The bots got a lot worse when Blizzard shut down its Chinese sevors. China has a massive bot farm problem and when they got locked out of Chinese servors they put them in the rest or worlds servors. It seems kinda messed up, but maybe you just have to ban Chinese accoutns, but with VPNs I'm not sure they'd be able to tell, unfortunately the bot farms are always gona be one step ahead of the bot detection and removal.
I just played 2 bots on standard ladder in a row at Gold rank. It was VERY obvious. Not all bots are going to be as obvious but they were playing decks no human would play. Way below average WR aggro with basic cards no one runs.
The second one used Owl to silence his own minion's effect
If you get a Reckless Apprentice as Shaman, which is easy enough with Cold Storage.
Then you use Reckless Apprentice to fire the 6 dmg hero power Bru'kan give you.
The Reckless Apprentice will just fire the 6 dmg hero power randomly until the enemy hero dies, also the animation will fire at the enemies minions but will not effect them.
Wins are earned through smart minion trading (there can be various strong finishers but it should feel like they earned the win and it didn't just come out of nowhere, prolly 8 direct dmg to face from hand is the cap for 99% of decks)
1 straight control deck that is low A tier, and 1 straight super high skill combo deck that can OTK but is D tier for most players and high B tier for pros
Nightmare: 80-90% of the meta is just one deck and that deck kills you on turn 4-6.
I always buy multi packs with gold but cant now, is the system disabled is anyone else experiencing this. I know it doesnt sount that big a deal, but if it takes half an hour jsut to spend 5k gold on packs this game is ded to me no cap
Would it tho? Lesser Diamond Spell Stone cost 7, Flark's Boom-Zooka cost 7, There has been a few cards with similiar effects in the past and with the exception of Rez Priest (Which was stronger a concept and had WAY WAY more support) this effect has been pretty week. Celestrial Alignment originally cost seven and that lets you flood the board with giant minions for the rest of the game.
I did. I disagree. The first four expansions were as bad they are now. (Naxx, Goblins, Blackroack, Grand Tournament) but you can chalk that up to it being relatively new. They were pretty good with playability after that (with a few exceptions like Karazan) Good: League of Explorers, Old Gods, Knights, Un' Goro, Kobolds, etc...etc...
My expectation, especially of class cards, is that they are on average better than neutrals, and I understand their is always a dude or two, or a direction that doesn't pan out that expansion (Though, the expectation their is that they will add or buff cards in the direction until it is viable).
Speaking as someone that only plays Shaman for F2P reasons. We got one playable card in the last 3, possibly including this one, expansions (Clown Fish) We got several dudes, like the 8 mana spell I mentioned, several big unplayable minions, and several directions that didn't pan out and aren't getting more support. Totems, this (Big Shaman) has exactly one enabler!, They printed a few cards for a board flood direction, and gave us back bloodlust, but you look at it for two seconds and you can tell it's way worse than Imp Warlock, and Beast Druid and those barely work against Renethal so what chance is their of that panning out, they took away some of the Freeze synergy, We havent gotten a new Elemental in 3 sets, we haven't got new Frost, Fire, Nature spell support in 3 sets, we haven't got Overload in 3 sets.
It really feels like they are choking out Shaman with a dozen different directions, none of which have the support they need, or are getting additional support. I don't remember it being this bad before, we always got at least one card here and there to try to make old archetypes work.
its just a bad card, its not a conspiracy, maybe we will get a cool synergy next year
My problem is the it feels like the opposite of a conspiracy, it feels like a lot of cards lately are just random trash. Balancing a full sets worth of cards is hard, so just make a few that are meant to be viable, for a few classes, and the only rule for the rest of set is that it will never be playable so they wont have to worry about them. Actually, maybe that is a conspiracy, a conspiracy to be lazy ass devs.
I think you replace Spammy with Don't Stand in the Fire And Primal with Multicaster.
Don't Stand in the Fire is good against Quest Rogue's Stealth minions and Pallys Divine Shield minions. It gives you a solid Fire class spell which makes Multicaster draw 3 possible without adding "bad" cards to your deck. More draw is VERY good for a combo deck. In general it just feels like it gets close to adding tipping point levels of removal to OTK Shammy. You already have Dunk Tank, Clowns, Brukan, and a Ton of freeze.
It feels good, but it's still kinda hard to tell how good because I'm not sure OTK Shaman in this meta.
This feel like a Pirate Deck vs. Reno Deck meta where anything in the other than hard aggro or Kazaksun Priest/Druid just can't pick up consistant wins.
I was watching MrYagut like 3 times the game ended in a pre turn 4 concede.
I just died turn 3 to aggro Druid.
So many toxic decks. The Aggro decks kill on turn 3/4. There are OTK decks again. There is Rez Priest again.
It's like a combination of all the worst metas rolled in one pile of super garbage. Very hard to justify playing this game right now, and it's always kinda hard.
10-mana pool is SUPER consistent only 1 drop is less than 8/8 stats. The big hits are Malecgos (free Dragon's Pack is insta GG) and Hakkar but only in the Holy Wrath Paladin, and Galakrond Rogue match up. But most importantly there are WAY less 10 drops so you can count on nut RNG rolls more often. Thats why Spiteful Summoner was broken in Druid and not other classes if you can hit a small pool of almost all Overpowered increases the strength of RNG effects by ALOT!
But Galakrond Shaman doesn't need that card, it REALLY doesn't NEED Sludge Slurper. Elementalist change has some impact.
I think the nerfs will take Galakrond Shaman from being the best deck in the game with a 65% WR to being the best deck in the game with a 55% winrate.
But maybe that is enough to open up the meta a little
The bots got a lot worse when Blizzard shut down its Chinese sevors. China has a massive bot farm problem and when they got locked out of Chinese servors they put them in the rest or worlds servors. It seems kinda messed up, but maybe you just have to ban Chinese accoutns, but with VPNs I'm not sure they'd be able to tell, unfortunately the bot farms are always gona be one step ahead of the bot detection and removal.
I just played 2 bots on standard ladder in a row at Gold rank. It was VERY obvious. Not all bots are going to be as obvious but they were playing decks no human would play. Way below average WR aggro with basic cards no one runs.
The second one used Owl to silence his own minion's effect
If you get a Reckless Apprentice as Shaman, which is easy enough with Cold Storage.
Then you use Reckless Apprentice to fire the 6 dmg hero power Bru'kan give you.
The Reckless Apprentice will just fire the 6 dmg hero power randomly until the enemy hero dies, also the animation will fire at the enemies minions but will not effect them.
Perfect: Every class as 1 viable deck
Wins are earned through smart minion trading (there can be various strong finishers but it should feel like they earned the win and it didn't just come out of nowhere, prolly 8 direct dmg to face from hand is the cap for 99% of decks)
1 straight control deck that is low A tier, and 1 straight super high skill combo deck that can OTK but is D tier for most players and high B tier for pros
Nightmare: 80-90% of the meta is just one deck and that deck kills you on turn 4-6.
Ok I did it was just a bug ty god
I always buy multi packs with gold but cant now, is the system disabled is anyone else experiencing this. I know it doesnt sount that big a deal, but if it takes half an hour jsut to spend 5k gold on packs this game is ded to me no cap
Would it tho? Lesser Diamond Spell Stone cost 7, Flark's Boom-Zooka cost 7, There has been a few cards with similiar effects in the past and with the exception of Rez Priest (Which was stronger a concept and had WAY WAY more support) this effect has been pretty week. Celestrial Alignment originally cost seven and that lets you flood the board with giant minions for the rest of the game.
I did. I disagree. The first four expansions were as bad they are now. (Naxx, Goblins, Blackroack, Grand Tournament) but you can chalk that up to it being relatively new. They were pretty good with playability after that (with a few exceptions like Karazan) Good: League of Explorers, Old Gods, Knights, Un' Goro, Kobolds, etc...etc...
My expectation, especially of class cards, is that they are on average better than neutrals, and I understand their is always a dude or two, or a direction that doesn't pan out that expansion (Though, the expectation their is that they will add or buff cards in the direction until it is viable).
Speaking as someone that only plays Shaman for F2P reasons. We got one playable card in the last 3, possibly including this one, expansions (Clown Fish) We got several dudes, like the 8 mana spell I mentioned, several big unplayable minions, and several directions that didn't pan out and aren't getting more support. Totems, this (Big Shaman) has exactly one enabler!, They printed a few cards for a board flood direction, and gave us back bloodlust, but you look at it for two seconds and you can tell it's way worse than Imp Warlock, and Beast Druid and those barely work against Renethal so what chance is their of that panning out, they took away some of the Freeze synergy, We havent gotten a new Elemental in 3 sets, we haven't got new Frost, Fire, Nature spell support in 3 sets, we haven't got Overload in 3 sets.
It really feels like they are choking out Shaman with a dozen different directions, none of which have the support they need, or are getting additional support. I don't remember it being this bad before, we always got at least one card here and there to try to make old archetypes work.
My problem is the it feels like the opposite of a conspiracy, it feels like a lot of cards lately are just random trash. Balancing a full sets worth of cards is hard, so just make a few that are meant to be viable, for a few classes, and the only rule for the rest of set is that it will never be playable so they wont have to worry about them. Actually, maybe that is a conspiracy, a conspiracy to be lazy ass devs.
Wrathspine Enchanter is a 7-mana card that cheats out a Fire, Frost, or Nature spell, but we got it with no big spells in those schools.
Then we got a 8-mana spell that would be good if we could cheat it out but it had no spell school.
Now we are getting some more big spells but they are SHADOW spell school!
As a Shaman player I feel like I am being bullied and don't know who to report this to.
OTK Shaman
I think you replace Spammy with Don't Stand in the Fire
And Primal with Multicaster.
Don't Stand in the Fire is good against Quest Rogue's Stealth minions and Pallys Divine Shield minions. It gives you a solid Fire class spell which makes Multicaster draw 3 possible without adding "bad" cards to your deck. More draw is VERY good for a combo deck. In general it just feels like it gets close to adding tipping point levels of removal to OTK Shammy. You already have Dunk Tank, Clowns, Brukan, and a Ton of freeze.
It feels good, but it's still kinda hard to tell how good because I'm not sure OTK Shaman in this meta.
I only play Shaman, and life is hard.
This feel like a Pirate Deck vs. Reno Deck meta where anything in the other than hard aggro or Kazaksun Priest/Druid just can't pick up consistant wins.
Yah! Wow!
I was watching MrYagut like 3 times the game ended in a pre turn 4 concede.
I just died turn 3 to aggro Druid.
So many toxic decks. The Aggro decks kill on turn 3/4. There are OTK decks again. There is Rez Priest again.
It's like a combination of all the worst metas rolled in one pile of super garbage. Very hard to justify playing this game right now, and it's always kinda hard.
10-mana pool is SUPER consistent only 1 drop is less than 8/8 stats. The big hits are Malecgos (free Dragon's Pack is insta GG) and Hakkar but only in the Holy Wrath Paladin, and Galakrond Rogue match up. But most importantly there are WAY less 10 drops so you can count on nut RNG rolls more often. Thats why Spiteful Summoner was broken in Druid and not other classes if you can hit a small pool of almost all Overpowered increases the strength of RNG effects by ALOT!
But Galakrond Shaman doesn't need that card, it REALLY doesn't NEED Sludge Slurper. Elementalist change has some impact.
I think the nerfs will take Galakrond Shaman from being the best deck in the game with a 65% WR to being the best deck in the game with a 55% winrate.
But maybe that is enough to open up the meta a little