Nah it fits Rogue better. Rogues are about thievery after all
- FHillz
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Pukistan posted a message on Ranking the QuestlinesPosted in: General DiscussionQuote from UnkarsThug >>
The hunter one in wild will be crazy with Baku.
Maybe, but the spell only with zuljin and the legendary weapon is more intresting.
AIM7Sparrow posted a message on [Theorycraft] Sword of a Thousand BoarsPosted in: [Theorycraft] Sword of a Thousand BoarsYou are awfully defensive about your meme.
He takes everything personally. If you don't shower him with praise about how much of a genius he is then your post is toxic and nonconstructive. Literally every time. Don't bother.
Bad meme deck is bad. Move along.
BlizzardWizzard posted a message on [Theorycraft] Sword of a Thousand BoarsPosted in: [Theorycraft] Sword of a Thousand BoarsSometimes it's not about the result but more about the journey ;)
FortyDust posted a message on [Theorycraft] Sword of a Thousand BoarsPosted in: [Theorycraft] Sword of a Thousand BoarsThere's a whole thread on the forums. I would copy/paste it here for you, but there's a character limit.
FortyDust posted a message on [Theorycraft] Sword of a Thousand BoarsPosted in: [Theorycraft] Sword of a Thousand BoarsSorry, I didn't mean to imply I could improve THIS deck. I just think there are easier ways to get the sword, in other classes.
FortyDust posted a message on [Theorycraft] Sword of a Thousand BoarsPosted in: [Theorycraft] Sword of a Thousand BoarsYou are awfully defensive about your meme.
FortyDust posted a message on [Theorycraft] Sword of a Thousand BoarsPosted in: [Theorycraft] Sword of a Thousand BoarsI actually think there are ways to do this that may not be a total meme and do not require an 8-card combo.
Fury83 posted a message on [Theorycraft] Sword of a Thousand BoarsPosted in: [Theorycraft] Sword of a Thousand BoarsI would still keep it close at heart.... Not even one card revealed for rogue... Perhaps something comes out that makes this a lot more viable
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Serrated Bone Spike is a WANTED! on steroid
Got nothing against the power level but remember when they said Hunter's weakness is card draw?
Right... Unless they up The Demon Seed to 5 mana or something I doubt only 2 changes will do crap.
You have the hero power weapon, prolly won't need extra weapons. I mean... It's odd rogue.
Tried it and it was disgusting. Replaced Loatheb for one Coerce tho for extra taunt or biggies removal. I'm considering cutting Vilespine Slayer for both Coerce cause it's simply just cheaper but I miss having the tree with me so I just keep it there.
Laughing my freaking a** off
What if you use Secret Passage and then in those 5 cards, you use another Secret Passage, next turn would it return to the original hand? or the hand after you played the first Secret Passage?
Oh dang... It's time to make another The Caverns Below deck.
Me looking at all the new DH cards, then back at this... Whoever made this must be joking right?
I personally would just use this on opponent's minions. The idea of recycling Imprisoned Demons is cute and all but wasting another 2 turns just to get the effect and remove and entire body on our side....meh not worth it. But on the enemy side though, it's busted nuts.