The joke is it is a Kripp deck, the arena guy. He sucks at constructed
- Gleith
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Last active Mon, Oct, 14 2024 10:20:13 -
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Zeetchmen posted a message on Kripps Totally Original Best PaladinPosted in: Kripps Totally Original Best Paladin -
Posted in: free winYou should swap in Muster for Battle and Dragon Egg. They're OP here.
Gorlod posted a message on Easter Eggs Abound! Gaming References Hidden in HearthstonePosted in: NewsEerie Statue references Weeping Angels from Doctor Who.
Flavor text:
"Don't blink! Don't turn your back, don't look away, and DON'T BLINK."
Also, can't attack if there are other minions "looking him".
Saber_L posted a message on [KOFT] Handlock is BACK!Posted in: [KOFT] Handlock is BACK!Hi, i appreciate your feedback, but to be honest with you ill tell you why i put those cards in the deck, the reason behind playing with jaraxxus, Guldan or TLK in the deck is because of 3 reasons.
First of all strong late game that is provided by jaraxxus, moreover, there are a lot of priests on the ladder nowadays so having AN extra edge against them is key, i single handed won like 7 games against priest by playing early jaraxxus, and i tell you it saved my ass multiple times. Spaming infernals is just too much. However there are the removals, hence the second reasons and card which is Guldan. There were many cases in my games that even i had filled the board i had to trade well in order to win but my health wasnt very secured, not to mention ton of removals opponents throw at you and keep you pressured no matter what. Then Guldan comes in handy not for the revival of demons but for the armour and metadefining Hero power which helps you stabilize with health points. The Lich King on the other hand is for burst dmg/board clear and i often use him as a decent Damage boost not to mention that not everyone runs TBK in their decklists, and trust me i am pretty happy with the outcome these 3 cards provide me with
Gold_Dave posted a message on Best cards to craft for starting F2P playerPosted in: Card DiscussionI'd suggest to go the midrange hunter route for a moment, i have different accounts and it works super on my free to play accounts. (also on my account where i spent money... just to add)
and while playing with it accumulating more cards...
patience pays out in the long run, alltough it's really hard to save when you don't have that much. but you can make a hunter that's pretty solid without crafting anything... just look for substitutions...
if you're interested you can add me in game, or send a pm here on the forum and I would offer my help with trying to build a deck with only cards you allready have. and if you want me to i could watch you and help out with some tipps ;-)
happy grinding ;-) never give up, you'll reach a solid cardbase sooner than you think if you play regularly ;-)
laadeedaa posted a message on Best cards to craft for starting F2P playerPosted in: Card DiscussionLooks like you have pretty much all the cards you would need to make any one of the many midrange Hunter decks here. I would save most of your dust and go that route. After you start winning and get more gold for packs, then you can start crafting a certain direction. GL
XzXGames posted a message on Best cards to craft for starting F2P playerPosted in: Card Discussionepics: Ice Block,Preparation,Ancient of War, and Doomsayer
i would make a post about rare and commom but i don't think it's needed
XzXGames posted a message on Best cards to craft for starting F2P playerPosted in: Card DiscussionFor legendaries: Bloodmage Thalnos, Cairne Bloodhoof, Ysera,Edwin VanCleef,Tirion Fordring
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This meta will be so fun, i'm reallly hyped, like for the first time this much.. Pog
Improve Morale Add a lackey your hand? I think there is a small mistake in the text :D
Lol, i see you're some pro deckbuilder xd, but i guess having 3x 3/3 and 3/2 in turn 2 is enough for me..
No, it is wild brawl :D
Dost pochybuju, že při každým postování kontroluje, jestli ten balík náhodou někdo nesložil před ním, nehledě na to, že to sem dává pro lidi, ne aby ze sebe dělal, že ho poskládal. teda kdyby ho ukradl :))
Shadowstep is even..
Why isn't the text Enrage: can't attack?
Now only with nothing, it's trash..
And Acidmaw is a TGT card btw..
Rogue Secret