If I made a list of 100 Priest cards that I thought would be Hall of Famed, Shadowform would not be on that list.
- GMAlon
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RaptorWithWings posted a message on All Card Changes! - Hall of Fame and Priest - Coming March 26th!Posted in: News -
Artorias84 posted a message on HearthPwn's Battlegrounds Hero Tier ListPosted in: BattlegroundsI took Sylvanas 3 times and got 2 wins and 1 second place.
I m not saying i m a great player but probably my playstyle adapts good with her. I simply dont understand why her winrare is so low, i think her Power it is a good one, u can make huge stuff with it.
Wilsbourne posted a message on New Druid Epic Card Revealed - EmbiggenPosted in: NewsMistcaller was 6 mana. This is 0 mana. Much closer to Keleseth than it is to Mistcaller. Tell me, was Keleseth bad?
TyrantrumRex posted a message on New Neutral Common Card Revealed - PlatebreakerPosted in: Card DiscussionSeriously... Who is going to run this card in a deck? People act as if you have access to this card at any time. Personally, when I build good decks, I don't have 2 spots for random tech cards that I can use against specific other decks that I MIGHT encounter... Imagine how USELESS this card would be in the current meta... turn 5, you play this, end turn.... Opponent plays Bloodlust, face face face face face face face... GG.
Honestly, Warrior looks huge in the next expansion, but it's not hugely armor based... They can kill your armor twice, and you can rebuild... They have also wasted 2 card spots, and 2 turns doing nothing but killing your armor, and putting a mediocre body minion on board... I've seen it mentioned before, and it's true... Skulking Geist did NOT put am end to Jade Druid, even though it had much more impact on their game... Does anyone still run it in Wild in the chance they'll run into a Jade Druid? I dont play much wild, but, it seems silly.
Raivotar posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Dragonqueen AlexstraszaPosted in: NewsAlexstrasza got some fancy jewels
Metabee23 posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Dragonqueen AlexstraszaPosted in: NewsCan Alex add herself? -
Raivotar posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Dragonqueen AlexstraszaPosted in: NewsThere's only a few low-cost dragons (Faerie Dragon, Brightwing, Bronze Herald, Marsh Drake...) so this card has a real good potential
aposteljoe posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card - Dragonqueen AlexstraszaPosted in: Card DiscussionAlso check the reveal video. It's awesome! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tfeu4D9dw-8
Ophoster posted a message on Battlegrounds Balance Changes - 4 New Heroes - 4 Old Heroes RemovedPosted in: NewsAm I the only one who doesn't understand why Infested Wolf is tier 3 and Rat Pack is tier 2? I mean, Rat Pack is much much stronger, while Infested Wolf just sucks.
hillandder posted a message on New Expansion Preview TrailerPosted in: NewsNice, very good for HS.
But I can't deny I prefer a much more adult theme like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5W9t62t10I
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It's purely a "fuck-you" card to combat that 2000 armor druid deck in wild.
In standard it's pretty much 5/5 do nothing in most of your matches, and even in those that it remove some armor it's not game breaking.
It's a 1 star card that will get 5 stars for no good reason.
1/3 are premium stats, the effect is just extra.
will defiantly see play!
Arena is now flooded with people who usually don't play arena because of the free arena ticket, so you're more likely to face people with lower skill than you would've faced a month ago.
Faceless manupulator becomes a copy of another minion (you after playing it you can't distinguish between the original minion and the copied one), Da Undatakah just gets the deathrattle of a minion, he still remains himself
Battletag: Alon#2520Region: EUTrade Only?: Yes. You go firstDone
historically we saw that deathrattle board clears are weak, i don't think this card will see constructed play
Countdown timers in the front page or RIOT!
Tortollan Primalist cries in the corner,
For 2 more mana you get better body, a dragon tag, can target the spell you just discovered, can keep the spell for later + use other spell from hand for free and have a continues powerful affect if not removed
You know what this post really needs? a countdown, there is nothing better and more universal than countdown.
Void Contract flavor text is one of the biggest disappointments I've had this year :(