• 7

    posted a message on [Fast Rank 5+] Miracle Jade Druid

    Other people can win games with the deck, you lose. Must be the deck.

    Posted in: [Fast Rank 5+] Miracle Jade Druid
  • 1

    posted a message on [S20] Rank 1 Legend DarkShadow's Aggro Egg Druid

    He posted a screenshot of him hitting #1 legend with this. 

    Posted in: [S20] Rank 1 Legend DarkShadow's Aggro Egg Druid
  • 1

    posted a message on Meta Game Change Prediction?
    Quote from Piterik jump

    Aggro is still cancerous

    Welcome to hearthstone, where decks are either cancer, ebola, or P2W.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Ragnaros the Firelord


    Posted in: Ragnaros the Firelord
  • 1

    posted a message on Deathwing

     Destroyer of Worlds

    Posted in: Deathwing
  • 2

    posted a message on Senfglas Arcane Giant Patron OTK

    If you misplay the deck, it's easy to run out of cards. Thats likely the posters problem.

    The deck can also run into a card draw problem if you're facing a face aggro deck where you need to clear the board with whatever you have to be able to stabilize. 

    In any case, the Jeeves would not be good, as Jeeves requires an empty hand to be good, and the goal when playing the deck is to avoid the empty hand.

    @hearthstonehs: I would watch senfglas' stream - he does a good job of explaining what he does. The deck plays fairly slow vs. control decks and you want to work on setting up a good mid-game draw from battlerage of 3-6 cards as Son has said. This usually draws you into more cycle cards and you can build up a frothing berserker combo to win.

    Posted in: Senfglas Arcane Giant Patron OTK
  • 2

    posted a message on Is Grim Patron the new cancer deck?
    Quote from Cagey75 »

    Blizz themselves said they didn't reckon on it being so OP. Doesn't say much for their testing .... but does maybe suggest, hopefully, that a nerf is on the cards. It's stupidly gimmicky and removes all interaction between players as the long winded, stupidly OP combinations play out. It has ruined warrior, I used to see it as a solid class. Now I have zero respect for it, or anyone playing this version. I have more respect for Face Hunters tbh ... and that's a bit mad. 

    I still think they're going to see if they can bring it under control with the next expansion, but if they can't I suspect there will be one of two changes.

    1) Grim Patron's attack will be increased to 4.

    2) Warsong Commander will be nerfed to only grant charge to played minions (not summoned ones) - in other words change the GvG bug into a design decision.

    Blizzard has recently said that Grim Patron is fine. The deck doesn't have a higher win rate than face hunter, and runs into issues with taunts and creatures above 2 attack. 

    #1+2 won't happen as it would effectively nerf the deck out of being played, which Blizzard will not want to do.

    These are the same guys who took 7 months to nerf Undertaker and haven't touched Dr. Boom.  Why do you think they'll touch Patron?


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Senfglas Arcane Giant Patron OTK

    Its not that bad versus freeze mage. you can do incredible burst with Emperor setting up some frothing charge turns.  

    Keep execute for doomsayers/alex/archmage. Armor up every turn. The match is winnable and is better than the handlock matchup, although freeze mage is favored.

    Posted in: Senfglas Arcane Giant Patron OTK
  • 3

    posted a message on Senfglas Arcane Giant Patron OTK

    He is top 20 legend with this deck. Perhaps the problem isn't the deck...

    Posted in: Senfglas Arcane Giant Patron OTK
  • 19

    posted a message on Senfglas Arcane Giant Patron OTK

    Perhaps Dr. Boom? /s

    Why are you asking for replacements to 40 dust cards?

    Posted in: Senfglas Arcane Giant Patron OTK
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