Quote from AT7outof10 >>Reno's revealing the cards even though he's the ONE VA that's gonna be absent?
I have my hopes up that the Reno VA will just suddenly show up in the middle of the panel riding on top of and doing a full splits between a pair of camels.
"The question is not 'Why do we eat bananas?', but "what is worth eating bananas for?'"
Even more powerful when combined with bananas generated from other cards.
"The official reason they're in the army is for bombing runs, but between you and me, I think the trolls mainly use them for joyrides."
This card imitates the batrider units' bombing abilities and low health by being possible to use several times cheaply- simulating bombing runs-- without requiring a brewmaster or similar card to return it to your hand. Of course, that would be a bit OP on its own, so you'll have to find a way to counter its low health to sure it survives for another use.
"Freya gained a following at her grade-school science fair when she managed to make a real volcano out of baking soda and vinegar."
"Who would have guessed that the best way to smuggle contraband was on giant chickens? No one, that's the beauty of the whole plan...."
"Just when you think your goblin staff can't get any crazier, they go and invent some crazy magic spinning lightning rods and completely destroy the lab...."
"When times are dark, sometimes controlled darkness is the answer, or perhaps that's just what it wants you to think...."
"The cycle of life continues, all life must be kept in balance, but let's face it: only a monster would want to kill an innocent, adorable.... HOW COULD YOU!"
As the cycle continues, this card allows a nearly endless cycle of low cost, low impact minions with a hint of randomness to balance it all out.
Inspired by the durable plants of Vul'dun, and related quests to herb gathering, this card represents the toughness of the seeds that grow in hostile involvements and their potential to grow into something truly useful or deadly. Which will your druid cultivate?
Once members of the Kirin Tor, mage hunters sided with Maylgos in his war against mortal magic-users and seek to ascend to a dragon-spawn form for their loyalty. You too shall be rewarded if you shun improper use of magic and receive the stolen power of your opponents.
"I'm going to make this pencil disappear."