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    posted a message on Cubelock counter decks?

    Any Naga Sea Witch deck really

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on [K&C] Dog's Cubelock

    Spellbreaker over N'zoth is as good as throwing the mirror match

    Posted in: [K&C] Dog's Cubelock
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    posted a message on [K&C] Dog's Cubelock
    Quote from renatompassos >>

    Someone playing this in WILD? Pretty wicked with Voidcallers and Mal'Ganis! But can be too slow against hyper aggro if you don't cheat a Voidlord or Mal'Ganis in time and heal out of burst range. 

    What would you remove? The weapon probably or 1 Possessed Lackey. Maybe Umbra could go out too since Mal'Ganis is so powerful you don't need and OTK to win, it's a pure value deck. 

    Just cut Skull of the Man'ari, Spellbreaker, 2xSiphon Soul and 2xMistress of Mixtures for N'zoth (should be in any standard list regardless), Emperor Thaurissan, 2xVoidcaller, 2xDark Spellbomb and you have the standard Wild list. You have to decide between cutting Bloodmage Thalnos or Taldaram for Mal'Ganis, personally I find the combo unnecessary since there's nothing in the game that can out value your whole deck but the memes are priceless.
    Posted in: [K&C] Dog's Cubelock
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    posted a message on Taldaram + 2 x faceless (or overkill?)

    I don't think Umbra is greedy really, they basically have to remove or trade into it if you play it onto an open board - it's a lot like Brann or Emperor.

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Taldaram + 2 x faceless (or overkill?)

    2 Faceless and a Tal'darim is ok as long as you can hold vs aggro, whether or not 2 Faceless is "greedy" really depends on the average value it can get from your opponent's minions. I think you just end up cutting Siphon Souls for Faceless Manipulators, Spellbreaker for Tal'darim and Tar Creepers for Doomsayers.

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Shroom Brewer

    Both Shroom Brewer and Plated Beetle are automatic inclusions over Refreshment Vendor and Mistress of Mixtures in Renolock, that's anywhere from 8 to 16 HP you don't have to give your opponent's anymore between N'zoth and Bran Bronzebeard - which is a huge bonus for the Leeroy/Faceless combo vs Priests etc.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warlock Card Reveal: Voidlord

    Wow, it's a Deathrattle for N'zoth, it's a Taunt for Stonehill Defender and a Demon for all associated Warlock cards, there is no way this card isn't seeing any play.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Warrior Card Reveal - Gather Your Party

    Blizzard doubling down on garbage mechanics

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on So, about that new Naga Sea Witch deckszdd

    There's broken and there's what people think is broken, if you play the deck you'll see that a Turn 5, or even turn 4, 5/5, 8/8 and 8/8 aren't enough a lot of the time because the opponent built a board over those 4 turns and can trade for at least the Naga Sea Witch and one giant. Sometimes you get rolled entirely by things as simple as Savage Roar, Bloodlust or Gentle Megasaur or Pirate Warrior's goldfish.

    So if Token Druid, Token Shaman, Merloc Aggro, Midrange Paladin, Pirate Warrior, Aggro Shaman, Face Hunter, any control Priest, any control Warrior, any control Paladin all have good match ups against it what exactly is it broken against in Wild? The Druid version of the deck is getting hit with the Innervate and Spreading Plague nerfs, the Hunter version of the deck is unplayable because it can't survive after it resolves the giants and the Warlock version is arguably the only playable Warlock deck right now in the Jade Druid/Renopriest meta so I don't think it's really a big deal at all.

    In truth, I think the only reason the deck wins a lot of games is because players don't identify the deck fast enough and attack the enemy to activate Molten Giants accidentally. The real strength of the deck is that people just don't see it comming from something like Rogue until it's too late, but people are just playing really sup-optimal version of the deck fwiw.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on The Naga Giants deck is at the point where if my opponent sees I'm playing either Warlock, Druid or Hunter, they just concede

    I am so tired of Blizzard trying to argue that winrate % is the only determining factor in whether or not something is balanced, they trotted out this same tired argument for Quest Rogue and it still got nerfed because the deck was utter bullshit.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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