There will be no 9 mana spell for mage available in standard when the expansion comes out :(
Also, with the insane amount of card generation the deck has, (across 13+ cards that can recursively Discover) , your hand would clutter too fast if there was any more card draw than the x2 Manufacturing Error, but if not, then again you could always just Discover more card draw
great work i can tell you put a lot of thought into this! my only concern would be the power level of meditate, from the cards provided it seems like it might just be a bit too weak? losing an attack is a pretty big deal, especially for bigger minions
but other than that it all seems really cool and i really love the flavor
immolate is not too slow against its niche specific use to counter combo decks, it's not for anything else
voidcaller package invalidates the malganis jailer combo as you said, which i then actually do believe will be worthwhile having against a very large number of decks, especially aggro/midrange which will almost always locked out of the game by it
imp king rafaam and the other fatigue imp cards aim to put up tempo and board prescence, which will never be enough to keep up with what an opponents deck that is already 100% dedicated to doing that, but with 30 cards instead of 6 or 7
and yeah i do also agree that the loss of bran and tamsin pretty much invalidates the curse package
but so i just think that the deck already has a strong win condition for just about every match up-
against aggro you use efficient removal and healing to stall the game until you either exhaust resources or can play the jailer malganis
against control you use resources as efficiently as possible until you can safely play jailer malganis, or at least until you can outvalue with lord jaraxxus
against combo- you dig through your deck as fast as possible to find ETC band manager and pull immolate, which you then use when you know itll be the absolute most disruptive
only question/suggestion i have is why the added School Teachers? its definitely a good card but is there something specific you are looking to get from it? i feel like rogue has a lot of really cheap/low impact spells that you wont be thrilled to hit. instead i think the deck would really love x2 Breakdance. i think that card might easily be one of the best of the set, and it's absolutely insane with the Astalor Bloodsworn gameplan, for either Astalor himself or the MC Blingtron, (or even just with Queen Azshara!)
either way, deck looks great, dont see how it wont be powerful since even if you dont win early or youre against heavy control, MC Blingtron + Astalor Bloodsworn will always be a massive threat
(i was also thinking you could instead swap in those Breakdances (or even throw in an additional x2 Shadowstep) in place of the Tour Guides? they can be really good with the Jolly Rogers but I feel like they really fall off later in the game when you'll already either have Crabatoa's claws or just the same 1/2 weapon off MC Blingtron)
least obvious psyop
it's not wild lil bro, it's happening in standard
Another great suggestion, I made that change, thank you brother!
I think it could be really good even with just the early game taunts (x2 Gloomstone Guardian and x2 Imposing Anubisath), but maybe you're right!
That's a really great suggestion, what do you think I should cut for him?
maybe !
The Sunwell is a march of the lich king card which is rotating out :/
cant believe I forgot about Tony, King of Piracy and Fanottem, Lord of the Opera, added them in!
There will be no 9 mana spell for mage available in standard when the expansion comes out :(
Also, with the insane amount of card generation the deck has, (across 13+ cards that can recursively Discover) , your hand would clutter too fast if there was any more card draw than the x2 Manufacturing Error, but if not, then again you could always just Discover more card draw
my idea was just to have enough dragon stuff for Timewinder Zarimi after Reno, Lone Ranger, to then play Papercraft Angel and Sing-Along Buddy, and then with the free turn just have 4 damage 0 mana repeatable hero powers to otk with
if im just completely honest it was absolutely terrible dogshit even before the Titans expansion, please dont waste your dust on Freebird
thanks bro! hopefully it'll be decent, but i also think it'll unfortunately probably just be a bit worse than standard Hollow Hound hunter
great work i can tell you put a lot of thought into this! my only concern would be the power level of meditate, from the cards provided it seems like it might just be a bit too weak? losing an attack is a pretty big deal, especially for bigger minions
but other than that it all seems really cool and i really love the flavor
immolate is not too slow against its niche specific use to counter combo decks, it's not for anything else
voidcaller package invalidates the malganis jailer combo as you said, which i then actually do believe will be worthwhile having against a very large number of decks, especially aggro/midrange which will almost always locked out of the game by it
imp king rafaam and the other fatigue imp cards aim to put up tempo and board prescence, which will never be enough to keep up with what an opponents deck that is already 100% dedicated to doing that, but with 30 cards instead of 6 or 7
and yeah i do also agree that the loss of bran and tamsin pretty much invalidates the curse package
but so i just think that the deck already has a strong win condition for just about every match up-
dang this list looks really solid!
only question/suggestion i have is why the added School Teachers? its definitely a good card but is there something specific you are looking to get from it? i feel like rogue has a lot of really cheap/low impact spells that you wont be thrilled to hit. instead i think the deck would really love x2 Breakdance. i think that card might easily be one of the best of the set, and it's absolutely insane with the Astalor Bloodsworn gameplan, for either Astalor himself or the MC Blingtron, (or even just with Queen Azshara!)
either way, deck looks great, dont see how it wont be powerful since even if you dont win early or youre against heavy control, MC Blingtron + Astalor Bloodsworn will always be a massive threat
(i was also thinking you could instead swap in those Breakdances (or even throw in an additional x2 Shadowstep) in place of the Tour Guides? they can be really good with the Jolly Rogers but I feel like they really fall off later in the game when you'll already either have Crabatoa's claws or just the same 1/2 weapon off MC Blingtron)