next turn, I draw Xanesh. Back on the plan!
Two turns later, I play Yogg into Puzzle Box into... Celestial Alignment.
Just F.
Just lost to a spell mage who got Alura off Apexis Blast, spellburst into Refreshing Spring Water for another 4 mana and another 4-cost Apexis Blast for lethal. Just utter bullshit.
T1 Coin, Crabrider
T2 Hand of Adal
T3 Conviction, Argent Protector
T4 Blessing of Kings
Could you post decklist and proof of winrate? It blows my mind that Silas OTK Warrior is so viable post-rotation, let alone that the less optimized list can maintain a positive WR against Tickatus when all the reports had control warrior unfavored vs warlock throughout most of DMF.