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    posted a message on New Legendary Minion - Master Oakheart

    The Dragonhatcher and Drakari Enchanter looks like a promising combo, but I think Sleeping Dragon is a lot worse than Primordial Drake for your curve and synergy. For the card to be viable at 9 mana, it has to be an aggro stopper on par with N'zoth.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Sideshow Spelleater

    I've been having little to no luck defeating Reno Priest with Reno Warlock in Wild, it seems Lord Jaraxus is a lose condition versus Shadowreaper Anduin as reducing your life from 30 to 15 is too much of a risk to justify the 6/6s and weapon destruction is in every deck now anyway. So recently I've been considering Sideshow Spelleater, the card seems really good in control mirrors as it coppies all of the DK hero powers and Justicaar Trueheart hero powers. Has anyone tried replacing Lord Jaraxus with Sideshow Spelleater in Renolock before, and does Sideshow Spelleater copy Shadowreaper Anduin's hero power with the Raza The Chained cost reduction? I've been theory crafting the card for awhile, and I think it should also be really strong vs Pirate Warrior and Aggro Shaman as well since their hero powers are more defensive than aggressive for their archetype. The added benefit is that it's one less 9 drop and one more 6 drop for the midrange beatdown approach and overall less conditional than Jaraxus to play at any given time.

    Any other Wild Renolock players out there who have been struggling to beat Renopriest and turned to the unorthodox lately?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Corrosive Sludge

    It just occurred to me that Corrosive Sludge is strictly better than Harrison Jones in Renolock, where you don't want to draw cards or play Acidic Swamp Ooze and Gluttonous Ooze over Corrosive Sludge and Gluttonous Ooze in order to maximize the value of your minion's body and your redundancy vs weapons.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Shroom Brewer

    Both Shroom Brewer and Plated Beetle are automatic inclusions over Refreshment Vendor and Mistress of Mixtures in Renolock, that's anywhere from 8 to 16 HP you don't have to give your opponent's anymore between N'zoth and Bran Bronzebeard - which is a huge bonus for the Leeroy/Faceless combo vs Priests etc.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warlock Minion - Voidlord

    People need to get their head's checked if they think this is bad with Gul'dan, you only need four demons in order to get maximum value out of Gul'dan now so in Wild that means you play Voidcaller, Despicable Dreadlord, Abyssal Enforcer and Voidlord for Gul'dan with the Voidcaller and Voidlord doubling for N'zoth.



    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warlock Card Reveal: Voidlord

    Wow, it's a Deathrattle for N'zoth, it's a Taunt for Stonehill Defender and a Demon for all associated Warlock cards, there is no way this card isn't seeing any play.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Mage Secret Reveal: Explosive Runes

    Damn, that's significantly better than Mirror Image even.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Warrior Card Reveal - Gather Your Party

    Blizzard doubling down on garbage mechanics

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Priest Weapon - Dragon Soul

    That belongs in a museum ...

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Echoing Ooze is actually good

    People do, there are versions of Secret Paladin that replaced Dr.Boom and Haunted Creepers with Bonemares and Echoing Oozes, it's just that the value is incidental a lot of the time.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Wild Meta (Post-Nerf)

    Nothing changed, Pirate Warrior moved to Cursed Blade, Token Druid moved to Egg Druid, Jade Druid replaced Innervate with more removal and you'll see the same decks now that you saw then minus Murloc Paladin I think.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on This meta is fantastic
    Quote from Toymachine >>

    "Few little nerfs"?

    • One of the best cards in history of Hearthstone nerfed to unplayability - Innervate.
    • The best weapon in game, staple in top tier 1 deck nerfed to worst weapon in game, also unplayable now.

    Obliteration of literally whole tier 1 is not few little nerfs.

    Also while the meta is more diverse at the very moment when it comes to how many different classes/decks are being played (which is good, atm it's better than before nerfs), note that Aggro Rogue has higher win rate than Jade Druid had before nerf (literally, it's 0.55 by VS stats) and that it is just a matter of time when meta settles down. First few days are always the best till people figure things out. Still, I hope it will never be as bad as MSG or KFT pre-nerf meta.

     And yet both cards are still being played, calling Innervate unplayable is especially hilarious when Counterfeit Coin is played in Rogue and the card still obviously lets you do broken shit with Auctioneer and Malygos.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Wild Demonlock questions

    If you're not playing a Renlock with Demons then you only need to fill your deck with 1 Mal'Ganis, 2 Abyssal Enforcers, 2 Voidcallers, 2 Voidwalkers because you only want demons that defend your hero, respawn demons when removed or are fat value like a 6/6 body. You can use stuff like Dark Peddler and Stonehill Defender to ensure you have demons in your hand that will drop after they board wipe you, the otherwise unplayable demons with Taunt are good cards to sandbag because the Felguard's drawback doesn't matter after T10 and that crap that discards cards gets circumvented by the battle cry bringing it into play.

    I'm not really sure if Demonlock is a serious deck in wild tho', it's pretty hard to top Naga Giant spam or ol' Renolock.

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on Dr.Boom vs Rag in Nzoth renolock

    Not running the Leeroy/Faceless combo is fine, but I can guarantee you that your anti-aggro tools are not optimal and/or enough vs Pirate Warrior or Murloc Paladin because you can't trade out vs any of Pirate Warriors 2+ mana minions or Murloc Warleader, Rockpool Hunter a buffed Murloc Tidecaller or even stuff like Mana Wyrm or Tunnel Trogg. Not only are you basically throwing vs aggro by playing Impgang Boss, but you're making your control match up even worse by having 1 to 2 Imp Tokens to potentially recur with potions - I won't even play Doomsayer over other options anymore because of the number of games I've dropped to recurring it. The meta isn't getting any slower other than for Innervate -> Flappy Bird, and it's only going to get faster for you with Cursed Blade Pirate Warrior.

    To give you some perspective, I have Sen'jin Shieldmaster, Second Rate Bruiser, Earthenring Farseer and Refreshment Vendor over you in my deck and I still barely coin flip vs Pirate Warrior, you just can't afford to play stuff like Impgang Boss and Piloted Shredder that suck vs aggro and put low value bodies into your potion RNG.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on [Top5 Legend] Wild Naga Demon Handlock

    I don't think the Demon package is better than +2 Clockwork Giants and a Lord Jaraxus, not only are you gimping your T5 Naga turn but you're losing pressure and value in the long run vs Priest because 8/8s > any midrange Demon and Coin -> Clockwork Giant is a real thing vs other control decks.

    Other stuff I think is kind of sketch is only 1 Antique Healbot, no Brann Bronzebeard and not enough removal vs aggro.

    Posted in: [Top5 Legend] Wild Naga Demon Handlock
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