I played quest rogue and steadily got some wins even against Mage (even Warlock sometimes). People likely underestimate the tempo that this quest provide. In my version, the combo package is replaced by the stealth package, more consistant draw, sometimes quest synergy.
This card in particular has single handed-ly saved my buttocks multiple times just after 1 hour of playing. The thing with Secret Passage is it acts as a top deck x5 with a cost of 1, so you never really run out of steam playing aggro until around turn 5 or 6 which is the ideal moment to get yourself a Leeroy Jenkins. Not to mention, it is SUCH an effective deck-thinner. Imagine having a few 1 mana cost cards in your deck and by the time you finished your Secret Passage turn, you threw away all those cards for extra board presence and values and left a thinner deck with greater chances for future values.
Anyway, I love the card so much and it hurts me to say this card is sooo busted it will get nerfed sooner or later.
Tried it and it was disgusting. Replaced Loatheb for one Coerce tho for extra taunt or biggies removal. I'm considering cutting Vilespine Slayer for both Coerce cause it's simply just cheaper but I miss having the tree with me so I just keep it there.
Summoning frequent Jade Golems is a fairly strong win condition in Wild. Rogue however hasn’t been able to keep up with Druids or Shaman’s ability to consistently summon so many.
What if you use Secret Passage and then in those 5 cards, you use another Secret Passage, next turn would it return to the original hand? or the hand after you played the first Secret Passage?
With Frequency Oscillator in the set this has become so much more dangerous than it already has.
Serrated Bone Spike is a WANTED! on steroid
Got nothing against the power level but remember when they said Hunter's weakness is card draw?
Right... Unless they up The Demon Seed to 5 mana or something I doubt only 2 changes will do crap.
I played quest rogue and steadily got some wins even against Mage (even Warlock sometimes). People likely underestimate the tempo that this quest provide. In my version, the combo package is replaced by the stealth package, more consistant draw, sometimes quest synergy.
Just glad that Edwin will be reverted back after rotation. I play Wild so I don't really mind that much. Plus... new classic Rogue Legendary.
Have you considered (just a bit meme-y) Blade Flurry and Headmaster Kel'Thuzad interaction?
This card in particular has single handed-ly saved my buttocks multiple times just after 1 hour of playing. The thing with Secret Passage is it acts as a top deck x5 with a cost of 1, so you never really run out of steam playing aggro until around turn 5 or 6 which is the ideal moment to get yourself a Leeroy Jenkins. Not to mention, it is SUCH an effective deck-thinner. Imagine having a few 1 mana cost cards in your deck and by the time you finished your Secret Passage turn, you threw away all those cards for extra board presence and values and left a thinner deck with greater chances for future values.
Anyway, I love the card so much and it hurts me to say this card is sooo busted it will get nerfed sooner or later.
You have the hero power weapon, prolly won't need extra weapons. I mean... It's odd rogue.
Tried it and it was disgusting. Replaced Loatheb for one Coerce tho for extra taunt or biggies removal. I'm considering cutting Vilespine Slayer for both Coerce cause it's simply just cheaper but I miss having the tree with me so I just keep it there.
Laughing my freaking a** off
What if you use Secret Passage and then in those 5 cards, you use another Secret Passage, next turn would it return to the original hand? or the hand after you played the first Secret Passage?
Oh dang... It's time to make another The Caverns Below deck.
Me looking at all the new DH cards, then back at this... Whoever made this must be joking right?
Stealth Rogue will be a thing? I've been waiting for this since Gadgetzan