Lol of course. Pally mains finally get some love but because its a minion based deck thats not a brainless otk, people bitch. Give it a rest. Paladin is in a good spot for the first time in YEARS. Learn to tech. It won't kill you to slot in a Viper or Sticky Fingers.
Trog's actually ok. You just have to actually have brains to figure out how to kill him before you accidentally cause him to snowball. It's not like he buffs when your opponent casts the spells, thank god. Then he would be broken,
What are you saying, paladin has been strong for ages
I signed up for Hearthstone to play a card game, so I kinda want the designers to devote all their energy to making that great. BG and this are like totally different games and they feel like they're using the restrictive interface of HS when they could just be their own standalone things. I don't want the modes to be in HS, I don't want quests for these modes, I'd rather they give us a tournament mode and balance Duels properly.
To be honest, slow control was also often a non-interactive strategy for other players. Kill everything your opponent plays, when everything is totally clear, play massive greedy threats. It's a bit of a crummy thing to just play not to lose, and after some thought, I don't miss it.
I agree 100%. I find it funny when control players complain about “there’s no interaction” when during the times control was dominant, they were the only ones making plays while their opponents could do nothing to mount an offensive.
Hearthstone is great when your play style is doing well, and a complete mess when your play style can’t win.
I don't know that I agree. Slow control gets stomped by combo. So, if there is a decent combo deck in the meta you can choose that.
I also remember recently playing a slow control deck and I couldn't beat highlander hunter. I guess I would call that a mid-range deck. But, it relied on minions to some degree. A lot of those minions were hard to remove before they did their damage though. Point being, that you could beat a heavy control deck with either combo or the right mid-range deck. Only aggro really suffered. And to me that is how it should be. What we have now is a bit of a wreck IMHO.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the meta right now is great, it isn't. But I do like the idea of making control more proactive and pushing the archetype to try and close games quicker / have a win con at the expense of absolute safety
Control is the reason I play CCGs, aggro is just degenerate I don't know how anyone can enjoy it, and the combo decks in hearthstone today can't be interacted with which is stupid.
I truly miss the hour-long control vs control match-ups where each player is squeezing every drop of value they can find, it may seem boring but literally EVERY move, every card you play and when you play it effects the game. It's like a chess match and it's so satisfying.
Nothing worse than playing this type of game and your value generation is random and you lose / win because you happen to get worse / better cards.
To be honest, slow control was also often a non-interactive strategy for other players. Kill everything your opponent plays, when everything is totally clear, play massive greedy threats. It's a bit of a crummy thing to just play not to lose, and after some thought, I don't miss it. I just think the current combo decks are a bit too fast and consistent though, too competitive against decks that normally beat that style of play, and I get people's argument that many cards will never see play because of the speed of the meta. Lastly, nothing should invalidate fatigue or generate infinite burn spells.
There are no control decks in the top end of the Stormwind meta, Blizzard professionally killed off that archetype. If you think a deck is control because it has 1 removal card in it, i don't know what you've been doing in all those mtg years you claim to have had....
The single deck that has a control style play is Quest priest and that one is currently low tier 4. Please look at and tell me any control deck that is in tier 1 or 2. Hint: there isn't, it's all aggro, midrange or combo decks.
Quest Shaman is a control deck through and through.
When you say "or combo decks" at the end, it shows that you don't even understand the terminology. There's no "or." A combo deck can be aggro, midrange or control, depending on how it behaves until it achieves the combo.
Quest shaman is not a control deck, at all, it's a classic aggro/burn type deck. I think you are the one not understanding terms here. Combo just aims to get to their win combo in the fastest way possible, in HS this usually resorts in exorbitant amounts of carddraw, now with the quests added into it. Control decks, in the terminology that has been established since the early days of MTG, are purely decks that aim to outlast/outvalue everything the opponent does until they can start putting their pressure up or wining through fatigue.
A Combo deck is not midrange, aggro or control. a combo deck is a combo deck and it's solely build on a draw engine to enable firing off the combo as quick as it can.
No, a control deck controls the game until it can achieve its win condition. That's literally where the name comes from. It cannot outlast anything unless it takes control. In Hearthstone, that usually means controlling the board. Quest Shaman does this through removal spells and some minions. An aggro burn deck would not bother with minions on board because it hopes to burn the opponent's face off before the opposing minions can win.
And also, no, if you think combo is an entirely separate category unto itself, you have NO idea what you are talking about. All "combo" means is that the deck exploits a massively strong synergy of some type as its win condition. This affects its play style but does not solely define it.
If there's no such thing as aggro-combo or control-combo, you need to ask yourself why there are so many articles written about these different types of combo decks.
You have absolutely no idea what you are on about do you? Quest shaman doesn't play removal spells, it's main win condition is putting said spells at the opponent's face. The literal only small removal it has is perpetual flame. A lightning bolt that does 3 damage is not a control spell, it's a burn spell. It does not play any big removal, handles big threats very poorly and generally tries to kill the opponent before the opponent kills it. It's the absolute pinnacle of aggro.
Please go read some articles on what combo means too, you have no idea what it entails.
Quests suck, win condition in a box, way too much consistency and speed for combo decks. I don't really care too much about no win condition attrition control (the writing was on the wall for awhile) but this meta is pretty brutal. Also, aside from quests, once again paladin is a problem that people aren't really talking about.
I think the writing has been on the wall for control for a long time, the message seems to be if your deck doesn't have a way to close out a game quickly after stabilising, then you accept dead matchups. Much the same as if you play control against a strong combo deck. The problem is that in standard, priest has very little option but to play value. If there was control meta then combo decks would prey on them as does tickatus
Finally got legend with hunter, oh my word it took forever... Also my first legend with a proper face deck, sounds weird but I'm relieved to finally get the easiest playstyle "right"
There's not enough strong control minions atms. There's too many strong aggro minions. Look at face hunter, you play control and they still have ways to constantly clear your board and do face damage.
If hunter's clearing the board, they're not face. Face decks, by definition, ignore the board. In fact, the more hunter clears the board, the more it's actually playing control.
Face decks still have to trade occasionally. If you're playing against a priest sometimes it pays to kill the one minion they drop so they can't play a tempo lifesteal to stabilize
Editing out my last comment, not accurate
Duels is pretty unbalanced but it's fun if you don't take it seriously, and it's not really a money sink. Mercs is trash
All quests / questlines are a mistake but paladin is worse than warrior.
What are you saying, paladin has been strong for ages
I signed up for Hearthstone to play a card game, so I kinda want the designers to devote all their energy to making that great. BG and this are like totally different games and they feel like they're using the restrictive interface of HS when they could just be their own standalone things. I don't want the modes to be in HS, I don't want quests for these modes, I'd rather they give us a tournament mode and balance Duels properly.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the meta right now is great, it isn't. But I do like the idea of making control more proactive and pushing the archetype to try and close games quicker / have a win con at the expense of absolute safety
Nothing worse than playing this type of game and your value generation is random and you lose / win because you happen to get worse / better cards.
To be honest, slow control was also often a non-interactive strategy for other players. Kill everything your opponent plays, when everything is totally clear, play massive greedy threats. It's a bit of a crummy thing to just play not to lose, and after some thought, I don't miss it. I just think the current combo decks are a bit too fast and consistent though, too competitive against decks that normally beat that style of play, and I get people's argument that many cards will never see play because of the speed of the meta. Lastly, nothing should invalidate fatigue or generate infinite burn spells.
He's right it's a hybrid control combo deck.
Quests suck, win condition in a box, way too much consistency and speed for combo decks. I don't really care too much about no win condition attrition control (the writing was on the wall for awhile) but this meta is pretty brutal. Also, aside from quests, once again paladin is a problem that people aren't really talking about.
I think you misread this, it was not a reply to the OP
I think the writing has been on the wall for control for a long time, the message seems to be if your deck doesn't have a way to close out a game quickly after stabilising, then you accept dead matchups. Much the same as if you play control against a strong combo deck. The problem is that in standard, priest has very little option but to play value. If there was control meta then combo decks would prey on them as does tickatus
Finally got legend with hunter, oh my word it took forever... Also my first legend with a proper face deck, sounds weird but I'm relieved to finally get the easiest playstyle "right"
Face decks still have to trade occasionally. If you're playing against a priest sometimes it pays to kill the one minion they drop so they can't play a tempo lifesteal to stabilize
Lol, this morning I played against two DoL players, both had double nagrand slams and board clears to ensure empty boards. What can you do but laugh?