Absolutely yes, I can't tell you specifically how much experience you can do with certain actions but surely the longer the match and the more opposing minions you destroy and the more experience you get!
On this site you will surely find discussions in detail on the subject of the experience.
I tried to play those card combinations but they turned out to be too difficult or slow to complete and every game was a chase to find them, the deck can't rely solely on those cards however strong they are in my opinion (Unless it's a specific archetype).
I prefer to build "complex" decks and then play it as easily as possible.
Darkbomb ~> Drain Soul
Doomsayer ~> Corrupting Mist (maybe) or a minion with taunt like Stonehill Defender/Death's Head Cultist
Putting pressure on the opponent thanks to the continuous generation of dragons (remember that it is not a meta deck)
Yes in the end it is a nice deck with nice synergies, I do not claim to win every game
The strongman is more useful with Y'Shaarj and after Twisting Nether
Being a deck that wants to play Tickatus I would take away the Voidcaller for safety. Remember to add a sense demon to draw your main demons.
- Voidlord, +Strongman
- Sylvanas Windrunner, Chief Inspector, Lord Jaraxxus,
+ Far Watch Post, Sense Demons, Voidlord (or Enslaved Fel Lord )
Geist vs DH : Illidari Studies, Mana Burn, Double Jump, Demon Companion, Twin Slice
Geist vs Druid : Jade Idol , Naturalize, Nature Studies
Geist vs Hunter : Demon Companion, Flare, Tracking
Geist vs Mage : Arcane Missiles, Brain Freeze, Devolving Missiles, Ice Lance, Primordial Studies, Ray of Frost
Geist vs Paladin : Crystology and all the secrets
Geist vs Priest : Renew, Embalming Ritual, Draconic Studies, Holy Smite, Potion of Madness, Power Word : Shield, Wave of Apathy
Geist vs Rogue : good against the Poisons, Secret Passage, Trogwaggle's Scheme
Geist vs Shaman : Lightning Bolt, Evolving Spells and the dual class spells with the mage
Geist vs Warlock : Dark Pact, Mortal Coil, Plague of Flames, Power Overwhelming, Soulfire, Unstable Felbolt
Geist vs Warrior : Athletic Studies, Shield Slam, Stage Dive, Sword and Board,
Omega Assembly, Into the Fray
Not having Brann I used Youthful Brewmaster as a valid substitute.
I recommend you to keep a free space for the Skulking Geist, it always remains a very valid card on several occasions in control/anti-combo decks
Absolutely yes, I can't tell you specifically how much experience you can do with certain actions but surely the longer the match and the more opposing minions you destroy and the more experience you get!
On this site you will surely find discussions in detail on the subject of the experience.
I generally tend to skip games against Priest and Shaman.
(My monthly goal is to get to diamond 10)
Starting from Bronze rank you can go up to Platinum 5, if you need a greater boost you can use a Secret Mage to reach Diamond 10.
This Renolock is useful for farming experience thanks to the removals and the ability to play a lot in late game.
I tried to play those card combinations but they turned out to be too difficult or slow to complete and every game was a chase to find them, the deck can't rely solely on those cards however strong they are in my opinion (Unless it's a specific archetype).
I prefer to build "complex" decks and then play it as easily as possible.
Darkbomb ~> Drain Soul
Doomsayer ~> Corrupting Mist (maybe) or a minion with taunt like Stonehill Defender/Death's Head Cultist
I usually open the game with the low cost minions and then draw a lot ( just keep the tech card in case )
Decently , it is not a meta deck but has some good combination
I know but i don't have it yet :/
Thanks !