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    posted a message on Who is actually enjoying playing/playing against DH?
    Quote from V_enom >>
    Quote from FelyHS >>

    You can complain about Demon Hunter, you can complain about Res Priest, but you cannot complain about Demon Hunter while playing Res Priest

     So i can´t complain about a new broken Class because i play one of the strongest "counter" to DH even doe this Deck exists for many years already? i would take a Dragon/Highlander Priest over any Resurrect Preist all day but sadly these decks are less effective against DH... so what am i supposed to do when Priest is my favorite Class and i want to grind some Ranked games?

     No, it's not that you can't complain about Demon Hunter playing Res Priest because it's one of the best counters against it, but because Res Priest is generally one of the most hated decks to play against.

    So you cannot complain about a deck being unfun to play against if you are playing a deck that's unfun to play against yourself.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Who is actually enjoying playing/playing against DH?

    You can complain about Demon Hunter, you can complain about Res Priest, but you cannot complain about Demon Hunter while playing Res Priest

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Looking for people on Eu Region

    I'll add you too :)

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on Demon Hunter 73% Winrate....WTF
    Quote from EnTaroAdunEU >>
    Quote from FelyHS >>

    I went 15-0 with Demon Hunter from diamond 5 to legend. That deck is truly OP, but I love it. At legend I did lose 3 games in a row though.

     With archetype did you use? Mind sharing your deck list? :)

    Got to diamond 5 yesterday and would like to achieve legend legend asap.

     Yeah sure, I didn't feel like building a whole deck, so I just used the second deck recipe and swapped the big weapons for something else because I didn't have them and I didn't feel like they're super powerful. Here's the code for the exact list I used: AAECAea5AwTMugPDvAPaxgP5yAMN+a4DurYDi7oDo7sD17sD5rsD4LwDjb0DusYD2cYD98gD/sgD/8gDAA==

    Gz on diamond 5 and good luck with your climb :)

    Posted in: Demon Hunter
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    posted a message on Let Blizzard know how much you hate DH
    Quote from Wonderbuster >>
    Quote from Moodd >>

    For people who say DH is okay, ypu totally wrong. Foe the people who say just play a counterdeck, thqt is not how a game works. If something is so strong thst you only play the deck or a counter to it. Than you know it's a bad game.

    Demonhumter gas way way way to much manacheat cards. Cards that the cost is to low. I can easily give 10 examples.

     I see that someone has never played Hearthstone before. The basic structure of the game is Aggro, Control and Combo. Aggro is countered by Control, Control is countered by Combo, Combo is countered by Aggro. It's the essential foundation blocks to the game. 

    And don't give me a bullshit excuse of a deck being strong that you only play the deck or a counter to it. If that wasn't the case, Skulking Geist would have been a long-forgotten memory instead of the Swiss Army Knife it is in Wild to feed on the salt of Druids. The key point is, instead of bellyaching about how X is overpowered or Y has no chance against it, you find a way to keep everything in check. THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT OF THE GAME. You figure something out that slows the deck down to a snail's pace, then you wail on them. 

    Let's take Demon Hunter, for instance. The three themes that class has is minion swarms, smacking people in the face with weapons, and big threats later on in the game. Demon Hunter has an EXTREMELY limited amount of healing at this point in time (only three cards with Lifesteal), HEAVILY reliant on weapons or smacking people in the face, and they are heavily reliant on combo pieces. I have been playing Odd Demon Hunter in Wild, and it runs into a brick wall against Reno Priest, Reno Mage and Renolock. Hell, I had my ass beaten in by this weird Warlock deck that was deliberately damaging itself to summon minion swarms with that Buzzard they have. Such counters for Demon Hunters exist. 


     While I agree with what you said to a certain degree, you shouldn't take Demon Hunter in Wild as an example and say it's the same in Standard. In Standard, Demon Hunters actually have a pretty good amount of healing for what's not a healing class (Priest and Paladin), and of course Demon Hunter is bad in Wild because they have like 20% of the amount of cards other classes have. Also Demon Hunters are mostly not combo decks. Therefore they are not heavily reliant on combo pieces. And even if they are, they have very good card draw, speaking in Standard.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Let Blizzard know how much you hate DH
    Quote from Saintgein >>
    Quote from FelyHS >>

    What do you mean 'hate DH'? Who doesn't love getting legend from diamond 5 going 15-0 with Demon Hunter in an hour?

     I tried, got to rank 2 3 stars, but then something changed and i went on an insane losing streak because of the only class i encountered was demon hunter. In 30 games i met like 3 different classes, 2 warlocks and a mage.

     I think I got lucky too that my win streak went all the way to legend, because at legend I suddenly lost a lot with it, and I think I faced Demon Hunters and other classes about 50/50.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Let Blizzard know how much you hate DH
    Quote from Inzan1ty >>
    Quote from Wonderbuster >>
    Quote from MikaelThas >>

    Demon Hunter is tier S at this time. HS has never had a tier S deck. Never. That's why it's worrying, it's unhealthy for the game.

     Bullshit. I know of two examples of Tier S decks in Wild, those being the Galakrond Shaman and the Snip-Snap Warlock in Wild. I have been around long enough to see actual toxic decks like Giantslock, Togwaggle/Star Aligner Druid and Kingsbane Mill Rogue. Next time, actually research before making an inaccurate statement. Compared to those, Demon Hunter in general PALES in comparison.



     Thats exactly why you don't play Wild, Blizzard doesn't give a crap about balancing that Mode, and its understandable with one million cards.

    Don't forget about Undertaker Hunter back in the days, followed by Mech Mage the expansion after :) 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Demon Hunter 73% Winrate....WTF

    I went 15-0 with Demon Hunter from diamond 5 to legend. That deck is truly OP, but I love it. At legend I did lose 3 games in a row though.

    Posted in: Demon Hunter
  • 2

    posted a message on Let Blizzard know how much you hate DH

    What do you mean 'hate DH'? Who doesn't love getting legend from diamond 5 going 15-0 with Demon Hunter in an hour?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Let's save the world...
    Quote from user-18368996 >>

    Any ideas to counter them? Only Control Warrior?

     Probably any slow deck with healing/removal.

    I guess best are Control Warrior, Priest and Paladin.

    But then again if everyone is playing control decks because they expect everyone to play an aggressive Demon Hunter, it might even be best to play a midrange deck :P

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on ASHES OF OUTLAND DROP
    Quote from Live4vrRdieTryn >>

    Omg plz noooo. Waiting for golden legendaries is like losing money since when you get a bad one it stings so much.

    They should come with a free reroll....

     Essentially they do. You can simply disenchant them and craft any legendary you want that dust. So a golden legendary is equal to a legendary of your choice. It’s just not golden anymore

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Easier to get to legend

    Legend definitely is easier now. At least 5000 people are legend already after not even one week.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on with blizzard you never win

    Just be happy they got rid of the 40 gold quests where you had to be really lucky to even get a 60 gold quest.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Duplicate protection vs golden legendaries


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Has anyone here reached Diamond 5 yet?

    Diamond 4 with Whizbang. It’s sad to see him go.  Using Whizbang, every game is very different, and contrary to what most people think, the decks are actually pretty good.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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