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    posted a message on Whizbang's Workshop event is a scam
    Quote from Akelina >>

    Tavern Brawl Shaman recipe has Jepetto in the list so you can do this without crafting it until next brawl

     Thanks for this. My sister did not have the card and to be frank I was dreading creating a deck that was just board clear and single target.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    I just roll my eyes when I see Frozen Touch being played. I know mage isn't good rn but my lord is the card tedious.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    I don't know why any mech rogue runs gear shift– from my own games (losing horribly) with it to playing against it (winning delightfully), it might as well not exist.

    I don't even see the point of running either dredge/combo draw spell or Velarok since he's 9 times out of 10 the bottom 5th card anyways.

    Wishing Wells either never get drawn or I only draw them and none of my coin generation; in which games I can only pray that I went second, then at least I'll have one coin to play.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The Pepper Thread - Share your good vibes!
    Quote from Fhionnuisce >>

    Reach Legend

    Get Mage, Rogue and Druid to 500/1000 

    Own The Amazing Reno

     Just over three years have gone by since I originally posted this and I have completed all but one– Druid 500; currently at 114 wins, came back to 79 wins.

    I have managed Legend (this week with Tree Druid)– since the post I've only played Alterac Valley through MotLK expansions and came back to the game these last two and a half weeks of December; I have since gotten Mage to Golden and Heroic Portrait (During Nathria), and Rogue is sitting pretty at 479 wins. 

    I did get Golden border on Demon Hunter, mostly 'cause AV – March only gave me cards for Illidan and I was on a budget so basically Fel DH and Relic was all I played except the occasional mage to get Jaina's portrait, and a budget (I lie, I had enough dust to craft the legendaries I didn't  get, except Draka variants because I knew I wasn't fast enough for her) Concoction Rogue to crawl towards gold Valeera. 

    Seriously though, I'm sure if I had played the previous two expansions of this year I'd have all DH legendaries for the past 2 years...I'm literally just missing Prime and Halveria. The game loves giving me Demon Hunter cards.

    (And I did eventually manage to save enough gold for The Amazing Reno, it was killing Galakrond that became a problem xD)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Are the weird colourword names bots? They are always DKs, yet don't follow the same scripted pattern of playing instantly like the SSD, ASSD, SSF bots did but still make super weird plays? Unlike those these actually concede the second they've lost before my turn starts again, as if they're manually maned. 

    In bronze I never saw them; silver/gold they were a few here and there but it was mostly paladins still, plat 10-5 was similar; but then come plat 5-1 and it was a nightmare for the deck I was using, from 2 in 10 it became 8 in 10 playing the exact same deck, same playstyle and priorities, same strange colourword names. I had to change to one of Unholys hard counter that I could afford as last ditch attempt...and I hate druid so that sucks.

    I know they said they got rid of almost a quarter million bots this year but they are clearly not doing enough. They must be like pythons: for every one you see in the Everglades they are at least 500 more.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Should I come back? Serious question

    I agree with most comments: the choice is yours. I think the rotation is the best time to return and if you don't like the expansion, better to catch that early and move on to try again later.

    Meta depends on what's dominate and what you like, as I hated the heavy discover metas that plagued the game from SoU/RoS/DoD/AoU/SA/MatDF I've enjoyed these last 3 expansions since my own return to the game. 

    I'd rather die to mild un-interactive bullshit that the opponent actually put into their deck (That I too can add) than shit that wasn't even on their radar.

    Quote from Moop547 >>

     I see the vocal majority of people on this site say shit like "Prince Renathol was the best thing they've ever added to this game" and unironically got angry when they nerfed Theotar, the Mad Duke" Both cards were neutral legendaries you had to craft

     I just want to correct you here real quick and say that you cannot craft Prince Renathal, he was the free login reward for it's expansion, now you only need to open one Castle Nathria pack to get him. You also did not need to add him to your decks. I played all variations of DH decks of the last two expansions and you were better without him long before the nerf, you shredded XL decks even better because of your consistency. Most decks were like that, with the exception of most Druid/Rogue/Priest that benefited from being given more cards in XL.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2


    I'd like to know why Rune of Archmage hasn't been hard-coded to be unable to get repeated by Parrot.

    No downsides to it casting secrets— Oasis is probably their weakest secret in standard and that still gives them a freezing token and has you walking of seashells hoping it's not Explosive Shot, Objection and Counterspell as you waste a few cards you deem the most disposable in your hand trying to guess it.  Visage is still useful against decks that can have big minions and you can survive the hit, especially if combined with Frost Armor or worse...Solid Alibi and the unsuspecting player pushing those 1 damage hits to face.. 

    How many freeze spells does a class need? And why do they so easily fit with other useful mana spells when cast by Rune?— Cone of Cold seems to despise me and only rarely casts on the far right or left minion, almost always goes right in the middle. Blizzard...just wow..my distaste for this card since Pilgrim. 

    The board clears, man, those effing board clears— Flamestrike, Deathborn...Flamestrike is cast so often by Rune I'm surprised the card doesn't read "Cast Flamestrike and 13 mana worth of Mage Spells" .


    Then there's ignite, runed orb, life sentence, pryoblast, mass poly, frozen touch, fireball....


    I had my relics up to 15 summoning phantoms but it didn't matter because they managed to get 7 Runes with Parrot (one with Brann) and repeatedly froze me.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Broken Interaction OTK

    This needs the enemy to have four minions at least to kill them for 30 damage. The more the minions the better, a full board on their end would result in 48 damage to face, using the hero power would make that 54 damage. A sure death for most classes unable to increase their health or gain armour, since it's a mage though they can gain a surprising armour— just last night I had to kill one through 30 armour on top of their untouched health because my draw sucked. 

    The card is actually recognizing the minions but because the hero power can't be used on them it's pushing the damage/or effect of the hero power to the place it can go. 



    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    I feel mildly bad for dealing 51 damage to the 45-hp BDK in one turn, they played well and were screwed by me getting multiple RoE's from Nagalings chaining them with Brann, they also clearly hadn't read the patch notes about classes getting counter corpses when they used theotar and give me corpse explosion of all things.

    I howver don't feel bad for those Unholy and Aggro Frost DK's who become silent when I started wiping their boards— it's what you get for being BM'ing scum once you've gotten a full board of 3-hp minions and my life to 8 or 5 and think you've won— I don't understand why board flood archtypes get so cocky when fighting a Demon Hunter on their turn 6 curve.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Thaddius needs to be removed from transformations

    I remember when Evolve was an rng board flood and not an almost guaranteed 10/10 or higher with the option to mana cheat over 20 mana before turn 4....

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on 25.4 Known Issues - Test Subject Banned from Wild - Various Art and Animation Issues & More

    The Maiev one isn't too bad. But I refuse to even accept that's what they're releasing and calling Varian...

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on 25.4 Known Issues - Test Subject Banned from Wild - Various Art and Animation Issues & More

    A sad little fact is they weren't the ones to figure out the solution (And for some players, this won't even work if you still run Win7). If you were following the Main Thread for the issue, posted when the problem started on January 17th, that goes to a totally random forum poster on February 7th with Blizzard officially responding to the solution on the 10th.

    And let's not forget them taking 2 and a half weeks to even acknowledge it wasn't the players side at all, with that post being made by a Blue on the 4th of February.

    A mess, honestly.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Ranked Season - February 2023 & Card Back

    that's not better...they still have faces!

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Ranked Season - February 2023 & Card Back

    Why do the carrots have faces...


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    posted a message on UNABLE TO PLAY ROGUE
    Quote from JollyCroquet >>

    Please tell me this is Maestra joke

     I laughed after finishing OP's post, then laughed harder seeing yours.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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