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The Great Dark Beyond Cards List & Guide
Server: EU
Trade only: Yes, you go first
Battletag: GOBBLEDYGOOK#11240
Region: EU
Trade only? : yes, you go first. Thank you!
Region: NA
Trade only?: Yes, you go first because I made this post. I'll show quest.
Battletag: Gobbledygook#11240
Trade only: yes, you go first, because I made this post.
Trade only? Yes, you go first because I made this post. I will show my quest as proof.
Battle Tag: GOBBLEDYGOOK#11240
Trade only: You go first since I had to make this post. Could show you quest as proof.
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Name: GOBBLEDYGOOK#11240Server: EUTrade only: Yes, you go first0
Battletag: GOBBLEDYGOOK#11240
Region: EU
Trade only? : yes, you go first. Thank you!
Battletag: GOBBLEDYGOOK#11240Region: NATrade only?: Yes, you go first because I made this post. I'll show quest.0
Battletag: GOBBLEDYGOOK#11240
Region: NA
Trade only?: Yes, you go first because I made this post. I'll show quest.
Battletag: Gobbledygook#11240Region: NATrade only: yes, you go first, because I made this post.0
Battletag: GOBBLEDYGOOK#11240
Region: NA
Trade only? Yes, you go first because I made this post. I will show my quest as proof.
Battletag: GOBBLEDYGOOK#11240
Region: NA
Trade only? Yes, you go first because I made this post. I will show my quest as proof.
Battle Tag: GOBBLEDYGOOK#11240Region: NATrade only: You go first since I had to make this post. Could show you quest as proof.0
Battle Tag: GOBBLEDYGOOK#11240Region: EUTrade only: You go first since I had to make this post. Could show you quest as proof.