Thunderhead Control Shaman works wonders for me.
- Ferrafox
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Last active Thu, Nov, 14 2019 19:35:34 -
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Stock_speaketh posted a message on Big Priest is fine leave it alonePosted in: General DiscussionNew account, blatantly dumb opinion... Nice try, but no.
Eddan posted a message on Why are people defending Token Druid?Posted in: General DiscussionIt all feels unreasonable.
*The deck can flood the board very easily, often for a small cost in mana or cards. Not all classes has enough board clears in Standard to deal with that.
*The deck punishes the other player for mistakes he or she can't possibly play around. Don't have have removal or board clear? Get punished. Leaving 3 minions with low attack on board? Take at least 15 damage or more.
*The deck can do a lot of damage in 1 Turn for a small cost in either Mana or Cards.
* It's so called counters are not effective enough to deal with it because of the amount of burst potential the deck has. And often the decks are very expensive to make.
How can people be okay with this?
There are other decks out there that needs a fix too, but this thread is about Token Druid.
Hootanic posted a message on New Priest Card - Mass ResurrectionPosted in: NewsMore resurrection? Priest needed more of this?
RavenSunHP posted a message on I might just be an Hearthstone scumbagPosted in: General DiscussionDon't let some elitists fool you into believing there exists a higher ground of playing in this game.
There is only a lower ground, and that's occupied exclusively by dedicated Big Priest players.
Fdp8 posted a message on Honest Rastakhan's Rumble cardsPosted in: Fan CreationsQuote from KingCarnage >>Quote from iWatchUSleep >>Quote from KingCarnage >>I don't mean to be a spoilsport shitter, but these are so forced. The original batch (was it the Un'Goro ones?) was great, but they've gotten worse with each set 'cause the joke's getting kinda' old now.
What is the point in going out of your way to let a stranger you don't think their joke is funny?
To prevent it from getting forced and beaten to death even more, to the point where it just becomes cringe. You know, like with most memes nowadays.
I completely agree with Paradigm in that the first batch was funny, ever since then the quality has heavily deteriorated with each following expansion.
It's adorable how important you think you. You aren't.
Newflash: Kids complain on forum about creators and creators stop creating.
February 10, 20Never
You seem to be having a bad day, chill out. That guy just gave his opinion and I agree with him. When you "create" something you should expect opinions (not just "upvotes" or "likes"), and guess what, some opinions can be negative, but I think an opinion is always valuable if it has some arguments.
Newflash: Creators try to learn from opinions and do better stuff.
Joker_2k19 posted a message on Rastakhan's Rumble - New Expansion Discussion ThreadPosted in: General Discussion -
m4tizeq posted a message on [95% funrate] Amara-Zola-Reno PriestPosted in: [95% funrate] Amara-Zola-Reno PriestBullshit... I had only 92% of fun :/ NOT RECOMMENDEDED
Jimmare posted a message on Share Your Rastakhan Pack Opening Screenshots & Results!Posted in: General DiscussionI posted this in every social media account i have and send to even random people i dont even know.
I have never been THIS LUCKY in my entire hearthstone career. - To post a comment, please login or register a new account.
Wow I never thought I would see buffs in Hearthstone this feels so... weird
I'm actually all for constant nerfs to open up the game to new archetypes instead of seeing the same dominant 3 decks over and over again. If Blizzard didn't step it up in that regard, I think a lot of us would have already quit the game.
I respect your opinion but business wise, Blizzard HAS to do balance patches in-between expansions to keep its community entertained.
Mad Summoner is literally an instant win if you get to play him. Most of the time you won't though especially if they get an early Barnes.
That's wild for you
Barnes should have his cost straight up bumped to 6 mana. Big priest would remain a menace in wild but it would give more time before they get out of control, allowing to either kill them or play that new minion that fills up their board with 1/1s to pollute their resurrection pool.
At 4 mana its just a disgusting high roll I actually don't understand blizzard's reluctance to nerfing him
Sure, use my syntax as an argument. Also who the fuck uses ''cool story'' in 2019? Grow up dude your survey was interesting but if you're going to be too immature to have a debate don't fucking create threads on forums
This is the stupidest card you've ever seen? Seriously? Does Jade Idol ring a bell? Pre-nerf Kingsbane? Shudderwock back when the combo was still alive? THOSE were broken infinite value cards. Elysiana is a neutral legendary that anyone can use and she's barely even played right now...
This is the most senseless whine I've seen on this forum in a while
Surprised Archivist Elysiana made the list.... I guess the people who spent all their dust on Bomb Warrior day 1 are salty. I mean it's a VERY good control card and the RNG is kind of bullshit but it doesn't break the game in the same way as The Forest's Aid
Token druid will definitely see some kind of nerf and I expect it to be pretty soon. Most classes don't even have enough available clears to reliably clear their 7-8 board refills, making the deck extremely polarizing to deal with.
It doesn't make much sense to get rid of odd paladin just to have that shit pop-up. Oh and expect a bunch of people whining about your post because it's ''JuSt weEk tWo cAlM dOwN kID'' or ''JUsT TeCh aGaiNst iT''
Playing with khadgar dragon mage is the most fun I've had in this game since Un'goro.
It still annoys me that countless uncreative people decided to craft bomb warrior on day 1 but overall I think the game is fresher than it's been for the last 2 years.
Because it's on mobile