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    posted a message on New Card - Blazecaller

    Looks like Elementals are the new Dragon tribe.  Similar playstyle, similar tools.  This is the Blackwing Corruptor equivalent, for 2 more mana, you get 2 more damage and 1/2 of stats.  Dragonpriest had a 2-mana and 4-mana taunt, Elementals have a (better) 3-mana and 4-mana taunt.  Elementals just don't have the quantity of big 8+ drops that the dragon tribe had.  Seems more mid-rangey with better 4-6 mana drops, and a couple of 1-2 mana drops.  It's not like dragon decks could play more than one or two big dragons in their deck anyway.

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    posted a message on New Paladin Quest Reward Card - Galvadon

    Right now the only classes that can handle this minion as a stealthed 5 health drop (reliably) are Warrior (Brawl, new legendary combo unless Divine Shield), Shaman (Devolve) and Warlock (Twisting Nether/DOOM!).  Hunter has a chance with Deadly Shot, although not reliable.  All other classes need a magical combo not likely to happen, or Deathwing, or just somehow put up a handful of taunts.

    That's what I don't like about the card, is that it's a "I win" card against 66% of the classes.  Get Stealth + Windfury (likely to happen), and then they just Blessed Champion it (or some other buff) this or next turn and one-shot you for a max of 56 face damage.  The other quests, if completed, only make the class stronger but don't guarantee a win.  This one all but does unless the opponent is of class X, and then also has that magical removal card/combo that currently most people don't run.

    Hopefully the Paladin quest is difficult to pull off.  Obviously they play tested it so it can't be as OTK as it seems.

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    posted a message on New Card - Ravenous Pterrordax

    Zoo in wild will be sick, with all the 1/1's from Imp-losion and Imp Gang Boss usually lying around, not to mention Nerubian Eggs.

    Tough to say how it will go for Standard.  Obviously good for zoo in standard, but how reliable will there be 1/1's lying around in the early game?  Opponent knows what is coming and might force you to hit a better minion or outright not be able to play this card on turns .  Wouldn't surprise me if this revitalizes zoo, and also wouldn't surprise me if it turns out to not be a viable card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on E. Malone Reveals Three New Cards!
    Quote from AmyKagami >>

    About this paladin legendary: Considering it can't be targeted by spells of hero powers, there is Deadly Shot , Twisting Nether, Doom, Kazakus potions, Aldor Peace Keeper, Equality, Deathwing, and of course, enemy minions adapted to become poisonous, not counting Wild format answers or cards introduced in this next expansion.

    I'm guessing Stealth is pretty much an auto-select ruling out a few of these.
    I do agree there's enough counters in the game that might put this card in check, but all of them are generally difficult/expensive to pull off.  The bigger problem is that certain classes have 0 ways to handling a stealthed windfury'd 5+ health minion, meaning that if the Paladin got this quest off it's auto-lose next turn for certain (most) classes.
    We'll have to see what the quest is as that might be the thing to put this card in check.  Not saying it's broken, but it's unlike other quest rewards which give a big boost to the person who pulled it off, but doesn't give them the win outright.
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  • -1

    posted a message on E. Malone Reveals Three New Cards!
    Quote from dr3amb3ing >>

    Divine Shield, Stealth, +3 attack then Dinosize my Galvadon for GG

     Why Dinosize?  Windfury, Stealth, +3 attack, +3 attack, +3 attack and then Blessed Champion.  56 face damage
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  • 2

    posted a message on E. Malone Reveals Three New Cards!

    The Paladin quest better be damn hard to complete.

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    posted a message on BGH will come back in the Ungoro expansion?

    Hunter won't pull out the Queen on turn 6, do the math on how many one drops need to be drawn in the first X cards, the likelihood of drawing them, and how much wasted mana will happen on turns 4 and 5 to do that.  He'd be so far behind that it wouldn't matter at that point.

    Regardless, think about how many classes have a 7 attack minion revealed so far?   Just Hunter x2, Shaman and Warrior, and all of them are legendaries.  The rest of the set for those (so far) are generally lower health minions.  That means that most classes can rely on their toolset/removal to handle those few big minions. 

    The ones without reliable removal are Hunter/Druid.  Hunter probably wouldn't care and go face/trade up with their zoo.  That leaves Druid, who we don't know how they will play yet, or even if they'll get a removal.  Jade Druid probably won't care since it'll have big minions on the board itself, and my guess is that the Druid quest will involve summoning beasts meaning they also will have their own big minions to handle it, if Druid quest even is a thing in the meta.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Thunder Lizard

    Great in arena IF you have a elemental deck.  Similar to Tinkertown Technician, good if you have mechs, bad if you don't.  Hard to know how easy it is to get elementals in an arena deck reliably.

    My guess it that it won't see play much in a constructed elemental deck.  The 4-mana elemental synergy card, Tol'vir Stoneshaper, had better upside than this card (for one extra mana, you basically hit three of the best adaptions guaranteed), meaning you really don't want to miss an elemental on turn 3.  It's a fair card, I like it, but my guess is that it won't fit in a top elemental deck.  Could be wrong, though.

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    posted a message on New Paladin Card - Lightfused Stegodon

    Pretty bad.  Recruits need to be adapted more than one to be a threat, and they are so easily cleaned off with the recent AoE added in recent expansions.  Obviously there is the Dinosize threat, but that's a threat regardless of this card.  Yes, there are instances where this could work, but they seem situational at best now.

    Wonder if the Paladin quest involves recruits?  That's two cards revealed that are tied to recruits somehow.  Perhaps there is more recruit synergy to come that would improve this card.


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    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Terrorscale Stalker

    Meant to be played in a N'Zoth Hunter deck.  Not sure if that type of deck is viable, but good that they aren't pushing one and only one deck for any class in this expansion.  More likely played in N'Zoth Hunter in wild.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Raptor Hatchling
    Quote from HenryXLII >>

    Not a fan of this one. Without the quest this is still stupidly powerful, as they can top deck it the next turn and that's REALLY scary if they are going first. Turn 2: 2/1, 4/3, and whatever other one drop they may have? You best pray for Doomsayer...

    Thats an evaluation WITHOUT the quest. WITH the quest this is an auto include, no question, and I am now actually concerned about the hunter quest because hunter has more than enough useable 1 drops now. If they give hunter a good early card draw mechanic, than its going to be a horrifying meta.  

    Edit: I just realized that this is a deathrattle, and not a battlecry, so you won't be swarmed in turn 2. But this card still doesn't sit right with me 

    The chance the draw this immediately is like 4-5% chance.  They'll likely pull it after turn 6 with the new hunter card, or never.  Playing a 4/3 after turn 6 for one mana is not scary or OP.  We've also had other 2 mana 4/3's (Succubus [/card]and [card]Wrathgaurd) that never saw play.
    This card isn't good for aggro.  It's only good if you are going for the quest, where it gives you two 1-drops for one deck slot, giving you more tools for mid-range.  Hunter quest will be mid-range.  In fact, I suspect hunter decks will include N'Zoth, or at least, if I pull this quest from the pack I'd try a hunter/N'Zoth mid-range deck first.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Raptor Hatchling
    Quote from Humlepungen >>

    This card is a worse firebat that pollutes your deck. Not even good in quest hunter, because u want to complete the quest as fast as possible around turn 5-6

    People need to understand that the Hunter quest is geared for mid-range, not aggro.  The Pirate Warrior deck is a strictly stronger aggro than anything the Hunter can do in Un'Goro, because Hunter doesn't have the weapon synergy that Warrior does, nor does it have a 0-mana 3/3 taunt and some other tools like Kro'kan.  Also remember to play the quest, you skip turn one, which you can't do in an aggro deck.  If Hunter aggro works, then Pirate Warrior works even better.  But let's not forget all the anti-aggro cards in Un'Goro like Tar Creeper and the new Ooze, which should really stop any aggro from becoming a thing.
    Hunter quest would be a mid-range deck with 7 or 8 of these one-drops.  The fact that we have two one-drops that spawn additional one drops (the 1/2 elemental being the other) only helps the mid-range deck as it can put in more tools for board presence/card draw/tempo, and not thin the deck with one-drops.  Will it work?  Tough to say, but thinking you will be completing the quest on turn 5 is not feasible at all.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Which cards would you rotate to Wild's Hall of Fame?

    If Leeroy with some kind of combo still sees significant play with Emperor Thaurasson gone, then I suspect it will be moved.  That's an if, of course, and with Power Overwhelming being rotated that's one class that made heavy use of it no longer being able to combo with it.

    Gadgetzan Auctioneer will be rotated (or Idol will be nerfed) if Jade Druid is still heavily played after Un'Goro meta settles out.  If On'Goro can't stop Jade, then it's likely nothing will this year.  I think they're fine with Auctioneer in rogue, for instance, although personally I think it limits design space for rogue.

    I don't think they'll do much about Thalnos, as he sees play only if the meta is aligned towards his strengths.  He might see less play in different metas, and he's not broken or OP in any way.  They wouldn't rotate any of the class legendaries, even if they are broken like Tirion.  They might nerf them, but they can't rotate them without a replacement and that's awkward.

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    posted a message on Your Rogue is now a Druid

    In old Wow lore, as a rogue you crafted your poisons from plants gathered with the herbalist profession.  Now, obviously, picking plants is a little different than having them fight for you, but rogues have always been connected to the flora more than most classes.

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    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Crackling Razormaw
    Quote from DyingAtheist >>

    I do wish people would stop suggesting hunters need healing - not every class needs everything. Druids haven't had good board clear in...ehm, ever? 

     While I agree, remember that Hunters not only lack healing, they lack AoE, board clears and (reliable) card draw.  Only rogues come close to "lacking the most tools of the toolset", but of course, rogues have some unique tools that no one else has.  I mean, at this point, Druids arguably have better beast synergy than Hunters
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