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    posted a message on Marvel Snap vs Hearthstone
    Quote from Zizka >>

    Out of curiosity, why are you playing strategy games for speed? You don’t play chess expecting to cram in a game during a commercial, do you? What does it matter if you play four games an hour or 8? Is it because you want to grind as quickly as possible? 

    It’s weird to me when people complain that Hearthstone games last for too long, as if it’s a given that they shouldn’t. 

    There’s a lot of wrong things with HS and they could use a better design team asap. But I personally don’t find the argument of: « Why are you playing chess when you play five games of Marvel Snap? » Like, so what? Who cares if you’re playing 20 games or 1 as long as you’re having fun. 

    Must be a generation thing where everything needs to be shortened now for consumption, the Twitter Effect. Same thing with Marvel, THE AVENGERS ASSEMBLE OMG 2 KEWL!

    As for the comparison, it’s incredibly faulty and illogical and the reasons have already been stated. Hearthstone can be extremely frustrating but providing unfair and faulty arguments doesn’t do much apart as exposing flaws in one’s character.

    If you are replying to my post, I didn't start playing Snap for the speed of the game.  As a long time HS player, I knew Snap was coming, and I wanted to give it a try.  I have been pleased with how fun AND fast games are.
    As far as this being an age/generational, "Twitter Effect" issue for wanting quick games, I have 6 kids, the youngest of which is 21 years old.  Hell, I even have 2 grand-kids.  So it's not a generational issue with me, anyway.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Marvel Snap vs Hearthstone

    I am a Beta playing (Oct. 2013), never miss a day,Hearthstone 'whale'.  Since Marvel Snap has come out, I've logged into HS twice.  Also, instead of the thousands of dollars I've spent playing HS, I've spent a total of $2.99 on Snap. 
    All in all, I'd say Snap works great as a game, do to it's quickness and simplicity.  I can knock 1, maybe even 2 games of Snap, just during a commercial break.  Now that works for me...  :p

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on What a bullshit card
    Quote from olestuga >>
    Quote from Andrei2007 >>

    While I am not a big fan of Denathrius in standard, the fact that you let a rogue get to 10 mana in wild is totally on you mate.

     So I'm supposed to play aggro in wild? The card is overpowered AND unfun regardless of win/loss. It feels dirty even when you win with it. 

    I totally feel your pain with Sire Denathrius
    Here's a link to a recent thread where people are basically stating the same things.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Sire Denathrius
    Quote from RendInFriend >>

    Back in my day you had to work for your win, clearing taunts before you shadowstepped leeroy. These kids now have everything handed to them with OTKs like denathrius and they never knew how hard it was to deal with a jade Druid or spirit claw shaman.

    I liked the "Back in my day..." statement.  I've been playing since closed beta (Oct.2013), yet I totally know what your saying.  "Back in the day" (LOL), I didn't mine to losing to an OTK deck like with Grim Patron, but these new OTK's are not just unfun lose to, but they are also unfun to play IMO.           

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 8

    posted a message on Sire Denathrius

    Never can I recall a card that made me FSB for both playing against, and playing with.  I was tired of having/playing a great game against a great opponent, only to lose to Sire Denathrius .   So I figured I'd play Sire Denathrius in my deck.
    That lasted a total of 3 games.  Winning with Sire Denathrius, is not fun at all.  I won 2 of 3 games, but the winning with Sire Denathrius felt gross.  I HATED winning in such a way. so I don't even run it, once again.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Mercenaries Reveals and Updates for The New Patch! Fourteen Mercenaries Revealed!
    Quote from AoD7 >>

    Mode is literally garbage everyone is laughing at it none plays it I doubt 1% of the playerbase plays this pay to win gacha shit. They just keep pushing on it and FORCE 99% of playerbase to get USELESS rewards on the reward's track. At least remove the mercs shit from the rewards it feels so bad getting something useless for 99% of the playerbase 

     Please state what your referenced information is/comes from.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Is the last fight before legend rigged?
    Quote from Joshbuckler >>

    'It's progress gating to force you to buy power ups like in Candy Crush' would be a more persuasive argument if Hearthstone sold power ups like in Candy Crush. 

    Or allowed you to spend money to get better cards or upgrade your existing cards, like you can do in Diablo Immortal with your equipment and whatever.

    ....improve it beyond choosing the 30 cards you want to put in your deck, I mean, but at this point in the season chances are OP wasn't missing any key cards in the deck they were pushing for legend with. So they'd have no reason to go buy more packs because there's no reason to think that having a bigger collection (of unused cards) but playing the same deck would improve their win rate.

    "Create a problem and sell you the solution" might be a scummy business model but at least it makes sense. "Create a problem, deny that it exists, secretly bundle the solution in with unrelated products and hope that your players figure it out" would be insane.

    And it's not like Blizzard are that committed to hiding their pay to win mechanics where they exist. 

      This post sums it up perfectly. 

      I have every card Hearthstone has made for play.  What would be the point then of trying to "Champ Block" me, by pitting me against opponents I can't defeat?
      If Blizzard were to do this, what do they expect me to do, monetarily wise, that will help me win?  Nothing!!!  There is no amount of money I can 'spend to win', once I have every card.  At that/this point, winning would come down to skill and luck.  There is nothing in it for Blizzard to bother with rigging something that has no effect on their bottom line.
      Now, players without every card may have a argument about being forced to buy additional packs to get the dust/gold/cards needed to push forward because Blizzard is "Champ Blocking" them (In their eyes).  All I can say is ... if winning at Hearthstone is such a big deal, get good, or spend the cash, if ya feel that's what it takes to win.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is the last fight before legend rigged?
    Quote from RealShamanistic >>

    I can't prove it but anytime I play from my computer at home I can't get Legend.  I play on my phone or computer at my office (after hours of course :) and I always get Legend, interesting...no? :)

    I find I play worst when I'm playing at home on my PC/Notebook, simply because I tend to do/watch multiple things while playing.  For me, it's much easier to do on mobile, or a PC that is not my normal gaming PC, because of less distractions from my current game.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on How to get "Ragnaros the Snipelord" achievement

    There is a streamer and You-tuber by the name of ' ZEDDY '.
    He has completed every achievement possible (from my understanding) and he has even made YouTube videos explaining how/which deck can complete the achievement the fastest.
    I know in most of his Videos that explain how to complete achievements, he includes a link to a Google Doc that explains everything.
    hope this helps.

    Posted in: Twist Format
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    posted a message on Will sunken city bring back board battles?

    I wish they would bring Lorewalker Cho back to standard.  That card could have made a difference for the latest spell heavy meta.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How do I delete my Hearthpwn account ?



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    posted a message on 22.4.3 Patch Notes - Standard & Battlegrounds Balance Changes, Bug Fixes

    Same same, only it's not a bug that is going to have them bringing in less money, so a fix may.......maybe not come.
    Had it been something with the shop......would have been fix minutes after it was discovered.


    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Returning player asking for some tips about the rewards track

    I believe (can't remember, I've slept since last reward track ended, lvl 155) that the points per level drop off after 100.
    Like it only took 350xp to get to level 102, etc..............
    Hence the reward amount being lowered.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Returning player needs advice
    Quote from brother >>

    Imagine actively hating a game and trying to convince players to “run away” from it while being logged into and browsing through a website solely dedicated to that game. 

     LMFAO !!!!!!!
    Yeah, somebody has some deep issues, and is in need of a hug.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on 1500 XP Quest Trading - Play A Friend! (#7)

    I'll try later.............

    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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