This looks like a pretty good deck that I want to try out, but I don't own Prince Keleseth, Bloodreaver Gul'dan, or any Sea Giants. Any suggestions to replacement and which should I craft first?
No, if you don't own Prince Keleseth, DON'T play this deck, Keleseth is a core card and cannot be replaced, if you play this deck without him, count with horrible winrate..
Dost pochybuju, že při každým postování kontroluje, jestli ten balík náhodou někdo nesložil před ním, nehledě na to, že to sem dává pro lidi, ne aby ze sebe dělal, že ho poskládal. teda kdyby ho ukradl :))
How much better actualy is Bloodmage Thalnos than Tainted Zealot ? do you really need 1 extra card? i think the twice 2 damage is better than card, especially with warlock's heropower..
Hi ^^, after little time of releasing the newest hearthstone expansion Knights of the frozen throne and stabilization of the meta, what legendaries from the set are in your opinion must craft.. like the top 10 List and do you think is The Lich King really that strong?
this is classic decks section, delete it
This is classic decks section lmao, delete it
This meta will be so fun, i'm reallly hyped, like for the first time this much.. Pog
Improve Morale Add a lackey your hand? I think there is a small mistake in the text :D
Cryostasis viable? i don't think so
No, if you don't own Prince Keleseth, DON'T play this deck, Keleseth is a core card and cannot be replaced, if you play this deck without him, count with horrible winrate..
No, it is wild brawl :D
Dost pochybuju, že při každým postování kontroluje, jestli ten balík náhodou někdo nesložil před ním, nehledě na to, že to sem dává pro lidi, ne aby ze sebe dělal, že ho poskládal. teda kdyby ho ukradl :))
Shadowstep is even..
Why isn't the text Enrage: can't attack?
Psychic Scream cannot be really replaced, it's really handy in mirrors too, give some trash cards to your opponent's deck is really valuable..
Rogue Secret
How much better actualy is Bloodmage Thalnos than Tainted Zealot ? do you really need 1 extra card? i think the twice 2 damage is better than card, especially with warlock's heropower..
Hi ^^, after little time of releasing the newest hearthstone expansion Knights of the frozen throne and stabilization of the meta, what legendaries from the set are in your opinion must craft.. like the top 10 List and do you think is The Lich King really that strong?
Thanks for all opinions :)