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    posted a message on Marvel Snap vs Hearthstone
    Quote from Zizka >>

    Out of curiosity, why are you playing strategy games for speed? You don’t play chess expecting to cram in a game during a commercial, do you? What does it matter if you play four games an hour or 8? Is it because you want to grind as quickly as possible? 

    It’s weird to me when people complain that Hearthstone games last for too long, as if it’s a given that they shouldn’t. 

    There’s a lot of wrong things with HS and they could use a better design team asap. But I personally don’t find the argument of: « Why are you playing chess when you play five games of Marvel Snap? » Like, so what? Who cares if you’re playing 20 games or 1 as long as you’re having fun. 

    Must be a generation thing where everything needs to be shortened now for consumption, the Twitter Effect. Same thing with Marvel, THE AVENGERS ASSEMBLE OMG 2 KEWL!

    As for the comparison, it’s incredibly faulty and illogical and the reasons have already been stated. Hearthstone can be extremely frustrating but providing unfair and faulty arguments doesn’t do much apart as exposing flaws in one’s character.

    If you are replying to my post, I didn't start playing Snap for the speed of the game.  As a long time HS player, I knew Snap was coming, and I wanted to give it a try.  I have been pleased with how fun AND fast games are.
    As far as this being an age/generational, "Twitter Effect" issue for wanting quick games, I have 6 kids, the youngest of which is 21 years old.  Hell, I even have 2 grand-kids.  So it's not a generational issue with me, anyway.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 8

    posted a message on Sire Denathrius

    Never can I recall a card that made me FSB for both playing against, and playing with.  I was tired of having/playing a great game against a great opponent, only to lose to Sire Denathrius .   So I figured I'd play Sire Denathrius in my deck.
    That lasted a total of 3 games.  Winning with Sire Denathrius, is not fun at all.  I won 2 of 3 games, but the winning with Sire Denathrius felt gross.  I HATED winning in such a way. so I don't even run it, once again.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Sire Denathrius
    Quote from RendInFriend >>

    Back in my day you had to work for your win, clearing taunts before you shadowstepped leeroy. These kids now have everything handed to them with OTKs like denathrius and they never knew how hard it was to deal with a jade Druid or spirit claw shaman.

    I liked the "Back in my day..." statement.  I've been playing since closed beta (Oct.2013), yet I totally know what your saying.  "Back in the day" (LOL), I didn't mine to losing to an OTK deck like with Grim Patron, but these new OTK's are not just unfun lose to, but they are also unfun to play IMO.           

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Mercenaries Bundles, Battlegrounds Bundle & Edwin Bundles

    I said I wouldn't spend any money on Mercenaries,  Then they went and threw a "Card Back" into a bundle.  Has someone who has been playing since closed beta (Sept. 2013) I have almost every card back; so I of course had to buy the Edwin bundle just for the card back....


    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Thank god Diablo is limited time.

     LOL !!!

    Diablo sucks !!! I've never played as him (nor will I), but I beat him 90%+ of the time.
    What sucks is when he fights all players, and even though I hit face, Diablo is Immune every 4 turns.

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
  • 1

    posted a message on 0 cost cards

    Who hurt you ......

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Three New Bundles Have Appeared In The Shop - Golden Packs, Skins

    Yes, give BG's a try.  Once I gave Battlegrounds a proper try, I found it really is a fun mode.   It's a great way to play and uses a totally different strategy than regular 'ladder' play.
    Plus your collection size doesn't matter, all players pick cards from the BG card pool after each round.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on New Ranked Season - June 2021 & Card Back

    It's an ok cardback...

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on 19.4.1 Balance Patch Notes - Changes to Hysteria and Duels
    Quote from Aelfscyne >>

    What? When the Tiller is immune it doesn't take damage but it still DEALS damage. 

    And the Tiller doesn't deal infinite damage.  The play is if the health of the minions on the field other than the Tiller equals half your opponent's armor+health then you win.

     Tiller neither takes nor deals damage if you use Shrinkmeister on him while he is immune.  Then the damage becomes infinite, only stopping at 60 damage a turn, which is a "Hard Stop" within the Hearthstone game

    Posted in: News
  • -2

    posted a message on 19.4.1 Balance Patch Notes - Changes to Hysteria and Duels

    Couldn't they have just had Wretched Tiller state "Whenever this minion deals damage, deal 2 damage to enemy hero". ???

    Seems to me like that would fix everything......

    Posted in: News
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