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    posted a message on Big Druid

     Rank 35?

    Posted in: Big Druid
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    posted a message on Just lost a game I shouldn't have lost



    EDit: Otherwise go to blizzard sac and report a bug, maybe they listen you after they refund all players.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on HEROIC MODE FOR ALL

    I'm kinda noob with this archetype too, I just used it and got the games pretty easy. U know, it's an Ai, they are kinda dumb, try to lure their minions into ur minions , like ur sword do copies of that and keep playing against them or u try to survive long enough, fill the ai hand use murloc and put some in the deck. 
    Keep Shark, use with Lab guy and Coldlight oracle, keep some preparations To vanish AI's minions too when they are full hand.

    Try to keep Ai with 4 cards then use Shark+ Coldlight oracle 3 times (keep one coldlight or two with 1 mana cost from shadowstep) and taht's it, the Ai dies. So many cards bought they take 1- 2 - 3 - 4 and so on damage for every card bought after zero deck. So if u make them buy 12 cards ore more when the Ai is close to 6-4 cards u win. Try to cause some damage if possible then u kill the ai with less than 5 or 6 buys after zero deck.
    Bad english, second language, hope u understand, i'm in a hurry right now that's why i wrote like that.

    Posted in: HEROIC MODE FOR ALL
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    posted a message on HEROIC MODE FOR ALL

    Nice to know. 

    Posted in: HEROIC MODE FOR ALL
  • 0

    posted a message on Will we ever be able to craft Galakrond's Awakening cards?

    No! Only if they Rotate. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Is Sky Gen'ral Kragg even worth keeping?

    Just dust it...no card in hearthstone worth shit to keep it...most of time u will have a lot of useless legendaries as always was in this game except for two or 2 broken stuff each exp.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Secret Mage - What to counter it with or should it get nerfed?
    Quote from FanOfValeera >>
    Quote from Fishtard >>

     Just tech in a card that deletes all enemy secrets and your winrate against secret mage will skyrocket. 

     Or you will not see one ever again *puts on tinfoil hat*

     TRue, tech a 5 mana minion that removes everything or the 4 mana wild one and Matchmaking will not put u gainst secret mages anymore, only against braindeadlocks and poopriests

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on How hard is it to hit legend nowadays?

    Actually I'm a legend player and I will tell u. 
    Nowadays ain't that bad how it was before with so many taunt and resourceful decks around like before with Frozen Throne and DK's.
    Now we have better options and fast decks now don't die by turn 7 against everydecks, now some can manage to 10 mana like this face hunter and kill u even if u're playing with priest (with a bad hand of course, something that priest almost never had before) or any form of control "Cancer".
    We had Guldan and Voidlords too, wich was ruining the game, and Baku and Gen too.

    So now u only have to play a few hours a day doing 2 to 1 victories changing to two or 3 archetypes to not get caught by bad matchmaking and that's it. With good skills that now are almost none all decks are kinda rigged to something and rng is all around, so, in a good week u can get legend grinding 3-5hours a day for 1 week if are new to this stuff, if u play everyday and is good I guess u get legend in 3 days from rank 5 and so on.

    EDIT: * 2 to 1 victories I mean 2 wins and 1 lost.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Druid = New King of Meta!!
    Quote from TyrantrumRex >>
    Quote from Geraltmaconhero >>
    Quote from Jagu >>
    Quote from Inzan1ty >>
    Quote from Jagu >>

    lol. everyone shitting on Shaman doesn't know Highlander Control Shaman(non Galakrond) exists.

    I'm bulldozing Druids with it so far, ton of removals (plague of murlocs, earthquake, hex, scheme).  Unlimited spells(Hagatha) and tons of discover. 

    Quest Ressurect Priest and Embiggen Druid's would be better off conceding right away.


    Nice Troll, out of all the cards you've mentioned only Plague of Murlocs deals with a board of Winged Guardian. Even then you need to get lucky to draw or else he'd just trade in and play Archmage Vargoth into Witching Hour, and then close out the game with Ysera, Unleashed into Floop.

    So while Spells fail, the only minion to legitimately deal with a Winged Guardian (and any busted Minion for that matter) is actually Tinkmaster Overspark which is actually a legit Tech choice in the current Meta. :)

    To sum it up, Winged Guardian can now be considered the second toughest to trade Minion in ALL of Hearthstone, only behind a Colossus of the Moon.

     Seriously ?  You think I'm trolling ? You must be rank 15 to 25 OR just a terrible pilot OR you never played it yourself and just making assumptions. Highlander Control Shaman has plenty of answers aside from Plague of Murlocs.

    You underestimate Earthquake and Scheme. It clears boards, common mistake is getting too conservative with it there are plenty of discovers and value generation in the deck.  You pair that with Electra Stormsurge and you are golden. Those reborn shenanigans and Ysera flood are shit compared to that.

    Hex + Zentimo is a classic. Even Hex alone can mess up their res pool already. Witching Hour.

    I tech black knight because it curves well against shield of galakrond and non galakrond decks usually have a good taunts. Res Priest, Big Druid,

    Vulpera Scoundrel and Haunting Visions are basically free board clear.

    Don't get me started on Hagathas. You have access to the two new Spells now. 

    Not to mention, you have zephrys and alex. Alex combos well with hagatha.

    Big druid will have a slow turn after a board clear, Witches Brew and Walking Fountain saved me more than once.

    I also have the 0 mana heal and taunt(Hunterace style) which wprks well with walking founrtain , black knight and archivist and keeps your hand small to give way to Hagatha reloads.

    HS Replay is not representative of the ENTIRE hearthstone players you know. You are playing the net deck game. Start thinking for yourself.

    Just because a deck is not popular doesn't mean it's not good.

    Case in point: Practically nobody was playing Galakrond Warrior pre 1st DoD nerf. Although I saw a few people hinting/spoiling that spirit of the rhino being a secret sauce.

    Nobody was playing Highlander Priest, which few people brought to legend. 

    My prediction is all Shaman cards from Galakronds Awakening will be Meta-defining and people will turn to Control variants and away from Quest and Galakrond variants . 


     Can u share me this list? Looks like a nice one.

     It was pretty obvious they're not interested in anyone "net decking" their personal build.

    They literally said "Start thinking for yourself".

    The guy send the list, why so bitter? He posted after a few posts back. => https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1329188-highlander-control-shaman/

    Posted in: Druid
  • 2

    posted a message on Minion Triggers Across Hearthstone Being Sped Up - No Longer Just Battlegrounds!

    I understand too...it's normal, ppl discuss stuff. I'm just a rough dealer

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Minion Triggers Across Hearthstone Being Sped Up - No Longer Just Battlegrounds!

    I'm a legend player and I played shitgrounds too...boring mode and with all the slow animations is really bad. But these changes coming to the actual Cardgame shows how the game is very slow compared to new card games actually. 
    Lor is very speed up and very smoothly to play, that's why they are changing the game, cause they are behind already. 
    I know how hard is to be a fanboy, but watch reality of the corporative world, it's only about $$$$$$$ and who copy better the other game wins. 
    git gut

    Posted in: News
  • -12

    posted a message on Minion Triggers Across Hearthstone Being Sped Up - No Longer Just Battlegrounds!

    "Battlegrounds paved the way for this change"

    Did you mean: "Legends of Runeterra paved the way for this change"

    haters gonna hate lul

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Why don't "quest" priest players play their quest on turn 1?
    Quote from kawhi >>
    Quote from GuerraRouge >>

    It’s not about whether or not you know priests have it, it’s about how you’re going to screw up your plays because you know it’s there. You’d be surprised how many players totally switch up their paint-by-numbers net decks based upon the quest, particularly if you don’t know which one it is. As probably the only player in the game who doesn’t net deck I find it very useful to hold my quest card until it can be of use- one error a player can make is trying to get the quest off once you’ve played the card, rather than playing the board. You sound as if you lose a lot, stop whining and git gud. 

     stfu dumbass little fart. I literally said in one of the comments that I bully them with my malygos rogue deck. priest is my easiest match-up, you cunty son of a bitch. "It’s not about whether or not you know priests have it, it’s about how you’re going to screw up your plays because you know it’s there". So why not just play the quest if you realized your opponent knows that the quest is in your hand? Why tf would someone screw their plays if they knew it's in your hand? So they wouldn't screw their plays if you played the quest on turn one? in both cases people would play against quest priest the same way. and Why tf does my post make me sound like I'm losing a lot? I literally hit legand this expansion, you ******** cunt. what about you?

     Legend? hmmm, show us print and we will know that u're not being salty or anything. Otherwise u came here or to complain or u came to brag urself for ur "Legend" position?

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Why don't "quest" priest players play their quest on turn 1?
    Quote from GuerraRouge >>

    It’s not about whether or not you know priests have it, it’s about how you’re going to screw up your plays because you know it’s there. You’d be surprised how many players totally switch up their paint-by-numbers net decks based upon the quest, particularly if you don’t know which one it is. As probably the only player in the game who doesn’t net deck I find it very useful to hold my quest card until it can be of use- one error a player can make is trying to get the quest off once you’ve played the card, rather than playing the board. You sound as if you lose a lot, stop whining and git gud. 

     HAHAHA, I said the same and was reported. Be careful

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Why don't "quest" priest players play their quest on turn 1?

    u're just salty, chill out and git gud. 

    Posted in: Priest
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