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    posted a message on [Legend] Jade Shaman

    I've changed this deck significantly due to the nerfs and the "new" meta.  I'll be updating it soon!

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    posted a message on [Legend] Jade Shaman

    kun aviana combo druid

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    posted a message on [Legend] Jade Shaman

    Sounds like you understand the deck very well.  Glad you enjoy the deck.  Renolock is definitely hard but I do not think it's the hardest matchup.  You should try to run the trial version deck that I'm currently experimenting with where I took out 1 Azure Drake for 1 White Eyes.  It has helped my win percentage against renolock very well.

    The hardest matchup is druid then priest from my experience.  Priest is still winnable but you just need to ramp your jades FAST!  Once you can get where you are pumping 4+/4+ jades then you are in good position unless you are low on health that is.  Druid is a nightmare.  The combo druid is nearly unbeatable and jade druid is still tough without Bloodlust.  To beat jade druid, you just need a board and hold onto it.

    Posted in: [Legend] Jade Shaman
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    posted a message on [Legend] Jade Shaman

    devolve typically makes minions weaker than they are (esp against trogg, totem golem, and 4 mana 7/7).
    bloodlust can be used in the deck, but I wouldn't take out devolve if you are facing a lot of aggro shamans.

    Posted in: [Legend] Jade Shaman
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    posted a message on [Legend] Jade Shaman

    sick climb! keep it up

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    posted a message on [Legend] Jade Shaman

    For mage, you can play it slow and try to draw cards and use the hero power to make thing from below cheaper.  Besides that, I just jam out jade cards and try to make sure I save at least one to go with brann.  You want to play Aya as soon as possible and try to pop her deathrattle even when you are trading it into a weaker minion.  Just that extra jade makes the matchup so much harder for mage in the longer stage of the game.  The dream combo is brann + jade claws + jade spirit.  That's pretty much the finishing blow because even if they clear it with a 10 mana kazakus potion, your next jade cards are just too strong for them to deal with.  If they are delaying their use of AoE spells, then that means you just need to put a little bit more pressure on board for them to respond.  Just be aware of your hand and not overcommit unless you have a strong follow up.

    For renolock, you play the same way as you would against mage.  The difference is overcommitting is very detrimental.  So there will be a point in time when you can do the brann combo.  If you do it, what is there next play?  Most likely it will be an AoE removal. If that's the case, do you have a follow up?  If not, you don't do the move.

    To be honest, there's a lot of thought process that goes into those matchup and just these following tips doesn't cover the matchup enough.  There might be reads where you can do the brann combo early and still be fine.  Just have to understand their followup play and your followup play and play it towards your favor where you come out ahead.

    Posted in: [Legend] Jade Shaman
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    posted a message on [Legend] Jade Shaman

    Ooze is definitely a good replacement for Harrison and can be arguably a better card to play atm.  However, Harrison is just an amazing value card for me atm so I'm still sticking with him.  I'm glad to hear your climb with the deck is going well.

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    posted a message on [Legend] Jade Shaman

    damn :/

    did anything change like the decks you are running into or is it just bad draws?

    Posted in: [Legend] Jade Shaman
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    posted a message on [Legend] Jade Shaman

    If I wasn't facing a lot of weapon-heavy classes, I would replace harrison jones with white eyes.  Unfortunately, the popular decks all use weapons atm.  If you want to use white eyes, you can replace 1 of the jade cheftain.

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    posted a message on [Legend] Jade Shaman

    you can replace Harrison if you are not facing a lot of weapon heavy classes.  If you are facing weapon-heavy classes, then you can replace a jade chieftain with it.

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    posted a message on [Legend] Jade Shaman

    I'm surprised as well but with my results it seems even against rogue.  Though this deck has a lot of answers to rogue, you need those answers to beat them. (conceal quest+edwin).

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    posted a message on [Legend] Jade Shaman

    The card does get you out of sticky situations but your follow up turn is pretty much dead.  That's not good at all to give your opponent a full turn to do whatever they want.  Unless you run lava shock as well but then that's where you are now relying on a 2-card combo to get out of a sticky situation.  That's a bit too dependent/inconsistent.  I tried using it but I found it to be a dead card against control decks so I just stopped running it and replaced it with minions for them to deal with and received better results.

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    posted a message on [Legend] Jade Shaman

    Devolve helps in mirror matchup and rogue moreso than earthshock.  But I still like the results earthshock has given me.  Instead of devolving a drake or flametongue or even aya, earthshock would be better to use as it kills the drake, leaves a useless totem on board and leaves a weak 5/2 body.  Devolving aya could lead to the player getting something like earth elemental and that's game changing/ending.  So in the end, just having a more consistent outcome, than a random outcome is what led me to putting 1 of both rather than 2 devolves.

    I've tried both and earth shock just had better results.

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    posted a message on [Legend] Jade Shaman

    I don't run Tunnel Trogg, so it doesn't necessarily synergize with the deck altogether.  Don't get me wrong Totem Golem is a strong 2-drop but it just doesn't fit this deck.

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    posted a message on [Legend] Jade Shaman

    you lose a ton of value from not having bran; i'm not sure if he's replaceable.  only thing i can think of is brewmaster that plays a somewhat similar role but even that is not a good replacement.

    Posted in: [Legend] Jade Shaman
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