• 0

    posted a message on Recent Dust Grants and Missing Cards - Official Answer & Update

    Yep, and you get rewarded when they write a good game.

    As a developer, mistakes happen.  You can either bitch and whine about it, or you can be mature and think "it was a goof, but it looks like they're trying their hardest to fix it.  And it really isn't a big deal."


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  • 5

    posted a message on Captain Blackheart's Treasure is This Week's Tavern Brawl

    One of the better brawls in terms of skill-testing, if you are good at arena you will be good at this one. 

    Just remember, card draw is useless, but card generation is huge.  It's easy to run dry on cards in this brawl.  Warlock is probably the worst class to pick, classes with pirate synergy are stronger (rogue, warrior).  Rogue has the advantage of pinging the extra health off of the 2/3 pirate, but warrior has better synergy.  Demon Hunter not bad due to the 1 mana hero ping.

    Pick cards for curve and value over greed.  Game is usually over by turn 8 or 9 (i.e., one player has major board control), so generally don't pick high mana cards until you get there.  The best cards fill out your curve and provide value (2-for-1, card generation, removal, etc).  General arena principles apply here.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Anyone miss control decks?

    Yep, control-only player here.  I like to be reactive, trying to always stop my opponent from whatever they are doing, and maximizing my tools to do so.  It's the only way I find hearthstone to be an actual puzzle and thought-provoking.

    I played about a week since the expansion came out, and haven't played ladder since.  You can no longer stop the opponent from what they are doing, and I don't see how they could print any sort of cards to achieve that without it being insanely overpowered.  I'm always hoping for a true control deck to come out, but haven't seen one yet.

    Now, I just have been doing the odd battleground here and there, and playing against my alt account to complete the quests when needed.  Maybe next year when it rotates.  Everyone has a different style that they like, but this is the worst for my type of meta in a long while.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Shaman Legendary Card Revealed - Command the Elements

    Eh... we'll see.  People are saying this is going to bring back Shamanstone.  I see the quest lines of "play 10 specific cards, get a big benefit", and think that's just too hard of a thing to pull off.  In this case, overloading makes it even more difficult, because if you play overload cards this turn you likely can't play them next turn.  The 3/3 elemental with taunt is an underwhelming second reward too.

    In the history of this game, any time you have to do something like play a bunch of cards to get a big payoff, it just hasn't worked in this game before.  Aggro beats you to the finish, you don't draw well, etc.  Think back to the original quests... rogue worked due to it being aggro itself, but only warrior taunt and priest deathrattle saw any play (as tier 2/3 decks), mainly due to aggro just rolling over quests.  Taunt warrior worked best, because it was specifically anti-aggro.

    I hope it works, because that means aggro is being held in check in the meta.  But I'm always skeptical.  Everyone always looks to the big payoff, and usually it's just too hard to get there.

    Posted in: News
  • 14

    posted a message on Alliestrasza and Lt. Eddy Cancel Card Reveals over Blizzard Allegations and Law Suit - Trump Too

    This isn't a single accuser who claimed something happened.  This is a state who did the investigation first over two years and then went to court.  They don't take things things to court unless they know they will win.

    Posted in: News
  • 5

    posted a message on New Warlock Legendary Card Revealed - Anetheron

    Here's the problem: 

    • In an aggro matchup, if you're holding onto cards until your hand is full, you're dead.  Also, they'd just ignore it and go face.
    • In a tempo matchup, similar story, but also tempo has no problem dealing 6 damage around the time you get this out
    • In a control matchup, any good control deck would laugh at a 6 health minion.

    It should be 6/8 Taunt, or 5/7 Lifesteal, or something that rewards you for getting the card out, and can give you a payoff for whatever you had to do to get all the cards into your hand.  I mean, just play the common card Darkspear Berserker if you want to get big stats out early.

    Clearly there's going to be some additional cards to help handlock, they wouldn't print this in a vacuum, but the payoff is so small I just don't see how this card will be the lynchpin in that set.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Best Hearthstone Cards in Standard - The Mount Rushmore!

    Is this a subtle hint from Blizzard that Hunter is going to get a nerf soon?

    I mean, if you were going to promote your game as balanced, you wouldn't go out of your way and say that the four best cards are from one class.  Seems suspicious....

    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on Captain Blackheart's Treasure is This Week's Tavern Brawl

    Here's why this is one of my FAVORITE brawls:  It requires skill

    Basically, this brawl is arena, but you craft your deck as you go.  That means you adapt your deck on the fly to the board situation.  Furthermore, you know your players starting hand and any cards they draw, so you can adjust even further.

    If you think arena is all random and luck, then I guess you think this is all luck too.  If you do well in arena, then you should do well here.  Right now I have a 8-2 record.  I used to bang this brawl out for my easy gold back before progression track.  The only downside is that it takes a little longer to battle due to the discover mechanic.


    1. Best class to play is Demon Hunter followed by Rogue.  Why?  Because the entire first turns are usually 2/3 monsters, and you can ping off that last 1 health with hero power and win board control early.
    2. Going second is actually best here . Always coin out a 2/3 on turn 1 and another 2/3 on turn 2.  Go face unless you can kill off the opponents 2/3 (ie, not worth leaving at 2/1 for a turn).  You usually win board control.
    3. When picking cards, your first 4 turns are most likely all set, so you should be looking at 4+ mana cards.  But, like arena draft, value is most important here.  Good arena cards are good brawl cards.  Take bigger stats, "fast" cards like rush or immediate damage, cards that are hard to remove, etc.
    4. Weigh card generation as extremely valuable.  You can't draw any good cards, so the only way to get more than one "good" card per turn is card generation.  Discover, get random cards, etc.  Don't bother with card draw as it only gives you another 2/3.


    Posted in: News
  • 6

    posted a message on Core Set Has Been Released! - ALL Cards In the Database

     I'm shocked....  Shocked!... I tell you, that Sorcerer's Apprentice is gone

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  • 0

    posted a message on New Hunter Legendary Card Revealed - Maxima Blastenheimer

    It's face damage, which means you're an aggro deck, but aggro usually wants cheap minions, which you don't want with the battlecry.  The only possibility is some sort of aggro spell hunter, but this ruins the idea of "only spells" in the deck like the old spell hunter.

    I dunno, seems awkward.  But you know hunter: "If there's aggro, there's a way..."

    Posted in: News
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