pretty sure you're a fantastic deck builder
- Ericfz12
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Last active Sat, Aug, 1 2020 07:19:35 -
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Zerti posted a message on Theorycrafted Decks for Descent of Dragons - Community FavouritesPosted in: News -
Hustla posted a message on Card Nerfs Aug 26th - Including WildPosted in: NewsTbh it's pretty sad them going for boring and shitty nerfs that kill cards but don't really tackle underlaying problem (Mana cheating that is, giants and Barnes have always been a problem).
There were much better nerfs or HoF introductions.
Barnes could summon unressurectable token. Conjurer's could summon minions for cost that original minion was played. Luna's was unplayable for 7 and will be just that again, they coul have just moved it to wild where it's not even that good as it is now.
Well, I guess expecting anything more than Mana changes was way too much to ask. Just blizzard going the cheap way (in terms of both development time and creativity) while next solo adventure will be 40 euro or so again.
Zolgear posted a message on More Hearthstone Changes - 18 Card Buffs (YES, BUFFS), Mech-vitational, New LegendaryPosted in: NewsIt's really great to see the Hearthstone team finally experiment with buffs to cards that see very little play.
I am however, quite worried about the new Cottontail Impostor + Reckless Experimenter + Sn1p-Sn4p combo. I think there would be less panic if E.M.P. Operative read "Battlecry: Destroy a random enemy Mech." We shall see...
fabjx posted a message on ROGUES ARE GETTING NERFED! 4 Card Changes Coming May 22Posted in: NewsAnd that's it for warrior? LOL
Professor_Shaun posted a message on How Zayle, Shadow Cloak Works + All Five DecklistsPosted in: NewsA sub optimal version, 1/5th of the time...
Chocomotion posted a message on New Rogue Legendary - Tak NozwhiskerPosted in: NewsWhen the card reveal is more OP than the actual card
Trimutius posted a message on Hunter Legendary Reveal - Vereesa WindrunnerPosted in: NewsDon't forget double Baited Arrow you own face for another 10 damage and summon a 5/5 because second one overkilled yourself...
Fear8Revenge posted a message on Final Rastakhan Card Reveal Stream - Live Updates!Posted in: NewsFirst of all guys , excuse my poor english :
Im going to be honest ... i really - really was hoping for some flashy pirates or something ( the new cards are ok but it's not what i was waiting for ) the reveal stream was a "little to slow" ( i know that the guys need to talk and all but .... could you please try to keep the gameplay on a fluid state ) even if kibler is the total opposite of Day9 ,some missplays are still there .
with that being sayed , i hope i was wrong about all my toughs ( i dont want a witchwood meta before the nerfs you know) .
The only thing i really know is that the new meta is gonna be "fresh" for at least 2-3 weeks ( until a hs streamer/"pro" breaks the meta and the clown fiesta begins)
Loonatic_777 posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card Reveal - Zul'jinPosted in: NewsHow can I watch the other reveal videos aftrer this masterpiece? This is amazing!
og0 posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card Reveal - Zul'jinPosted in: NewsThe problem with the reveal video is that it makes all others look like they were made by preschoolers :P
Bloody brilliant - I hope Blizzard gets this guy to do more stuff related to the next expac after this one when it's time. (as long as we still get Wronchi stuff too).
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Nobody cares about wild
Nobody run unleash on this meta, and who would put a unleash in a zul'jin deck? This is called bad synergy and you can build a deck around it, you are not obligated to put unleash in it
Is it just me or someone else also think that this card is just "too fair" to be a legendary card? What I mean is that this is a good card, it's very flexible but in my opinion it feels like this card could easily be just epic, it doesn't feel like a legendary card, the transformations are good, this card is going to see play for sure but I don't think the card has a legendary effect
Overload shaman will get a way better with this card
Probably they just don't give a fuck, as always hahahahaha
No, do you remember jade idol? It took one expansion for a counter be released (skulking geist) and it wasn't a good counter, so.. I'm a little afraid with what is going to happen in this expansion with this tons of broken cards for druid
This kind of deck seems fun but never wil be really god
Seriously blizzard? Another turn 3 for hunter?? Do you guys think that you can win a game just with 3 mana cards??? Stop doing only 3 mana good cards for hunter, there are another mana curves except 3
Wtf blizzard?? What does ben brode have against hunter??? Why does blizzard always make this kind of shiting card for Hunter ?? I really dont understand how this guys make a priest stronger and stronger to each expension and just do this with hunter. Sinse 2016 hearthstone has only 8 classes and it seems that blizzard dont care abaut this. I'm absolutely frustrated abaut this.
1st: it's not a beast; 2nd: it costs 6 mana; 3rd: it doesn't have nozth synergy